Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


National Center for the National Network of Laboratories

Responsible: Dr. Damiano Centioli

The National Center for the National Network of Laboratories (CN LAB) was born from the reorganization of ISPRA to respond to the tasks assigned to the Institute by law no. 132/2016 establishing the SNPA and to bring together and harmonize a pole of qualified laboratories for environmental analytical activities.
With a view to an integrated system, the Center, in addition to complying with specific institutional requests, has the objective of guaranteeing support for the network of laboratories of the ARPA / APPA Agencies to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and homogeneity of the methods analytical and monitoring programs of environmental matrices, in order to protect citizens and the environment.
The Center also carries out research, experimentation and deepening of knowledge and ensures the coordination of activities aimed at the comparability of analytical data and the harmonization of the network of laboratories of the National Environmental Protection System.
The tasks of the Center also include coordinating activities of national interest, as well as promoting and organizing information and training activities.

The objectives of the National Center for the National Network of Laboratories include:

  • carrying out applied research and deepening knowledge including updating and testing measurement methods, in accordance with EU and national legislation;
  • the promotion and periodic preparation of manuals, guidelines and technical guides on environmental monitoring and analysis, in
  • order to ensure minimum levels of homogeneous and effective performance throughout the country
  • the preparation of procedures for the quality assurance of analytical data;
  • the coordination of interlaboratory comparison activities aimed at evaluating the performance of the participating laboratories.
  • extraordinary environmental monitoring campaigns and activities.

The Center also provides strategic support and technical-scientific advice to the Ministry of the Environment (MASE), collaborates and contributes to activities for environmental assessment, controls and sustainability. It also contributes to the preparation of documents for the European Environment Agency, to environmental surveillance activities and offers technical-scientific support for environmental crises and emergencies.
The CN-LAB has equipped itself with a Quality Management System for certification and accreditation to guarantee the accuracy of measurements and analytical activities that allows controlled management of the laboratories and which, together with the competence of the staff, determine a 'high quality of the product / service.
To comply with the objectives and tasks set, the Center is structured with a breakdown of 5 Areas with a matrix working method to increase efficiency, cooperation and interconnection of activities to achieve the set objectives: Metrology area, Chemistry, Biology, Ecotoxilogy, Physical.