Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


CARG project: geological cartography towards the future

The Geological Cartography project at the 1:50,000 scale (CARG project), after a long phase of stasis linked to the absence of financing, was able to resume its activity in 2020, thanks to important contributions contained in the 2019-2022 budget laws , in a more innovative way, through the launch of a collaborative and multidisciplinary model established between different components of the geological community: a strategic and homogeneous infrastructure present throughout the Italian territory. The geological knowledge summarized in the CARG project provides, in fact, an indispensable tool to respond to many of the sustainability objectives established in the United Nations 2030 agenda.

The article 'The CARG project: geological cartography towards the future', published in 'Geologico' retraces the evolutionary stages of the CARG project, highlighting the two elements - innovation and sustainability - which characterize the project through a virtuous relationship