Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Waste fire - increase the risk knowledge to elaborate new models of treatment

Nov 10, 2020 from 04:30 PM to 05:30 PM Webinar,
The Webinar promoted by FISE Assoambiente together with the CINEAS Complex Claims Observatory, University Consortium for Insurance Engineering, addresses the issue of fire risk analysis in waste treatment and storage plants in order to  a direct and qualified source knowledge to increase the conditions for the insurability of the sector.

Towards shared proposals and measures for the PAF - Priority Action Plan for Natura 2000

Nov 06, 2020 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM online event,
The initiatives is carried out in the whole of the Harmony project funded by P.O Italy-Malta 2014, which the objectives is he protection of marine biodiversity by assessing seabed integrity and the presence of nonindigenous species (NIS) in the Italo-Maltese cross-border area, promoting the development of coordinated strategies and shared decision making processes.

National Plan for the management of the pond slider

Ispra and the Ministry of Environment have published the National Plan for the management of the pond slider . Given the wide spread of the species on the national territory, the general objective of this Plan is to develop a management strategy of Trachemys scriptache that minimizes the negative impacts of biodiversity itself, on eco-esteem, on public health, on the agro-zootechnical heritage or on the economy (Article 22 of Legislative Decree 230/17), through diversified control measures depending on the environmental context and the degree of diffusion of the species.    

Scienza Insieme and the NET Project: starts the "Researchers story"

The initiatives includes 10 videos that will tell the life experiences of ten researchers of the NET project, their dreams and hopes since they were childhood. The stories, told directly by the researchers' voices, will try to answer to the many questions that often they received,  by email or in the conferences, to understand what kind of study are necessary to become a scientist. Aimed above all at an audience, the 10 episodes are stories of young people who have decided to undertake a fascinating and challenging profession.

Urban ecosystem

Nov 09, 2020 from 09:45 AM to 12:00 PM Webinar,
Presentation of the Report 2020 on the environmental performance of cities How to restart after a global emergency? It will be necessary to plan courageously towards a more sustainable and smart future, using the Recovery Plan to launch a true Green New Deal made in Italy. Cities and Mayors are the main actor of this change. These are the topics of the 27th edition of Ecosistema Urbano, the annual report by Legambiente on the environmental livability of the provincial municipalities, edited in cooperation with Ambiente Italia and Il Sole 24 ore.

Ispra at the National Geographic Festival delle Scienze

Nov 23, 2020 to Nov 29, 2020 Evento on line,
The fifteenth edition of the Rome Science Festival will be dedicated to the role of science in the future. Global warming, new forms of energy, sustainable economy and progress, the water situation, the future of low-cost technology, city development, population growth and decrease:the Festival will analyze these topics in a moderate vision based on rationality and science.  Ispra is part of the scientific network of the National Geographic Festival of Sciences and organizes 5 online events. The president, Stefano Laporta, on Friday 13 November participated in " Interview with the director " to analyze the data and trends of the current and future scenario of environmental protection in Italy and in Europe.  

Renewable plastics, biodegradable and compostable

Nov 24, 2020 to Nov 26, 2020 Online event,
The European project BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE aims to research sustainable strategies and solutions for bio-based products to support the EU Plastics Strategy and a Circular Economy. In this frame will organize an opportunity to share reflections with the stakeholders

The chemical characterization of particulate matter

Nov 19, 2020 to Nov 20, 2020
On November 19 and 20, will be held the interagencies study days, promoted by Assoarpa in collaboration with Arpa Marche and Arpa Friuli Venezia Giulia. This is the third national edition of this event that  started with the aim to continue the discussion within the SNPA on the topic of the chemical characterization of particulate matter, due to the positive results of the previous meetings held in ARPA Friuli Venezia Giulia, Tuscany and Sicily.

FAO Small-Scale Fisheries University DAY

Nov 10, 2020 from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM Online event,
The cooperation between the the small scale fisheries and researchers The event is part of a cycle of meeting carried out simultaneously between fishermen and researchers in 10 countries of the Mediterranean and Black Sea under the coordination of the FAO Mediterranean and Black Sea regional projects, AdriaMed, BlackSea4Fish, CopeMed, EastMed, MedSudMed. The target is to enhance the different methods of collaboration between fishermen and researchers in support of fishing management and sea protection, and in support of artisanal fishing and small-scale fishing  

National Geographic Festival of Sciences - The sea roads

Nov 25, 2020 from 06:30 PM to 07:30 PM Online event,
As part of the fifteenth edition of the National Geographic Festival of Sciences, the online event "The sea roads" will be held on November 25th. The sea will be at the center of attention of a whole decade that the UN has dedicated to the study of the ocean. The reasons is that the way to sustainability necessarily passes through the sea, the innovative study of oceanography, the knowledge of how it is changing and how to preserve it, from the ice of the polar regions to our coasts.

National Geographic Festival of Sciences - Towards the colonization of Mars

Nov 26, 2020 from 07:45 PM to 08:45 PM Online event,
As part of the fifteenth edition of the National Geographic Festival of Sciences, the online event "The sea roads" will be held 25  November.  In the future of Mars the settlement of a human colony. could be happens. Studies and scenarios are increasing concerning: long-distance travel, space greenhouses, radiation protection, reproduction of environmental conditions and living areas, robots and drones capable of moving on the surface. The technological challenges, experiments and discoveries in view of the future landing.

GIS Day 2020

Nov 18, 2020 On line event,
GIS Day is the annual event to celebrate geographic culture and technology and the many applications that make a difference in our society. Events will be organized all over the world to show professionals the numerous functions of Geographic Information Systems, in the many sectors of application, from health, to the environment, to education.

Eagle day: a day dedicated to the "Bonelli"

“Benénnidu Abilastru” : a comic tells the story of the extinct rapacious in Sardegna The Bonelli eagle in Sicily it is saved from extinction, in Sardegna it has been reintroduced after its disappearance in the 1990s. The result is that in four years an increasing number of specimens of Bonelli fly in the skies of the two Italian islands: thanks to the European projects Life ConRaSi of WWF Italy and Aquila a-Life (coordinated by the Spanish fauna association Grefa and for the Sardegna da Ispra) today one of the most important rapacious for Italy continues to be present in the habitats.  

The climate has already changed

Nov 25, 2020 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Online event,
Impact, risks and policies for the adaptation The 25 november in streaming live on  Facebook page of Legambiente  will be presented the report 2020 of the Observatory of Legambiente Climate City and the ten years of impacts monitoring on the Italian territory.

The overview of biodiversity in Emilia-Romagna

Nov 20, 2020 from 11:00 AM to 01:30 PM Webinar,
Update of the Habitat Map. Monitoring of flora of community interest The webinar "The overview of biodiversity in Emilia-Romagna" will be held on November 20 and ISPRA expert is attending with a speech on "Habitats of community interest in Italy: monitoring and conservation status".

National Geographic Festival of Sciences - Plants and animals travelling with human being

Nov 29, 2020 from 02:45 PM to 03:45 PM Online event,
As part of the fifteenth edition of the National Geographic Festival of Sciences, the online event "The sea roads" will be held 25  November. A history of humanity told by the organisms that man has brought with him: the history of the movements of plants, animals and other organisms, telling how human life has been linked to the organisms that traveled with him, and of as well as our culture has been influenced by it.

National Geographic Festival of Sciences- Climate change and the sustainable future: from space to our home

Nov 26, 2020 from 06:30 PM to 07:30 PM Online event,
In the whole of the initiatives of the National Geographic Festival the next 26 November will be held the online event: "Climate change and the sustainable future: from space to our home".   Climate services make produce a series of data to know the climate of the past, present and future at the local and global level, and allow public and private decision makers to have tools to develop strategies and initiatives to successfully face climate change.