Site map
An overview of the available content on this site. Keep the pointer still over an item for a few seconds to get its description.
- Institute
- Water
- Geology, soil and contaminated sites
- Other topics
- Climate change
- Physical agents
- Waste
- Air
- Authorizations and Environmental Assessments
- Biodiversity
- Sustainable development
- Sea
- Library
- Geological and Historical Collections
- Environmental certifications
- Environmental education and training
- Urban Areas
- Webinar: "Seveso Query", the public information on the industrial platns
- Crisis, Environmental Emergencies and Damage
- Laboratory
- Networks and Environmental Information Systems
- Environment and Health
- Services
- Data and Indicators
- Scientific experiment off La Spezia to measure sea level
- Image 2022
- Future Minerals Forum
- Published the handbook "Methods for estimating turbidity levels in marine areas evaluation and management criteria"
- By-products: problems and opportunities
- Published the Report "Environmental damage in Italy: activities of SNPA and framework of actions 2021-2022. Ed 2023"
- Presentation of Roma Capitale's climate adaptation strategy
- SpringLab 2024 - Fist lesson on land consumption
- Biodiversity change in the Anthropocene: research priorities
- Environmental law and hard sciences in the era of ecological recession
- Design and monitoring systems for hydrogeological risk mitigation
- The large Italian mammals between reintroductions and spontaneous returns: rereading history, scrutinizing the future
- Geo-dì 2024
- SICON 2024 Contaminated Sites Workshop - Experiences in remediation interventions
- IdroGEO of ISPRA receives the Good Practice Certificate at EPSA - European Public Sector Award 2023-2024
- SNPA and the teaching of Pope Francis
- Cetaceans, Maritime Traffic, and Management Tools in the Strait of Gibraltar. Proposals for a Challenging yet Not Impossible Coexistence
- Published the report: "Monitoring potentially toxic Ostreopsis cf. ovata along the italian coasts. Year 2022".
- Roma Innovation Hub
- Published the booklet: "Towards resilient cities: the interventions of the experimental Program for adaptation to climate change in urban areas"
- World Wetlands Day 2024
- Published the technical document "Environmental damage actions and procedures: management and outcomes in practice of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security and the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research"
- Copernicus4SNPA - Launch of the practical community for the use of Earth observation in SNPA institutional tasks
- Ecce Microforeste, ISPRA participates at the Sapienza University project
- Strengthen resilience against heavy rains and floods
- The point on tsunami risk management in the Mediterranean and North-East Atlantic in the next assembly of countries participating in the IOC-UNESCO program
- On Radio3 Scienza an interview with the Responsible of the ISPRA wildlife coordination service
- Local climate zones & open data cube (LCZ-ODC)
- February 5, the ISPRA - MIMIT campaign for the day dedicated to food waste
- LIFE Conceptu Maris: the campaign CItizen Science 2004 is starting
- The National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change (PNACC) approved
- Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service Project - Environmental Monitoring and Protection at a National Level
- Management of wild boar in PSA emergency: Strategies and good practices
- International Day of Women and Girls in Science
- Alien invasions: between nutria and fire ants, what is happening, what awaits us in the future and how we must respond to this threat
- The Regions and the challenge of climate neutrality
- ISPRA joins the communication campaign "M'illumino di meno"
- Migrations, colonizations and evolutionary adaptations in bird populations facing the environmental challenges of the Anthropocene
- The Geological Map of the CARG Project for the implementation of Sustainability and ESG principles and the prevention of Climate Change risks
- Stop invasive alien species to protect biodiversity, economy and health
- Long-term analysis of microseism during extreme weather events: Medicanes and common storms in the Mediterranean Sea
- Forum in Masseria 2024
- ISPRA participates in the WOLFNESS Project
- Technical table established to deal with the rapid spread of the alga Rugulopteryx okamurae
- Interventions and works at reclamation sites: regulatory and technical aspects
- The new challenges of Municipalities for the circular economy: The XIII 2023 ANCI-CONAI database report on separate waste collection and recycling
- Reduce losses, strengthen the recovery and reuse of purified water, guarantee security of supplies
- Bioeconomy Changemakers Festival
- The Frontiers of Ecotoxicology
- Three views of Rome: above, through, below
- LIFETURTLENEST launches a survey on socio-economic benefits
- The microforest, an year later
- Photo contest "RAMOGE: Man and the Sea"
- The GeoSciencesIR Project meets the Regional Geological Services and stakeholders
- Between the beach and the seas: stories of birds from the Mare Nostrum
- Climate change: where are we going?
- Measuring EU Tourism Environmental Impacts: Setting the frame
- PNRR. ISPRA, the MER Project begins. To 'restore' the Italian seas
- Summer school of Geomorphology, Ecology and Biology in marine and insular environments
- Environmental Crimes
- Presented "CIRO", the first database in Italy to guide the regions towards climate neutrality
- World Seagrass Day
- Which beaches Caretta Caretta choose for nesting? ISPRA sampling campaigns are in progress
- Female engineering
- Science for Policy - the scientific evidence to support policies for the digital and ecological transition
- On-line the new environmental indicators data base ISPRA
- Plastic and circular economy
- Hydraulic risk mitigation in the regions affected by the flood in 2023
- Adapt the city to heat waves and rising temperatures
- Protected areas: virtuous experiences to combat the decline of pollinators
- Alternative Sources and Climate Change
- Scientific-technological research and advanced training applied to marine sciences
- Refining tools for cetacean conservation
- Motorship Rubymar: ISPRA expert supporting the Yemeni authorities to deal with the environmental emergency
- The PNRR for National Parks and Marine Protected Areas
- From balconies to urban green: good practices for the management of invasive alien species
- Taking care of our common home
- Day of study and celebration on the figure of Quintino Sella, mining engineer
- The value of the landscape as a place of interaction of natural and anthropic factors
- OFFICINE EUDOSSIANA - faults, borders, gaps, horizons - conversation on engineering in transition
- City Nature Challenge 2024 – Take part in reporting the flora and fauna around you!
- PNRR WED. The restoration of one of the most threatened marine environments in Europe: flat oyster habitats
- From the emergency to water efficiency
- Italy-China collaboration in research and innovation applied to marine sciences
- International Day of Forests 2024
- FAI spring days "ISPRA: protection of biodiversity at the garden estate of Ozzano dell'Emilia"
- National project on the biology and conservation of skunks and weasels in Italy
- Visit to ISPRA by the Special Advisor of the French Secretariat for Ecological Planning Barbara Pompili
- World recycling day
- Geological survey and CARG cartography - Summer School 2024
- ISPRA at the Rome Science Festival
- ISPRA at the third National Summit on the Economy of the Sea - Blue Forum
- How did mammals respond to changes in human activity during the pandemic?
- Ferrovie dello Stato Group and ISPRA: a collaboration to combat climate change and to address sustainability issues
- Green Economy Festival
- The measurement of sea level
- The European Environment Agency towards 2030
- ISPRA's IdroGEO platform awarded at the European Public Sector Award
- World Water Day. In Italy in 2023 the availability of water will be reduced by 18% compared to the annual average calculated since 1951
- Sea robot - The challenges of marine exploration
- Initial seminar of the A.M.MI.R.ARE project
- The Birds of the Countryside
- ISPRA’s participation in the activities of the EU projects MARINE SABRES and MARBEFES
- Interpretation of subsurface investigations for seismic microzonation purposes
- Sinkhole in Rome in the Quadraro area
- We're the environment, you're the environment!
- Roma the city garden
- 3rd National Summit on the Economy of the Sea - Blue Forum
- National Day for the Prevention and Mitigation of Hydrogeological Risk
- Canoe excursion in the Tevere river: where to find molluscs
- CARG project: geological cartography towards the future
- From reclamation to restoration: Sustainable environmental restoration
- Presentation of the results of the MAPP Project
- Posidonia Friend
- Various Innovative Technological Experiences (VITE)
- The activities of ISPRA and the Presidential Estate of Castelporziano
- Reduce impacts on the coast. Erosion, storm surges, sea level rise, heat waves
- Environment and artificial intelligence
- PNRR - MER Project. Environmental monitoring in aquaculture: an underwater wireless communication network in the Gulf of Follonica
- ISPRA opens its doors to the University of Roma Tre
- World Water Forum. Bali 18-25 May 2024
- Health, environment and climate change. Perspective 2030
- Wrecks, waste and biodiversity in the depths of the Mediterranean
- Effects of climate change in the Po Delta Park area
- Maria Siclari designated Coordinator of the ISIN Experts' Consultation
- Earth Day 2024 - #OnePeopleOnePlanet
- II European Raccoon Meeting
- Summer school on Environmental Impact Assessment 2024: Biodiversity and Water
- New EEA-ECHA Report: safer and more sustainable chemicals? There is still much to do
- The Forest City
- Sustainable Development Festival 2024
- The implementing agreement for technical-scientific collaboration for the removal of ammunition residues from the seabed overlooking the exercise areas of Capo Teulada (SU) and Torre Veneri (LE) has been signed
- Water: between risks and opportunities
- G7 Climate, Energy and Environment: the Venaria Charter approved, from stopping coal to supporting renewables and Africa
- Marine pollution caused by the dumping of wastes and other matter from ships and aircraft
- Flood, landslide and drought emergencies: the role of Naturalistic Engineering and NBS - Nature Based Solutions
- The study of FAC - Active and Capable Faults in Territorial Planning
- New techniques for the 3D mapping of species and habitats of conservation interest and for the mapping of shipwrecks of historical interest
- Are the nature conservation actions developed in recent decades effective in halting the decline of biodiversity?
- Workshop PANACEA project
- Final conference project LIFE WolfAlps EU
- RaStEM: a support tool for the design of hydrogeological risk mitigation interventions
- World Biodiversity Day 2024
- EEA Report “Urban adaptation in Europe: what works? Implementing climate action in European cities”
- Africa Centers of Excellence (ACE) International Partnerships Workshop
- World Bee Day 2024
- CER - Sustainable Communities: opportunities and tools to enhance people and territories
- World Migration Bird Day 2024
- The role of National Parks in the protection and enhancement of natural ecosystems
- European Parks Day
- Mobility and territory: towards more intelligent and sustainable mobility
- Understand and Monitoring Biodiversity in Emilia-Romagna
- PNRR MER. The mobile oceanographic research sentinel that transforms the sea into a laboratory
- Water resource: sustainability and efficiency in the most water-demanding production sectors
- Struggle against educational poverty
- The ISPRA/National Observatory for the Protection of the Sea convention has been signed to develop awareness activities related the Italian coasts and seas
- Risks for biodiversity linked to the spread of invasive alien species and the role of the horticultural sector
- ISPRA at FORUM PA 2024: PNRR MER, DIGITAP and focus on environmental education
- Earth! Challenges, innovations and prospects
- Extreme water events and indigenous populations
- The meeting of the subsidiary bodies of the United Nations Convention on Biodiversity in Nairobi
- CARG project: geological cartography towards the future
- Water4All Day in Water World Forum of Bali
- Urban Geo-climate Footprint selected among the finalists of the Color PA Award of the PA Forum 2024
- Agriculture, biodiversity and sustainable development: scenarios and virtuous paths
- Green Book 2024 presentation
- Drought: too little water or too thirsty?
- Adaptation actions to the impacts of climate change
- 30 years of URP: information and communication to citizens between listening and participation
- Biodiversa. The Italy of Parks tells its story
- On 28 and 29 May the RAMOGEPol anti-pollution exercise took place off the coast of Viareggio
- Hydrological measurement in the Italian Northeast
- Consultation open for the document "The environmental challenge for sustainable finance. Methodologies, information and environmental indicators"
- World Environment Day 2024
- World Oceans Day: Know, Understand, Coexist
- Biodiversity, green communities, animal protection
- 33rd Plenary Meeting of the Network of the Heads of European Nature Conservation Agencies (ENCA)
- ISPRA documentary "The House of Sand"
- Landscapes and Geological Heritage, Cultural Heritage and Intangible Heritage
- Evolution of policies for the protection of biodiversity and innovation in business strategies
- Dealing with complexity. From the conservation of large carnivores to the loss of biodiversity: exploring the tools for effective communication
- Desertification and Drought Day 2024
- Sea Essence International Festival
- Kick-off meeting of the Aces project
- Study Day 30th Anniversary of the UNCCD Convention
- Survey on the promotion of marine sciences and our relationship with the sea
- Energy independence: new geopolitical scenarios and tools for businesses. The role of Italian industrial plant engineering
- Venice, ISPRA enlists new "guardians" for the lagoon
- Second National RECONECT Workshop
- I° Blue Economy Forum
- The new frontiers for the geologist of the future
- XXII Summer Seminar of the Symbola Foundation
- Second RASTEM workshop: a support tool for the design of hydrogeological risk mitigation interventions
- Green economy finance 2024
- 102nd meeting of the Management Board of the European Environment Agency
- Strategy for the marine environment. Public consultation 2024
- UN convention to combat desertification: 1 billion hectares of degraded areas must be recovered by 2030
- Water intelligence. The evolution of technologies dedicated to water management
- How to quickly classify and evaluate geo-climatic problems and city hazards?
- In a world of plastic let's make the difference
- New edition of the Odori School in October 2024: call for abstracts
- XIII Italian Congress of Theriology
- Access to ISPRA environmental data
- Seminar for SNPA workers on safety at work
- Sea and lakes: 95% of Italian bathing waters are excellent
- Critical raw materials law decree, the role of ISPRA
- Soil health between consumption and degradation: European policies for the commons
- Desertification and drought day 2024. Annex IV regional event
- Presentation of the 2024 Ecomafia Report
- III workshop of SETAC ILB
- The monk seal in the Tuscan Archipelago: past and present
- National Conference EcoForum - XI edition
- Geological walks with ISPRA - Tor Caldara
- Forest fires in 2023: areas affected by fires decreasing in the north and centre, increasing in the southern regions and islands
- Objective 30x30 - Protect 30 percent of Italian seas by 2030
- Renewable Energy Forum – Renewable Thinking
- Presentation of the ISPRA documentary "The sand house"
- How can Europe stay on course towards sustainability despite shocks and crises?
- Rome: walking in geodiversity
- International Mediterranean Sea Day
- From marine plankton, microorganisms capable of degrading bioplastics
- PNRR-PNIEC Commission of MASE. Mid-term budget and prospects for Italian permitting
- Presentation of the first hydrogeological map of the island of Ischia
- Celebration of the 250th anniversary of the Guardia di Finanza
- Ministerial Conference of the G7 Science and Technology "Health and coastal resilience of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean"
- Land take: web application for sharing preliminary data from monitoring activities
- Nesting of the Kentish plover
- Alien species in our seas
- Extreme events map in Italy by ISPRA
- Online on 18th July the Report on Waste from Economic Activities - Edition 2024
- Waste from Economic Activities: in 2022 production fell by 2.1%
- A Review of the Available Tools for Identifying Key Areas for Cetaceans and Marine Turtles: A New Study by ISPRA and the University of Rome La Sapienza
- Urban Geo-climate Footprint -Trailer documentary
- The project PNRR MER in the Italian Tv channel TG1
- Urban Nature 2024: the celebration of Nature in the city
- Observe and report the flora and fauna around you even on holiday!
- Beached Posidonia, sustainable methods for active management
- ISPRA in RemTech Expo 2024
- The memorandum of understanding between ISPRA and ENEA has been renewed for another 4 years
- More than 400 nests of Caretta Caretta marine turtle in Italy
- ISPRA presented Gemma
- PNRR MER: ISPRA launches sea ghostbusters to capture ghost nets and save marine flora and fauna
- Marine alien species - CapSenHAR project
- ISPRA with MASE at the Rimini Meeting
- LIFE Conceptu Maris - LIFE project of the month on the MASE website
- Drones for environmental protection, videos of SNPA test
- Forest fires: from January to July 2024 in line with the average since 2006. More serious episodes in Sicilia and Sardegna, forest cover is saved in Vieste
- PNRR MER - Integral mapping of the Italian coast and coastal habitats. Intervention A16-A18 and coastline
- Pantelleria - Volcanic island between past and future
- The European Night of Researchers returns on 27 and 28 September: the 2024 edition of NET - scieNcE Together
- Ideal habitat for the plover
- Marine alien species - CapSenHAR project
- The ecological beach
- Eco - Festival of Sustainable Mobility and Smart Cities
- Publication of RETICULA n. 35/2024
- PNRR WED – Complete mapping of the italian coast and coastal habitats launch of the WebGis platform – Cloud
- A new legislative instrument for nature conservation in Europe: the Nature Restoration Regulation
- IdroGEO: check if your area is at risk of instability
- Landslides and floods: ISPRA's activities
- XXVIII National Congress of the Italian Chemical Society
- Water Festival 2024
- Flying over the Dancalia - When geology amazes us
- Lead and hunting ammunition. Two paths destined to separate
- Earth Technology Expo 2024
- Field activities have started to update the analyzes of marine sediments in the Augusta Bay
- Meetings on the E.I.A. Points of view on environmental impact assessment
- Citizen Science and National Biodiversity Network: how to actively participate
- Citizen Science and National Biodiversity Network: RIVE project - field and laboratory activities
- Citizen Science and National Biodiversity Network: #Tevere fantastic molluscs... and where to find them
- Citizen Science and National Biodiversity Network: Life BIOREPEM project
- Excursion " National Biodiversity Network: #Tevere fantastic molluscs... and where to find them
- Bees, pollinators, pollen and biodiversity
- The Monte Vettore Fault recognized as a world geological heritage on the proposal of ISPRA
- European mobility week 2024
- XII edition of Planet Earth Week: the National Geosciences Festival
- This boat takes care of the sea
Ispra events
- 16 projects school-work alternative in Ispra: students talk!
- National report on soil consumption, territorial dynamics and ecosystem services - edition 2019
- Predictive uncertainty and tide forecast
- Report on the landslides and floods in Italy
- Research, polluted sites and national system for the environmental protection
- ScienzaInsieme
- VI meeting ReMi Network
- VIII edition study-days : "Research and application of ecotoxicological methodologies"
- XI National Mining Day
- Mines national day 2020? Celebrating at home
- Image 2022
- The Strong Sea project in Civitavecchia
- Presentation of the "Environment Report SNPA" - edition 2023
- Presentation of the Air Quality Report - 2023 Edition
- National Pollen Day 2024
- XI Edition of the Study Days “Research and Application of Ecotoxicological Methodologies”
- Pollution, an integrated sea-coast response
- XVI National Mining Day - 2024 Edition
- The environmental challenge for sustainable finance
- VeBS - The good use of Green and Blue spaces for the promotion of health and well-being
- VeBS - The good use of Green and Blue spaces for the promotion of health and well-being
- VeBS - The good use of green and blue spaces for the promotion of well-being and health
- Presentation of the SNPA Report "The climate in Italy in 2023"
- Critical and strategic raw materials
- MICO-weekend! The hidden world of fungi
- Launch Event: AQuaBioS - The sea farm: for organic and sustainable aquaculture
- Second SNPA Conference. Dealing with water
- Air, water, earth, fire: the environment explored through cartography
- Pressroom