Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Publication of RETICULA n. 35/2024

Issue n.35 of RETICULA technical journal is now available online.

This issue hosts an interesting article on a methodology for monitoring riparian areas, important elements of an ecological network at a local scale, through remote sensing and citizen science approaches, developed in 2020 and currently being validated for the Italian environment. Furthermore, the “Carta della Natura del comune di Campobasso: Carta degli habitat alla scala 1:5,000” is presented, which represents an example of application of the “Carta della Natura” project at a local scale within a medium-small city context. Another contribution addresses the issue of ecological connectivity within the new European Agricultural Programming and finally, an article describing the conservation actions favoring the Marsican brown bear within the Regional Nature Reserve/WWF Oasis “Gole del Sagittario”.

The editorial, edited by Matteo Guccione, presents the lights and shadows of the application of Artificial Intelligence in managing urban greenery.

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