Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Strategic coastal protection actions to develop sustainable Blue Growth

Nov 06, 2018 from 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM Ecomondo - Fiera di Rimini,
Fiera di Rimini, 6 november The management and protection of the shorelines, also in relation to current climate change, is a strategic issue for a country like Italy with about 7,500 km of coastline, for the conservation of coastal habitats, ecosystems and  socio-economic development mainly to coastal and maritime tourism and to the European strategy of "Blue Growth". Since some year the Italian Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with ISPRA, Italian Coastal Regions, the District Authorities, the Scientific and Research Community, has started a work-strategy (the National Table on Coastal Erosion - TNEC) which takes into account the Recommendation 2002/413 / EC on the Integrated Management of Coastal Zones and the GIZC Protocol for the Mediterranean (Barcelona Convention), to elaborate in a shared way an overall strategy for the protection and management of Italian coasts.

The National Network System for Environmental Protection addresses some strategic issues for the sustainable development of the country

Nov 09, 2018 from 09:30 AM to 02:00 PM Fiera Rimini Ecomondo, Sala Ravezzi 1, Area Sud,
The National System for the Environmental Proteciont (SNPA) has defined the planning strategic address 2018-2020 and has started the activities resulting from the  Three-Year Plan. At the same time, the System has planned a series of events for the presentation and comparison with the main stakeholders, for medium and long-term operational choices on certain issues considered strategic and to better define their role in the country's environmental policies.

First National Confernce SNPA. Second preparatory event. The National System meets the Science World

Oct 19, 2018 from 09:00 AM to 01:30 PM Roma, Sala Capitolare presso il Chiostro del Convento di Santa Maria sopra Minerva, P.zza della Minerva 3,
Three important international scientists of the Aurelio Peccei Foundation - Club of Rome, Jorgen Randers, Ernst von Weizsacker and Anders Wijkman, spoke today at the second preparatory event of the SNPA national conference.Three lectures of highest scientific and strategic level, where the vision for the future of our planet goes beyond 2030. Introduced by the general secretary of the Club of Rome, Gianfranco Bologna, followed with interest by  Minister of the Environment, Gen. Sergio Costa, the representatives of the SNPA, president Stefano Laporta and general managers Alessandro Bratti and Giovanni Agnesod.