Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Handbooks and guidelines

Management of ecologically and functionally connected areas
Handbooks and guidelines   26 / 2003
Measurements methods of the biological stability of waste
Handbooks and guidelines   25 / 2003
Guidelines for the application of the EMAS Regulations for parks and nature reserves
Handbooks and guidelines   24 / 2003
Guidelines for the undertaking of inspection checks on the management of security in structures where there is risk of serious accidents.
Handbooks and guidelines   23 / 2003
The EMAS Regulation: guidelines for initial environmental analysis in hospital structures
Handbooks and guidelines   22 / 2003
Guidelines for the application of EU Regulation n. 761/2001 (EMAS) to Organisations managing Electrical Energy Networks
Handbooks and guidelines   21 / 2003
Microbiological methods for analysing compost
Handbooks and guidelines   20 / 2003
Methods of measuring olfactory emissions
Handbooks and guidelines   19 / 2003
Biodiversity and forest nurseries
Handbooks and guidelines   18 / 2003
The Nature Map Project on a scale of 1: 250.000
Handbooks and guidelines   17 / 2003
Seed propagation of Mediterranean trees and shrubs
Handbooks and guidelines   16 / 2003
First Benchmarking Report – Comparison by Environmental Agencies
Handbooks and guidelines   2003
Guidelines to manage boar
Handbooks and guidelines   2003
Guidelines for the application of the EMAS Regulation in the fish-breeding sector
Handbooks and guidelines   15 / 2002
A new approach for the evaluation of bio-diversity. Eco-systematic analysis and bio-geographic outline in territorial studies for the conservation and use of sustainable resources.
Handbooks and guidelines   14 / 2002
Anaerobic treatment for waste. Projects and management
Handbooks and guidelines   13 / 2002
Environmental damage ex art. 18 L.349/86. Theoretical and operative aspects of economic evaluation of damage compensation
Handbooks and guidelines   12 / 2002
Atlas of the work of arrangement of slopes. First update
Handbooks and guidelines   10 / 2002
Atlas of the works of arrangement of slopes. Second update
Handbooks and guidelines   10 / 2002
Guidelines for the reconstruction of damp areas for the treatment of artificial waters
Handbooks and guidelines   9 / 2002