Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Coexisting with the bears in Trentino

Apr 17, 2021 from 03:00 PM to 06:30 PM Online event,
The conference will be an opportunity to explore the theme of peaceful coexistence with bears, and discuss how to develop it in the province of Trento. The meeting will be attended by Italian experts and scientists, together with Canadian researchers who have been working for decades to prevent accidents between bears and humans.

Presented the Fourth Report on the state of natural capital in Italy"

On April 7, the "Fourth Report on the state of natural capital in Italy" was presented by videoconference, in the presence of the Minister for Ecological Transition Roberto Cingolani, which, after the approval, it will be sent to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Economy. The plenary meeting of the Committee for natural capital was attended by among others, in addition to the director general of the Mite for the naturalistic heritage Antonio Maturani, the Minister of Infrastructures and Sustainable Mobility Enrico Giovannini, the Minister of Agricultural Policies Stefano Patuanelli, the Minister of Tourism Massimo Garavaglia, the Deputy Minister of Economy Laura Castelli, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labor Rossella Accoto, the Undersecretary of the South Dalila Nesci and the president of ISPRA Stefano Laporta.

National monitoring of the wolf

For the first time since the wolf was protected, the national institutions join forces to photograph the distribution and consistency simultaneously from the Alps to Calabria, using advanced sampling designs and standardized protocols, developed by ISPRA

Sea National Day

A live video on the social networks of the Ministry of Ecological Transition to celebrate the National Day of the Sea, Sunday 11 April, with the aim to raise awareness on its protection and talk about this important natural resource with prestigious guests. Ideally Minister Roberto Cingolani will cut the ribbon at 3 pm. This event will be followed by a brief interview with the director general for the sea and coasts Carlo Zaghi, who will illustrate the actions implemented by the Mite and the system of marine protected areas. Numerous videos made by Italian marine protected areas will be screened, interspersed with interventions by representatives of the Coast Guard, Marevivo, Legambiente and Greenpeace. An ISPRA researcher will talk about the Marine Strategy and the role of the research.

Science Festival of Rome

Apr 15, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 08:30 PM Online event,
On the occasion of the Italian Research Day in the World on April 15, the Science Festival of Rome produced by the Musica per Roma Foundation realizes, in cooperation with the Ministry of University and Research and with the patronage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will organize a scientific marathon in streaming from 10:00 to 20:30 with 16 meetings, 55 speakers, 3 Ministries and 14 scientific partners. The connections will take place from all over the World: from the Arctic, from the Venice arsenal, from the Gran Sasso laboratories, to CERN, from Etna to Paris, from Boston to Florida and Chicago

Second scientific conference of LIFE Perdix

3 webinar events The webinar cycle of the LIFE Perdix project will start the 23 April, with the first meeting on the monitoring methods of the wildlife. The second meeting, on genetics for species conservation and health monitoring, will be held on 30 April. Finally, the third webinar on ecosystem functions in favor of species conservation will take place on 7 May.

City Nature Challenge

Apr 30, 2021 to May 03, 2021
The City Nature Challenge (CNC), started in 2016, is a is an annual four-day global bioblitz at the end of April, where cities are in a collaboration-meets-friendly-competition to see observations of nature, find the most species. All the cities included in the challenge can register on an application,   Natusfera  o  Inaturalist , the most number of naturalistic observation observed in their cities

How to contribute with the tourism and the green action at the Planet sustainability?

Apr 22, 2021 from 06:00 PM to 07:30 PM Online event,
The event will be held the 22 april, day in which is celebrated the Earth World Day.  After more than a year from the pandemic and the world crisis of important sector of like tourism and culture, the online event aims to contribute to the enhancement and sustainability of territories, biodiversity and cultural diversity as a heritage of our planet.

For a biological transition

Apr 15, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM Online event,
The Italian biologic sector has a leading position in Europe and in the world. Italy has a percentage of agricultural area destined for organic farming that is double the European average and over 80,000 companies that operate exclusively or partially in the sector. European policies, starting with the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity strategies, have set a target of 25% of organic land by 2030, thus tripling the European average.

World Earth Day 2021

Apr 22, 2021
ISPRA will partecipate at the World Earth Day 2021. Three are the initiatives which experts and researchers of the Institute are involved:   OnePeopleOnePlanet , and two webinar " How to contribute with the tourism and the green action at the Planet sustainability? " and " Earth Tecnology Expo: Earth Day ". The theme chosen for World Earth Day 2021 is "Restore our Planet" in analogy with the start of the Decade for Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030) which will be officially launched on 5 June 2021, with the aim of strengthening the restoration of degraded ecosystems to combat climate crises and improve food security, water supply and biodiversity. In Italy, the main event will be the second edition of OnePeopleOnePlanet, with a 13-hour live streaming program on the RaiPlay  digital television channel. The online marathon will be characterized by numerous interventions, insights, testimonies, with links to numerous radio and television programs to maximize the media impact to offer a constructive understanding lens in the current crisis situation. At 5.50 pm the intervention of an ISPRA researcher on the centrality of the Marine Strategy in the policy of sea protection and sustainable development at EU level is expected.      

Say Make Sustainable

Apr 21, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM Online event,
On the occasion of World Earth Day, Unisona, in cooperation on with Keaton, promotes the meeting "Say Make Sustainable". The initiative of 22 April will have the involvement of ASviS, the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development, an organization founded in 2016 to raise awareness of the importance of the 2030 Agenda and to promote best practices for the Italian society and the cultural and economic institutions involved in the process of sustainability.

Meeting between ISPRA General Director and Commander of the Aviation Center of the Financial Police

The meeting between the general director of ISPRA, Alessandro Bratti and the Commander of the Aviation Center of the Financial Police, Gen. B. Joselito Minuto, was held this morning at the Pratica di Mare airport, in Rome. With this meeting the two administrations aims to establish a collaboration for the activities of environmental monitoring and control, data exchange and training of operators.

World Earth Day: the importance of the soil!

ISPRA, in the whole of the  project Soil4life  and in occasion of the World Earth Day, produced a video on the connection between soil and climate change.  The exploitation of the soil disrupts the natural balance of the Earth and causes the loss of ecosystem services. Overbuilding over the last 7 years has prevented the soil from storing over 2 million tons of carbon. And losing ecosystem services means seeing an increase in natural phenomena (floods, heat islands, climate change) both in economic terms.

Circular economy and the Recovery and Resilience National Plan

Apr 23, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM Online event,
The webinar aims to deepen the European strategy to implement a model capable of produce new jobs and business opportunities. The dialogue between the representatives of the EU and national institutions and of the industrial sector will contribute to public reflection, also in the perspective of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, starting from policies and best practices, on the subject of circular economy.

Destination tourism. Tools and opportunities to restart

May 26, 2021 from 09:30 AM to 10:30 AM Webinar,
Digitization, sustainability, innovation: these are the keywords for the restart of tourism, one of the sectors most affected by the Covid 19 pandemic. To stimulate operators to think about the future and prepare to face a new way of traveling, the Enterprise Europe Network Italia promotes "Destination Tourism", a cycle of thematic webinars that in 2021 will address various topics of interest for this strategic sector