Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Sea and lakes: 95% of Italian bathing waters are excellent

The excellence of Italian bathing waters will also be confirmed in 2024. On the basis of the monitoring activities of the National Environmental Protection System, the classification of the stretches of coast used for bathing has been updated. The results show that 5,090 km of marine stretches (95.6% of the monitored coast) are included in the "excellent" quality class, the highest foreseen by the European classification system. If we also add the sections with a "good" classification (153 kilometres, equal to 2.9% of the total) we arrive at 98.5%. Furthermore, 32 km (0.6%) fall into the "sufficient" quality class, 44 km into "poor" quality (0.8%).