Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


How can Europe stay on course towards sustainability despite shocks and crises?

The new report “Europe's Sustainability Transitions Outlook”, published by the European Environment Agency (EEA), highlights the need to further align European economic, social and security policies with climate and environmental objectives. The report highlights the need to adopt a broader vision on priorities such as security, competitiveness or fairness. It recognizes that Europe's socio-economic systems and the well-being of its citizens are crucially dependent on a healthy and resilient natural environment, a stable climate and long-term sustainable use of resources.

In the report, presented on 3 July in Brussels on the occasion of the joint EEA-Friends of Europe event “Navigating the EU's Sustainable Transition in a polycrisis world”, calls for a more effective alignment of public and private funding and the integration of all EU policies with long-term sustainability objectives as well as greater integration between justice and environmental objectives. For example, equity also intersects with health inequality exacerbated by environmental risks, underscoring the need for justice in building resilience to climate change.