Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Plastic, bioplastic, riplastic or Noplastic

Jan 14, 2021 from 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM Webinar,
The webinar aims to share and discuss the different possibilities of sustainable and innovative solutions that involve the use of plastics and towards recovery-oriented production and consumption. Furthermore, the webinar will also represent a moment of exchange of scientific knowledge between the different institutions working in the sector, researchers, entrepreneurs and experts.

National deposit, the SO.G.I.N has published the National Map of the potentially suitable areas (CNAPI) and the preliminary project

The two-month consultation phase is now open. The national seminar will be held within 120 days of publication After the go-ahead from the ministries of economic development and the environment, SO.G.I.N. has published the National Charter of potentially suitable areas (CNAPI) and the preliminary project. An important step forward towards the construction of the national repository, where Italian radioactive waste of low and medium activity will be definitively disposed of. The areas have been identified by SO.G.I.N. after a complex selection process at national level and on the basis of international location criteria,established by the  Technical Guide nr. 29  of ISPRA.

Monitoring potentially toxic Ostreopsis cf. ovata along the Italian coasts. Year 2019

The present work provides an overview of the national monitoring activities on potentially toxic benthic microalgae during the year 2019, including sampling and analysis methods, surveillance, management, information and dissemination activities. It aims at highlighting the activities effectiveness for detecting the distribution, abundance and space-temporal dynamics on O. ovata and their blooms.

The wolf in Italy: current knowledge and future prespectives

Jan 16, 2021 from 02:30 PM to 07:00 PM Online event,
The online conference "The wolf in Italy: current knowledge and future perspectives" will be held on Saturday 16 January at 2.30 pm, with the participation of internationally renowned scholars, researchers and representatives of various Italian institutions. ISPRA since last October is coordinating the  guidelines for the national monitoring of the wolf , at the meeting an expert of the Istitute will illustrate the targets and results.

Preview SNPA data 2020 on air quality in Italy

Starting from this year the Italian National System for Environmental Protection disseminates in mid-January, "up-to-date", the data concerning to the entire national territory, anticipating the usual in-depth reports on the results of monitoring and continuing operations already made for bathing data and for those relating to a typically summer pollutant such as ozone

How are the species that live in the Mediterranean?

In the Mediterranean Sea live about 10% of all marine species while accounting for just 0.7% of the global marine surface. In order to protect the ecosystems of the Mediterranean, the EU developed a directive in 2008, the marine strategy, with the aim of achieving, by 2020, a "good state of conservation for the European seas", a target that is still far away, however. as revealed in the report published in June 2020.

Environment and pandemics: the zoonosis

Jan 21, 2021 from 06:30 PM to 07:30 PM Online event,
Man is the primary cause of many recent pandemics. Climate change, intensive farming, trade in wild animals, deforestation and air pollution: this is how man has inexorably altered the delicate natural balance and favored the spread of dangerous zoonoses, diseases that pass from animals to the human population.  

Interview with two ISPRA researchers on the Aquila-a-Life Project

At the beginning of December, in Sardinia, two specimens of Bonelli's eagle, Battore and Sadonna, died due to the power lines. The two specimens had been released as part of the Aquila a-Life project, of which ISPRA is a partner, which aims to bring this raptor back to Sardinia. Two ISPRA researchers spoke about what happened and about the Project in an interview on Radio Popolare.  

Implementation of an innovative system for monitoring the sea state in climate change scenarios

Feb 02, 2021 from 09:00 AM to 01:00 PM Online event,
In the last decades, as a results of the climate change, extreme weather and marine events have also intensified in the Sicily Channel, increasingly the need to develop actions to reduce the coastal risk. However, the current data provided by the various networks for surveying the sea  state in the channel are not exhaustive of the phenomenon.

A journey through Mining in Italy

The luxury publication "A journey through Mining in Italy" is online and the the volume summarizes the results of years of work spent into creating new forms of cultural attractions deriving from former mines. Years spent in converting sites previously characterized by extractive activities, landscapes shifts and changing working conditions, all elements which represent today one of the major strengths of the Italian cultural-industrial heritage.

Planning the future

A model for a public debate:reflections  Among the issues of public interest, the environment is one of the most conflicting, due the fact that often, the  debate is polarized on those who love the environment and those who, on the contrary, do not perceive the urgency of a behavioral change.

The water and the challenge of circular economy

Jan 28, 2021 from 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM Webinar,
An Italian strategy for the management of sewage sludge The webinar will present the study on the sustainable management of sewage sludge carried out in cooperation with associations and the main operators in the sector. The report examines the evolution of the water cycle in Italy from the perspective of the circular economy, considering the regulatory and technological framework, economics, key aspects and critical issues in the management of sewage sludge. It therefore formulates specific policy proposals aimed at designing an overall economically and environmentally sustainable sludge management strategy.