Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



National Conference EcoForum - VIII edition

Jul 06, 2021 to Jul 07, 2021 Online event,
Simplifications, innovation, participation: a national plan for the circular economy The 2020 was the year of the transposition of the directives on the circular economy. The 2021 must be the year of the implementation of a national plan that includes tools, objectives, reforms, starting with the strengthening of the system of environmental controls and economic resources, according to the provisions of the PNRR.

The technological innovation of the Civil Protection System in the operational organization of rescue and emergency management

Jul 06, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM Online event,
Earth Tech Expo  will be held in Florence from 13 to 16 October 2021. The “technological showcase” of the Next Generation Eu. The first Expo of the "digital and ecological transition". Italian technological leadership on display with exhibitions, conferences, presentations, links, all the news from the Italian Space Agency, research institutions, universities, companies and companies, spin offs, start-ups, regions and local authorities in all sectors.

Identify the state and predict the evolution of the Adriatic coastal systems

Jul 07, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM Online event,
In consideration of the last final phases of the project CHANGEWECARE , il the Cnr-Ismar Institute of Marine Sciences in collaboration with ISPRA and the project partners organizes, on 7 July, an online event entitled "Identify the state and predict the evolution of the Adriatic coastal systems". The seminar is aimed at stakeholders with the aim of presenting the main hydrological, meteo-oceanographic, geological and ecological datasets and the techniques for using these data developed and used during the pilot project.  

Analysis of the environmental impacts of the 2020 lockdown at the mouths of the Po, Brenta-Adige, Metauro, Tiber rivers

ISPRA published the report "Analysis of the environmental impacts of the 2020 lockdown at the mouths of the Po, Brenta-Adige, Metauro, Tevere rivers" which reports the results obtained in the whole of the study Lockdown 2020, to evaluate the effect in marine waters coastal areas of the closure for the covid and the subsequent reopening of most of the production activities. The Coast Guard and the environemtan agencies of Veneto, Marche and Lazio collaborated in this study.

Final conference GRRinPORT project

Jul 09, 2021 from 09:00 AM to 01:30 PM Online event,
During the day, action plans and results will be presented that will help ship owners and port facility managers towards an eco-sustainable approach. Launched in April 2018, the project was tested in the four ports of Cagliari, Livorno, Bastia and Ajaccio.

Environment, energy and territory: stronger administrations for more effective policies

Jul 15, 2021 from 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM
From 14 to 16 July the PON Governance and Institutional Capacity 2014-2020 participates in   Catania 2030    with a stand at   Ecomed – Project Comfort  with a conference, scheduled for Thursday 15 July, entitled Environment, energy and territory: Stronger administrations for policies more effective - The PON Governance between ongoing interventions and future prospects of support to the PA.

City' Scape: City_Brand&Tourism Landscape

Jul 08, 2021 Online event,
the International Symposium City 'Scape: City_Brand & Tourism Landscape aims to reflect on the future of the urban landscape in search of best practices to promote, in the field of Landscape Architecture, effective design strategies capable of attributing new ethical, economic and social values ​​to territories.

NET project - Talents for the Science

Jul 09, 2021 from 06:00 PM to 10:00 PM Roma, Cine Village Parco Talenti,
On September 24, the European Researchers' Night returns, throughout the summer until the "Night", researchers from Scienza Insieme and the  NET project  will partecipate followed by many events. From 7 to 10 July the "Talents for Science" event will be held in Rome, and on 9 July ISPRA researchers will be present with a laboratory stand "Discover the treasures of the earth", for demonstrations with geological materials, stones, minerals and ... the eruption of volcanoes.  

International day for the Mediterranean sea

The International Day of the Mediterranean Sea is celebrated on 8 July, an opportunity to raise awareness of the dangers that threaten the Mediterranean Sea. According to ISPRA, over 240 alien species have been identified in this, 68% of which are now stable along our coasts. More than 70% of marine litter is deposited on the Italian seabed, of which 77% is plastic. On the beaches, with an average of 400 waste every 100 meters, the situation is no better. In the Mediterranean, more than 63% of sea turtles have ingested plastic. But the actions for sustainability are bearing fruit: fish stocks, while remaining overfished, in 6 years go from 85% to 75%. Guarda il documentario

Migrations in the Mediterranean as an effect of climate change and the decline of nature

Jul 16, 2021 from 06:30 PM to 08:30 PM Roma, Casetta Rossa, via Giovanni Battista Magnaghi, 14,
The connectionss between climate change, loss of biodiversity and migration are among the most dramatic aspects of the planet's climate crisis. The political, economic and social consequences of the effects of global warming are at the center of public debate. An in-depth study on the impacts of the climate, in particular on the African continent, between desertification and the destruction of agricultural and water resources, as an engine for mass migration to Europe, will be the subject of discussion and debate between researchers and the public.

ISPRA publishes the Climate indicators in Italy 2020

The 16th report "Gli Indicatori del Clima in Italia" describes the Italian climate in the year 2020 and updates the estimate of climate variations in the last few decades. It is based on climate data, indices and indicators derived from the "National System for the collection, processing and dissemination of climate data" ( SCIA ), developed  by ISPRA in collaboration with national and regional meteorological monitoring networks.

NET scientific aperitif - Our green gold: urban forests in the city of the future?

Jul 22, 2021 from 06:30 PM to 08:30 PM Roma, Casetta Rossa, via Giovanni Battista Magnaghi, 14,
Cities are where business is concentrated and half of the world's population lives with further growth prospects. Urban areas therefore have a high impact on environmental quality. Solutions based on the functioning of ecosystems are a tool for sustainable land management, to address in an integrated way the environmental and social problems caused by global and climatic changes in progress. By assessing the impact of land consumption on ecosystem services provided by vegetation, the problems and solutions that the synergy between research and active citizenship can find to future challenges will be analyzed.

INHIGEO 2021 Conference

Jul 19, 2021 to Jul 21, 2021 Online event,
The 46th Conference of the International Commission on the History of Geological Sciences (INHIGEO), due to the Sars-Cov-2 Pandemic, will be held online by the Polish Geological Institute.

Marine strategy: the pre-survey activity for the development of a "Metabarcoding eDNA" analysis protocol was completed in Trieste

This week, the pre-survey activity for the development of a "Metabarcoding eDNA" analysis protocol was included in the port of Trieste as part of a pilot monitoring activity for the Marine Strategy - Descriptor 2_Non-indigenous species, which sees the collaboration between ISPRA, the Polytechnic University of Marche and the regional agencies. The activity will make it possible to identify the taxonomic composition of animal and plant species in port areas, also identifying the presence of non-indigenous species and may constitute an important investigation tool for the early warning system.

"The sea you don't expect"

What happens over there? Today starts ISPRA's dissemination campaign  to tell about the specific activities developed by its researchers, in compliance with the shared programs in Europe, both through observation and monitoring of marine environments, and in the field of laboratory research. The first issue of the campaign is dedicated to wrecks and submerged archaeological sites: multiview photogrammetry. Between seas, lakes and rivers, Italy is rich in archaeological finds even in the water, we find shipwrecks, remains of submerged cities, pile-dwelling villages and prehistoric villages. Recently, the advent of futuristic techniques has facilitated the exploration of the seabed. providing incredible three-dimensional reconstructions.

G20 Environment, Climate and Energy

Jul 22, 2021 to Jul 23, 2021 Naples,
The work of the G20 on Environment, Climate and Energy will open in Naples on 22 July. There will be two days of discussions between ministers, diplomats, delegations of technicians to discuss numerous issues: biodiversity and poverty; protection and restoration of degraded soils; sustainable water management; "enhanced" protection of the seas; fight against plastic pollution in the sea; cooperation for the sustainable and circular use of resources; role of central governments in support of circular cities; education, capacity building and training; green finance.

Howlings in the night

During the summer, wolf cubs are moved by their parents from their den to open places, the rendezvous sites. With the wolf howling technique, the response of the puppies is stimulated to evaluate if the breeding has occurred in the herds and then locate them.