Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


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Earthquake in Central Italy Earthquake in Central Italy

The Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea and the ISPRA (National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research) are operating as part of the National Civil Protection System, together with the whole National System for Environmental Protection (SNPA), in constant contact with the regional agencies of the areas affected by the earthquake occured last night.

Update of August 28 Update of August 28

At the inauguration of DICOMAC in Rieti, the staff of ISPRA moved on site participating in the initial activities

Update of 1 Septemeber

During in the day four operative teams have been working on the ground, to collect and elaborate data, with particular attention to the IFFI database , and included GPS data recorded in the countryside in the previous days .

Update of 2 Septemeber

During in the day four operative teams have been working on the ground, to collect and elaborate data, with particular attention to the IFFI database .

Update of 31 August Update of 31 August

During in the day four operative teams have been working on the ground, to collect and elaborate data, with particular attention to the IFFI database , and included GPS data recorded in the countryside in the previous days . A second report published today presents a summary of the investigations  developed by ISPRA  immediately after the earthquake, concerning above all landslides (mainly collapse of boulders) and the fractures that are on the roadway and adjacent areas.

Update of 29 August Update of 29 August

On the day 29 it has continued the organizational activities of the Centres of Competence in Rieti at f DICOMAC headquarters, through the installation of the WiFi network and a computer station connected to DICOMAC network for the exchange and sharing data between . Two teams wer committed on the territory (each composed of 2 geologists), which left Rome in the morning.

Update of 30 August Update of 30 August

The report published today presents a summary of the investigations  developed by ISPRA  immediately after the earthquake, concerning above all landslides (mainly collapse of boulders) and the fractures that are on the roadway and adjacent areas.

Update of 3 September

The preliminary activities of seismic micro-zoning has been continuing in the village of Capodacqua, from what took place on 02/09/2016. Team 1 has also carried out in the afternoon the inspections of the hydrogeological compatibility of a site where should be positioned the school based of the municipality of Acquasanta Terme (Ascoli Piceno). During the day ISPRA has been contacted by the cap. NOE horse on future activities for locating suitable sites to put the ruins produced by the seismic sequence.

Update of 5 September

Twenty-nine geologists of ISPRA are in the area of the earthquake for inspections and technical assessments. Also the Regional Agencies, under the SNPA, are cooperating with some experts unit. The staff in Dicomac has developed the normal activity of coordination and supervision of the teams in the places and has maintained contact with ISPRA headquarter through telephone connections.In particular, have been sent the documents produced in Dicomac and discussed with the Technical Function concerning the activities for the following days. Report activity carried out by ISPRA -  5 September (ita)    

Update of 6 September

Twenty-nine geologists of ISPRA are in the area of the earthquake for inspections and technical assessments. Also the Regional Agencies, under the SNPA, are cooperating with some experts unit. The staff in Dicomac has developed the normal activity of coordination and supervision of the teams in the places and has maintained contact with ISPRA headquarter through telephone connections.In particular, have been sent the documents produced in Dicomac and discussed with the Technical Function concerning the activities for the following days.

Update of 7 September Update of 7 September

ISPRA participated yesterday, together with many other institutions involved, the meeting launched by the Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi, concerning House Italian project for the safety of the hydrogeological and seismic risk . DICOMAC are still continuing the meetings, with particular interest for the storage rubble and restore road network.

Updated 9 September

The inspections of ISPRA are still continuing together wih experts of the civil and military engineers to analyze the landslide close to the community of Cascello, useful for the reopening of the transit on the Provincial 20, in addition to other possible hazardous siutation for the local road network. The hydrogeological compatibility is also verified for the establishment of temporary modules for school. Since Monday will be operative other 4 units of geologists from Arpa Lombardia and Liguria, which will work under the coordination of ISPRA.

Updated 8 September

The inspections of ISPRA are still continuing together wih experts of the civil and military engineers to analyze the landslide close to the community of Cascello, useful for the reopening of the transit on the Provincial 20, in addition to other possible hazardous siutation for the local road network. The hydrogeological compatibility is also verified for the establishment of temporary modules for school. Since Monday will be operative other 4 units of geologists from Arpa Lombardia and Liguria, which will work under the coordination of ISPRA.

Updated of 10 September

Today the Seismic microzonation center had a meeting, at the headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection, composed by INGV, academic sector, ISPRA and other subjects. The meeting is important not only because it would be possible to have a knowledge of the phenomena that had produced the earthquake last 24 August and the features of the territory involved, but also because the criteria to rebuild will be based on that knowledge. The National System for Environmental Protection (SNPA) is continuing to provide its technical-scientific support : two technicians of ARPA Lombardia reached today ISPRA experts to support them in surveys that still remain to do in the next days.

Updated of 12 September

The Seismic microzonation center had a meeting, at the headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection, composed by INGV, academic sector, ISPRA and other subjects. The meeting is important not only because it would be possible to have a knowledge of the phenomena that had produced the earthquake last 24 August and the features of the territory involved, but also because the criteria to rebuild will be based on that knowledge. The National System for Environmental Protection (SNPA) is continuing to provide its technical-scientific support : two technicians of ARPA Lombardia reached today ISPRA experts to support them in surveys that still remain to do in the next days.

Updated of 13 September

Today the activity concerned the sharing of the new IFFI format to update the database aimed at seismic microzoning epicentral area. ISPRA is also coordinating the activities to develop a seismic microzoning map Level 3 related to the areas of Arquata del Tronto and Montegallo.

Updated of 14 September Updated of 14 September

Today, ISPRA has continued the GPS data acquisition for the assessment of post-seismic deformation. Two inspections were made on two of IGM95 vertices in correspondence of which have been installed temporary GPS stations. The data acquired from the stations in the municipalities of Valle Castellana Montereale were collected and transferred.

Updated of 15 September Updated of 15 September

The activities carried out during the day covered a first definition of the teams for the seismic micro-zoning (MZS). They were carried out inspections in the City of Arquata del Tronto, preparatory to the MZS studies for coming weeks.