Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Soil consumption of Roma Capitale

Jan 17, 2019 from 09:30 AM to 01:30 PM Rome,
Roma, 17 january The Statistics Unit - Open Data of Roma Capitale, together with ISPRA, carried out in the course of 2018 a project within the Civil Service on the theme of land use, with specific attention to the areas subject to hydrogeological risk. Project that was also included in the current National Statistical Plan with ISPRA and ISTAT partners. This research has allowed to develop a more detailed mapping of land use thanks to the interpretation of satellite images (scale 1: 2000-1: 5000), integrated with data from Urban Atlas (2016), Open street Map and CTR of Rome, using the III level of classification of the mapping of the consumption of national soil

Towards a sustainable management of port activities: comparison between the experiences of the National System of Environmental Agencies

Jan 24, 2019 from 09:00 AM to 04:00 PM Ancona,
The Italian port system is one of the asset s on which the economic and social development of the country is based because it is capable of producing wealth and employment, attracting investments and resources at national and international level. The coexistence of the port structures with the urban areas represents a challenge of coexistence of such different realities: therefore it is important to protect the environment of the port areas that combines sustainable development and infrastructure competitiveness. The seminar aims to represent the activities and the significant experiences of good practices implemented by the National System of Environmental Agencies.The President of ISPRA Stefano Laporta and some experts from the Institute will take part in the conference.

Presentation of the Report Environment 2018 Abruzzo

Jan 25, 2019 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 PM Pescara,
The presentation of the 2018 report on the state of the environment in Abruzzo will be held in Pescara on January 25th. The summits of ISPRA will join the meeting. The volume updates the main environmental indicators of Abruzzo in 2018 and allows a detailed and complete snapshot of the territory, its ecosystems, its biodiversity, its strengths and its criticalities.