Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Earth Overshoot Day 2020

The Earth Overshoot Day indicates the day when humanity’s demand for ecological resources and services in a given year exceeds what Earth can regenerate in that period. This year, due the economic crisis for the lackdown, this overshoot marks on 22 August, while last year was the 19 July.

The pandemic hasn't stopped Bonelli eagles: seven new birds in Sardegna

Four male and three female eagles arrived in Porto Torres 4th of August Even this year, despite the difficulties related to the pandemic, seven Bonelli's eagles arrived in Sardegna and will shortly be released  as part of the Aquila a-Life project. The 2020 hacking season ends with Sardegna:17 specimens have already been released, as part of the same project, in the reintroduction areas of Madrid, Álava and Navarra in Spain.

Pollution and contagion from Covid-19: the Italian Senate has approved the resolution of Ecomafie commission

The Senate approved on 5 August the resolution on the report of the Inquiry Commission on the waste cycle on Covid-19 (Ecomafie Commission), within which - following the hearings of Ispra and Iss - are also reported potential connection between air pollution and contagion between Sars-Cov-2 coronavirus. Concerning the possible relationship between atmospheric pollution and contagion, ISPRA is developing a complex and articulated scientific project in cooperation with ISS, ENEA and all the Regional Agencies for Environmental Protection.

Removal of secondary solid fuel ecobale (SSF) in the Gulf of Follonica

The removal of 40 secondary solid fuel ecobale (SSF) in the Gulf of Follonica, started last 6 August, is still continuing, thank to the Italian Navy that has recovered 6 of them. Ispra, together with Arpa Toscana, is supporting the Civil Protection and the Navy, and some experts of the Institute are inside the boats during the repechage of waste bales, indicating potential solutions in order to minimize the environmental consequences of recovery operations. The Institute also deals with the characterization of the recovered material and will monitor the transport and disposal activities. On the basis of the information obtained with the Copernicus Marine Service System, ISPRA monitors the weather and sea conditions affecting the ecobale recovery area.

Management of the big carnivorans in Trentino

Ispra included in the joint work for the management of the big carnivorans in the region of Trentino.  Last night a meeting held at the headquarter of the Ministry of Environment with the minister Costa, the president of the province of Trento, Maurizio Fugatti together with by the Councilor for Agriculture Giulia Zanotelli and the head of the forestry body Romano Masè.

Ammonium nitrate in Italy, in which sites is located

The huge explosion that took place in Beirut on August 4 caused a talk about ammonium nitrate and where and how it is stored in Italy. In this regard, Ispra has made a reworking of the data presented in the report " Mapping of the dangers of major accidents in Italy. Edition 2013 " which can give an idea of ​​the current situation.

From Alps to Calabria, the first coordinated plan of national monitoring for wolves

From October 2020 to March 2021, approximately 1,000 cells of ten square kilometers will be patrolled throughout the country. For the first time since the wolf was protected, national institutions join forces to mapping the distribution and consistency simultaneously from the Alps to Calabria, using sampling designs and advanced standardized protocols, developed by ISPRA. The Italian Ministry of the Environment has given a mandate to ISPRA with the aim to produce an updated estimate of the distribution and consistency of the wolf at national level. To respond to this ambitious challenge, ISPRA has organized a highly specialized working group, which involves zoologists and geneticists, and has activated a cooperation with Federparchi Europarc Italia (the Italian Federation of Parks and Natural Reserves) and with the LIFE WolfAlps-EU project.