Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Agreencoltura hi-tech supply chains for quality and adaptation to climate change

Jun 09, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 01:30 PM Online event,
Earth Tech Expo will be held in Florence from 13 to 16 October 2021. The “technological showcase” of the Next Generation Eu. The first Expo of the "digital and ecological transition". Italian technological leadership on display with exhibitions, conferences, presentations, links, all the news from the Italian Space Agency, research bodies, universities, companies and companies, spin offs, start-ups, regions and local authorities in all sectors.

The animals assembly

Jun 12, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 05:30 PM Online event,
Saturday 12 June, live online on the Youtube channel of the Antivivisection League, there will be a day of discussion on the cause and effect relationship - which emerged in the eyes of all with the disastrous spread of the Coronavirus - between food, animals and the future of the Planet.

June 3: World Bicycle Day

The 3 June is the World Bicycle Day , established by United Nations in 2018 in order to promote the use of a transport means sustainable and that can be used by everyone. For the celebration of this important event, the mobility manager network of the SNPA has collected some initiatives carried out in ISPRA and ARPA/APPA system to promote the use of bicycle

World Environment Day 2021

Saturday 5 June it is celebrated the World Environment day This year the topic is the "Restoration of the ecosystem", with the aim to contrast and stop the damages against the Planet. During the day it will also be launched the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration  introduced with the global mission to revive billions of hectares, from forests to farmland, from mountain tops to the depths of the sea.

Soil4Life for the World Environment Day

World Environment Day: ecosystem restoration cannot be separated from proper land use. And the overbuilding can have devastating effects especially in urban areas, transforming cities into "heat islands". The solutions include the restoration of the ecosystem also in the urban area.

II Summer school of Geomorphology, Ecology and Biology in the marine and insular environment

Sep 07, 2021 to Sep 10, 2021
ISPRA, together with the Department of Engineering and Geology of the University "G. d'Annunzio "of Chieti-Pescara and the Marine Geology Section of the Italian Geological Society is organizing, with the patronage of the Italian Geological Society and the Gargano National Park, the" II summer school of Geomorphology, Ecology and Biology in the marine and insular environment "

Forum online Focus: the Space and the Environment

Jun 14, 2021 from 07:30 PM to 08:30 PM Online event,
The Rotary has adopted the environment as one of the priority themes of its commitment and initiative. Space technologies and systems are a powerful enabling instrument for knowledge and monitoring of the territory and the environment for the most aware and incisive environmental sustainability policies on a global and local scale.

Water and Climate change

Jun 17, 2021 from 10:30 AM to 01:00 PM
Institutions, businesses and civil society for the water protectionand the right to water access On 17 June, on the occasion of the World Day to Combat Desertification, the conference “Water and Climate Change. Institutions, businesses and civil society for the protection of water resources and the right to water" during it will be presented  the official translation into Italian of the United Nations World Report on the development of water resources 2020.

World Oceans Day

Jun 08, 2021
ISPRA celebrated World Oceans Day with two events: on Monday 7 June the webinar " Strategy for the marine environment " was held, on Tuesday 8 on   RaiPlay   the special "And how is the sea?" led by Piero Angela attended by Minister Cingolani and an ISPRA researcher.

Elements of environmental governance between State and Regions: SNPA a federal and federated network model

Jun 17, 2021 from 03:00 PM to 04:00 PM Online event,
On Thursday 17 June 2021 at 3.00 pm, the seminar "Elements of environmental governance between the State and the Regions: SNPA a federal and federated network model" will be held on the Zoom platform by Stefano Laporta, President of ISPRA. The event is promoted as part of the European Administrative Environmental Law training program of the PhD in Public, Comparative and International Law. On the occasion of this meeting, the concrete dynamics of governance concerning the functioning of the National Environmental Protection System (SNPA), as a network administration model that presides over the protection of the environment, will be explored.

Desertification and Drought Day 2021

Jun 17, 2021
The theme chosen this year for Desertification and Drought Day, in analogy with the start of the UN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration, will focus on the transformation of degraded land, which guarantees economic resilience, creates jobs, increases income and food security, helps restore biodiversity, stores carbon, slows down climate change and reduces its impacts, and supports green recovery from the pandemic.

When biodiversity meets public health: controlling diseases vectors

Jun 16, 2021 from 03:10 PM to 04:00 PM Online event,
An event of the European Development Days on biodiversity and health will be held on Wednesday 16 June at 3.10 pm: "When biodiversity meets public health: controlling diseases vectors". The issue is particularly sensitive, because the possible use of the gene drive to fight mosquitoes that transmit malaria in Africa will be discussed with representatives of local communities, research and gene drive experts. The event is organized by Imperial College London, Malaria No More, Target Malaria, Ifakara Health Institute and Speak Up Africa.

27th plenary meeting of the European Network of Heads of Nature Conservation Agencies

Jun 16, 2021 to Jun 17, 2021 Online event,
From 16 to 17 June it will be held the  27th plenary meeting of the European Network of Heads of Nature Conservation Agencies Plenary sessions are held twice a year and are hosted by agencies of ENCA member countries. At plenary meetings, agencies are normally represented by their director, although representatives with delegated powers can also participate to express positions and make decisions.

3rd Seminar OCSE on indicators for the sustainability and the policy coherence

Jun 17, 2021 from 09:00 AM to 01:00 PM
The seminar "Connecting the existing evaluation and monitoring mechanisms related to sustainability within the revision of the National Sustainable Development Strategy and towards the PCSD Action Plan" will be held on 17 June, in English language in a online platform. It's the last event organized by OCSE in cooperation with the MiTe in the frame of the PCSD project “Policy coherence for sustainable development: mainstreaming the SDGs in Italian decision making process"

From soil degradation to soil recovery

Jun 17, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Online event,
On June 17, the Research Unit on Desertification of the University of Sassari organizes an online webinar in two sessions on the occasion of the World Day for the Fight against Desertification. The first, entitled From degradation to soil recovery, to analyze with experts the point on the remediation of industrial and mining areas