Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Events and News

Historical naturalistic walk in the Caffarella Valley
Historical naturalistic walk in the Caffarella Valley
Oct 17, 2020 11:30 AM — Oct 17, 2020 03:30 PM Roma, Largo Tacchi Venturi

The scientific trekking of the NET Project and ScienzaInsieme will continue: waiting for the European Researchers' Night, ISPRA organizes a walk in the Caffarella Park, part of the Regional Park of Appia Antica. 
An example of Roman countryside within the city, where nature and ancient monuments coexist with agricultural activity and pastoralism

World migratory day
World migratory day
Oct 10, 2020 — Oct 10, 2020

Next 10 October will be celebrated the World migratory day organized by the Bonn Convention on the migratory species.
The topic of this year is the connectivity. 

Guidelines for the national monitoring of the wolf
Guidelines for the national monitoring of the wolf
Oct 09, 2020

In these days we are starting the first synchronic data collection ever carried out to estimate the distribution and population size of the wolf in Italy, which will end in March 2021. The monitoring, coordinated by ISPRA on a mandate from the Ministry of the Environment, will apply for the first time a coordinated program based on standardized sampling designs, developed by ISPRA.

Natural capital accounting: mainstreaming biodiversity conservation into sustainable development policies
Natural capital accounting: mainstreaming biodiversity conservation into sustainable development policies
Oct 06, 2020 11:30 AM — Oct 06, 2020 03:00 PM Webinar

Expert meeting - October 6 2020, Rome - ISPRA Partner Event EU Green Week (19-22 october 2020) -  Partner Event Italian Festival of Sustainable Development ASviS (22 september - 8 october 2020) 
Natural capital is a significant component of the national wealth. Our economic prosperity and well-being depend on the good state of natural capital: biodiversity and ecosystems provide food, raw materials, medicines, recreational activities and well-being, air and water purification, contribute to climate regulation, pollinate and fertilize crops and much more. Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) is a strategic tool to strengthen the integration of the ecosystem services value into reporting systems and policies. In order to advance the knowledge agenda on NCA and identify the needs for its effective implementation in Italy, institutions, Academia and major Italian and international stakeholders will discuss the measurement and assessment processes that represent its fundamental pillars. This event organized by ISPRA under the banner of networking and dialogue has received the accreditation of the European Commission as Partner Event of the EU Green Week 2020 on European environmental policies focused on nature and biodiversity this year and of AsviS as Partner Event of the Sustainable Development Festival, the most importan Italian initiative to raise awareness and to mobilise citizens, companies associations and institutions on economic , social and environmental sustainability.



"Science Nights" with ISPRA at the CineVillage Parco Talenti
"Science Nights" with ISPRA at the CineVillage Parco Talenti
Sep 12, 2020 09:00 PM — Sep 12, 2020 10:30 PM Rome, CineVillage Arena Parco Talenti

The ecological beaches. The contribution of female scientists to the conservation of the marine phanerogams.

As part of the events "Waiting for the European Researchers' Night", on Saturday 12 September the NET project proposes a scientific talk about the marine research, ecological beach and oceanic Posidonia. ISPRA experts and the University of Tor Vergata will discuss the role of female scientists in the study of marine ecosystems. Later other topics will regard the ecological beach and oceanic posidonia and the ecological role of this precious marine plant.

Very appreciated from the public the  video NET project developed by Ispra.



From Alps to Calabria, the first coordinated plan of national monitoring for wolves
From Alps to Calabria, the first coordinated plan of national monitoring for wolves
Aug 13, 2020

From October 2020 to March 2021, approximately 1,000 cells of ten square kilometers will be patrolled throughout the country.

For the first time since the wolf was protected, national institutions join forces to mapping the distribution and consistency simultaneously from the Alps to Calabria, using sampling designs and advanced standardized protocols, developed by ISPRA.

The Italian Ministry of the Environment has given a mandate to ISPRA with the aim to produce an updated estimate of the distribution and consistency of the wolf at national level. To respond to this ambitious challenge, ISPRA has organized a highly specialized working group, which involves zoologists and geneticists, and has activated a cooperation with Federparchi Europarc Italia (the Italian Federation of Parks and Natural Reserves) and with the LIFE WolfAlps-EU project.


Management of the big carnivorans in Trentino
Management of the big carnivorans in Trentino
Aug 13, 2020

Ispra included in the joint work for the management of the big carnivorans in the region of Trentino. 

Last night a meeting held at the headquarter of the Ministry of Environment with the minister Costa, the president of the province of Trento, Maurizio Fugatti together with by the Councilor for Agriculture Giulia Zanotelli and the head of the forestry body Romano Masè.

The pandemic hasn't stopped Bonelli eagles: seven new birds in Sardegna
The pandemic hasn't stopped Bonelli eagles: seven new birds in Sardegna
Aug 07, 2020

Four male and three female eagles arrived in Porto Torres 4th of August

Even this year, despite the difficulties related to the pandemic, seven Bonelli's eagles arrived in Sardegna and will shortly be released  as part of the Aquila a-Life project. The 2020 hacking season ends with Sardegna:17 specimens have already been released, as part of the same project, in the reintroduction areas of Madrid, Álava and Navarra in Spain.

Italian TV channels take a keen interest in the Interreg Med Plastic Busters MPAs project
Italian TV channels take a keen interest in the Interreg Med Plastic Busters MPAs project
Aug 03, 2020

During the quarantine and while travel restrictions were imposed, Italian viewers had the chance to travel across the Mediterranean Sea alongside the Plastic Busters MPAs project partners to have a closer look at the scientific means the project uses to tackle plastic problems.

Harmony project, restart the process for the common policy between Italian and Malta
Harmony project, restart the process for the common policy between Italian and Malta
Jul 21, 2020 08:30 PM — Jul 22, 2020 09:00 PM

In the frame of the Harmony project restart from Lampedusa the "partecipative road to build the common policy between Italy and Malta" to protect marine biodiversity in the areas of the two Countries. From 21 to 22  "Surveillance and alert systems of iInvasive alien species and protected marine areas: local actors, institutions and experts compared for the definition of shared intervention strategies".

How many wolfes are there in Italy? Where do they live?
How many wolfes are there in Italy? Where do they live?
Jul 16, 2020

The population of Italian wolves has achievied a number about 2,000 specimens and has practically reached every real possibility of spreading in peninsular Italy

Heath Plants: One-Health vision
Heath Plants: One-Health vision
Jul 15, 2020 07:30 PM — Jul 15, 2020 09:00 PM Webinar

Plants are are the organisms that more than any other condition the life of our planet, in all its forms. Their health is an essential element of that of the entire biosphere, from microorganisms to humans, without priority, and is a guarantee of food safety for the human species.

Mediterranean International Day
Mediterranean International Day
Jul 08, 2020

Mediterranean International Day Sea is celebrated on 8 July, an opportunity to raise awareness of the health of the Mare Nostrum and the dangers that threaten it.

The Mediterranean is a treasure  of the marine biodiversity of the whole Planet because, despite having only an area of ​​about 1% of all oceans, it is the habitat of over 12 thousand marine species, between 4% and 12% of the world's marine biodiversity.

Ferries as monitoring platforms of marine species
Ferries as monitoring platforms of marine species
Jul 06, 2020

ISPRA and Milano University of Bicocca together in order to monitor cetaceans and biodiversity of sea Mediterranean

Can we prevent future pandemics? Biodiversity instead of masks
Can we prevent future pandemics? Biodiversity instead of masks
Jul 04, 2020 07:00 PM — Jul 04, 2020 09:00 PM Webinar

We do not have to go back to the normality because the normality is the problem and anythings of things we are doing right now can't prevent the next pandemic. Climate change contrast, Protection of Biodiversity and Environment, Sustainable Economy, are the main topics of the webinar organized in the whole of the Rivestiti Festival 2020

Marine biodiversity, the five most threatened species
Marine biodiversity, the five most threatened species
Jul 03, 2020

The sea is not an inexhaustible resource. Here are the main species that inhabit Italian waters to be protected to ensure high marine biodiversity.

Capraia island: the Monk seal returns at home
Capraia island: the Monk seal returns at home
Jun 25, 2020

Extraordinary news happened in Capraia Island that has taken the national and international attention. After sixty years, the monk seal (Monachus monachus) has returned to visit the cave that takes its name on the west coast of the island. After the sightings recorded in recent weeks, one of which validated according to the very strict procedure operated by ISPRA, investigations have continued successfully.

International Angel Shark day
International Angel Shark day
Jun 25, 2020

On Friday 26th June, ISPRA is participating in the first ever International Angel Shark Day, and invite you to join us!

Published the Guidelines for use of lichens as bioindicators
Published the Guidelines for use of lichens as bioindicators
Jun 23, 2020

These guidelines are based on the review of best practices and results of recent methodological and applicative studies. The guidelines address the use of epiphytic lichens (bioaccumulation by native lichens and lichen transplants) to monitor spatial and temporal trends of element concentrations (macro-elements and trace elements) related to atmospheric pollutant depositions. 

Stop the invasive alien species to protect biodiversity: together we make the difference!
Stop the invasive alien species to protect biodiversity: together we make the difference!
Jun 23, 2020 01:00 PM — Jun 25, 2020 05:30 PM Conference online

Invasive alien species are organisms introduced by man, accidentally or voluntarily, outside their area of ​​origin, which settle in nature and cause impacts on the environment and human life. Invasive alien species threaten the existence of many species and ecosystems, like habitat destruction, and have an estimated social and economic impact of several tens of billions of euros each year in the European Union alone. In Italy there are more than 3,000 alien species, of which about 15% invasive, with an increase of 96% in the last 30 years.

The first ecological beach: a new way to live the beaches
The first ecological beach: a new way to live the beaches
Jun 15, 2020

From 27 to 28 June in Cerveteri.

On the ecological beaches of the Lazio coast will be testified new manage approaches for the Posidonia, the so-called banquette, to promote circular economy and environmental protection, as part of the Bargain project led by Ispra with the University of Tor Vergata and Enea.

AperiPelagos - Watch the dolphin! The importance of monitoring from ferry
AperiPelagos - Watch the dolphin! The importance of monitoring from ferry
Jun 11, 2020 09:00 PM — Jun 11, 2020 10:00 PM

The model of ecological beach
The model of ecological beach
Jun 10, 2020 05:00 PM — Jun 10, 2020 06:30 PM Videoconference

The official presentation of the Guidee "The Ecological Beach: sustainable management of the Posidonia banquette along the Lazio shorelines" is planned for next 10 June at 3 pm in videoconference with the Ministry of the Environment, Lazio Region, National Park of Circeo, Metropolitan City of Rome/Natural Monument palude Torre Flavia, municipalities of Cerveteri and San Felice Circeo

8 June - World Oceans Day
8 June - World Oceans Day
Jun 08, 2020

Ispra, in charge of Center INFO/RAC  of the UNEP/MAP (Mediterranean Action Plan) to support Barcelona convention for Mediterranean for the Protection of the Marine Environment, today 8 June, on the occasion of UN World Oceans Day launches a digital communication campaign with a web page and dedicated initiatives. 

5 June 2020 - World Environment Day with the Ministries Costa and Bellanova
5 June 2020 - World Environment Day with the Ministries Costa and Bellanova
Jun 05, 2020 12:30 PM — Jun 05, 2020 02:00 PM Streaming live

The World Environment Day is dedicated to the serious decline of biodiversity in the Planet. About a million of species (on a total of 8.7 million estimated by scientist) are threatened by extinction Biodiversity crisis also put in danger the provision of eco-systems services, from food to wood, from water to medicines, from climate regulation to soil erosion control, from recreational to cultural values. The food security, well-being and prosperity of the human community is endangered if no action is taken to reverse the biodiversity crisis. The slogan chosen for the edition 2020 is “Time for Nature” and to celebrate this important day, Ispra is organizing a round table  where have been invited the Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea  Sergio Costa,  and the Ministry of agriculture, food and forestry policies Teresa Bellanova, together with ISPRA management and other experts of various Institutions.  Ispra, with this initiative, which comes a few days after the issue of the EU Biodiversity Strategy, in the frame of the UN Global Agreement on Biodiversity, which must be approved at the summit UN that will take place in Kunming (China) in  2021, aims to aims to raise citizens global awareness  and stimulate dialogue between the competent authorities and stakeholders on the paths to follow to achieve the EU Strategy and the UN Agreement targets

Presentation of the SOER 2020, Environmental Data Yearbook and System Reports
Presentation of the SOER 2020, Environmental Data Yearbook and System Reports
Jun 03, 2020 12:00 PM — Jun 03, 2020 03:00 PM Streaming live

The next 3 June, in video streaming with the Italian PM Giuseppe Conte, and David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament, will be presented the three reports dedicated to the environmental situation in Europe and in Italy: the SOER 2020 (State of the Environment Report), the Environmental Data Yearbook 2019 which shows the state of the environment in Italy and the System Report which presents regional experiences.

Watch streaming live:

ISPRA TV (double channel in English and Italian) 

Facebook page Ispra (speaker' native language)

 Youtube Ispra (only in italian)

International day for Biological Diversity
International day for Biological Diversity
May 22, 2020

The United Nations has proclaimed May 22 The International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB) to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues. This year the day is dedicated to the topic "Our solutions are inside the nature". In occasion of the IDB, the Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea will organize the conference "Evaluate, conserve and enrich the Natural Capital in Italy" which an Ispra expert is participating.

In addition, the Institute publishes today the comics Discovering Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows and the video to celebrate the biodiversity day.

Evaluate, conserve and enrich the Natural Capital in Italy
Evaluate, conserve and enrich the Natural Capital in Italy
May 22, 2020 12:00 PM — May 22, 2020 03:00 PM Web streaming