Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Technical table established to deal with the rapid spread of the alga Rugulopteryx okamurae

The alga Rugulopteryx okamurae is the first and only macroalgae species to be included in the list of invasive alien species of notable importance of the European Union, whose negative effects on the environment and biodiversity in Europe are so serious as to require intervention concerted effort of the Member States of the Union. It represents one of the main threats to biodiversity and the functioning of ecosystems in coastal habitats, with possible repercussions on seaside activities and fishing with financial losses estimated at several million euros.

ARPA Sicily has set up a technical table to deal with the rapid spread of the algae. The objective is to draw up an intervention plan relating to the application of rapid eradication and management measures of beached accumulations of the brown seaweed, native to the north-western Pacific, considered a threat to ecosystems in the coastal habitats of the Mediterranean Sea.

The technical table is currently made up of ARPA Sicily - Sea Area UOC for the coordination of the table, the Regional Department of the Environment of the Sicilian Region, ISPRA, the Maritime Directorate of Palermo and the Department of Earth and Sea Sciences (DiSTeM ) of UniPa.

Further information