Protected areas: virtuous experiences to combat the decline of pollinators
The Life 4 Pollinators project is organizing a meeting that brings together the world of conservation, research and institutions, united to protect the decline of pollinators.
"Virtuous experiences to combat the decline of pollinators" is an event organized in collaboration with Federparchi, LIFE PollinAction, Life BEEadapt which aims to give those who manage protected areas the opportunity to discuss and find shared strategies for the conservation of pollinating insects .
- Protected areas: virtuous experiences to combat the decline of pollinators
- 2024-03-20T00:00:00+01:00
- 2024-03-20T23:59:59+01:00
- The Life 4 Pollinators project is organizing a meeting that brings together the world of conservation, research and institutions, united to protect the decline of pollinators. "Virtuous experiences to combat the decline of pollinators" is an event organized in collaboration with Federparchi, LIFE PollinAction, Life BEEadapt which aims to give those who manage protected areas the opportunity to discuss and find shared strategies for the conservation of pollinating insects .
- When Mar 20, 2024 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)
- Where Rome
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An ISPRA researcher will participate at the meeting