Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



IdroGeo - The Italian platform on hydrogeological instability

IdroGeo  is the national open data platform for consulting, sharing and downloading maps and data on hydrogeological instability. It is a tool for communicating and disseminating information that involves various areas: risk mitigation policies, territorial planning, preliminary planning of infrastructures, planning of structural interventions to protect the soil, management of hydrogeological emergencies and environmental assessments.

National conference “Protected Areas & Conservation”

May 15, 2023 to May 17, 2023 Caserta,
The conference, organized by the WWF, aims to create an exchange of knowledge and best practices on the conservation of biodiversity inside and outside protected areas, in particular between managers and technicians of protected areas, experts from the university world, students and PhD students, associations involved in nature conservation, communicators and institutions.

Soil care also cures drought

May 27, 2023 Rome, Acquario Romano,
The Festa del Bio will be held in Rome on 27 May, with the participation of an ISPRA researcher at the Talk "The care of the soil also cures drought".

Sensitive landscapes: beaches, dunes, cliffs, mines and local museums. Cultural deposits for geotourism

May 18, 2023 to May 20, 2023 Cagliari,
The conference will be an opportunity to analyze the role of Geosites, of abandoned mining sites in protected and inland areas, to address the issue of local museums and geo-cultural itineraries as a resource for sustainable tourism. It will also be an opportunity to exchange experiences and proposals relating to the evolution of geoscience dissemination and communication techniques.

Italian Hub for the Nature-based Solution

May 26, 2023 from 10:30 AM to 04:30 PM Rome,
Bringing together researchers, administrators, businesses and the public sector in order to promote initiatives and gather information regarding the adoption of Nature-based Solutions (NbS). This is the main objective of the National Hubs established within the NetworkNature project, funded by the European Commission, which will thus be a beneficial resource for the NbS community. The Terrestrial Ecosystems Research Institute of the National Research Council (CNR-IRET) is entrusted with the coordination of the Italian Hub, whose Kick-off Meeting is scheduled for next May 26, in Rome, at the CNR headquarters

Bears, wolves and wild boars: on the border of coexistence

May 20, 2023 from 02:30 PM to 03:30 PM Mantova,
From 19 to 21 may it will be held the  Food&Science Festival , an event of scientific dissemination of national and international importance that deals with and explores issues related to the science of food production and consumption in a creative and accessible way. On 20 May, an ISPRA researcher will participate in the meeting "Bears, wolves and wild boars: on the border of coexistence".

The social relationship, balance of values ​​and spending capacity as a measure of performance in territorial rehabilitation activities

Jun 06, 2023 from 03:00 PM to 06:00 PM Rome, Chamber of deputy,
The first Social Report of the mission of the Commissioner for the implementation of the interventions necessary to adapt the illegal landfills present on the national territory to the current legislation highlights the favorable impacts on the territory of the clean-up actions set in motion since 2017, the year of assignment to the Arma dei Carabinieri for this mission and the appointment of the Commissioner. Making citizens accountable for the work carried out to be transparent and not to appear, but to show the actions carried out and the results achieved in terms of sustainability ensured for the country, this is a non-secondary objective of the mission.

Monitoring of Mediterranean whales, dolphins and turtles. Life Conceptu Maris project: in one year, 556 sightings and 13 encounters with the giants of the Tyrrhenian Sea

The Citizen Science campaign of the European project is underway: citizens, professionals and students will be able to support the researchers on board the ferries The first data on the species of whales, dolphins and turtles in the Mediterranean basin arrive: only in 2022, in the course of 40 days of monitoring, more than 10,000 km travelled, and 288 hours of observation, ISPRA researchers recorded a total of 556 sightings, in particular of striped dolphins (465) and bottlenose dolphins (67), 13 encounters with giants of the sea such as fin whales and sperm whales, and some isolated sightings of common dolphins and Risso's dolphins. The sighting of the six jumps of one of the area's sperm whales was extraordinary.

The Agro Romano lives again

May 25, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 06:30 PM Rome, Palazzo Valentini,
Its cultural and productive values ​​in the ecological transition The Agro with its landscape, its history, today becomes an important element for the urban layout and ecosystem services for the city. Precisely for the purposes of the ecological transition, the Agro can still play a decisive role for the city as a whole: protection, opportunities, recognition, role, land consumption.

Technical-scientific days for the biodiversity of pollinators

May 22, 2023 to May 24, 2023 Boscoreale/Portici/Parco del Vesuvio,
On the occasion of World Bee Day (May 20) and World Biodiversity Day (May 22), as part of the project "BeeVesuvius: pollinators and ecosystem services in the Vesuvius National Park", the Vesuvius National Park Authority and the The Institute for the Sustainable Protection of Plants of the Cnr organize the technical-scientific days for the biodiversity of pollinators.

Remote sensing and satellite technologies at SatTech4EO

Jun 14, 2023 to Jun 15, 2023 Rome, Università La Sapienza, Facoltà di Ingegneria Civile e Industriale,
SatTech4EO is a two-day meeting which aims to engage the industrial (up-stream), institutional and research (midstream and downstream) community in a common forum to share knowledge of the Copernicus programme. The meeting aims to make the participants of the user forum aware of technological advances and support the industry understand application needs and improve competitiveness in future Copernicus infrastructure development programmes.

In Italy, national energy consumption per unit of GDP is among the lowest in Europe. The share of renewable energy is second only to Sweden

In Italy, energy consumption per unit of GDP is reduced by 16% from 2005 to 2021, while greenhouse gas emissions per unit of GDP are reduced by 27.2%. Similarly, since 2005, greenhouse gas emissions per unit of energy consumed have decreased in all the main productive sectors: from -6.6% for agriculture to -14.1% for industry. In terms of renewable sources, Italy is second only to Sweden among the main European countries, in terms of share of gross domestic consumption of energy from renewable sources. The national share of renewable energy in gross domestic consumption is 19.4% in 2021, while the European average is 17.7%.

European Day of Parks

May 24, 2023
The European Day of Parks is celebrated every  year on 24 May for the initiative of European Fedaration Park (EUROPARC). This remind the day in which in Sweden,  on 1909, it was established the first national park in Europe. "Build on our roots" is the slogan of the European Day of Parks 2023. An invitation to join the Protected Areas to explore the idea and the natural heritage that they protect, but also the heritage of their organization, made up of experiences, skills and good practices for the protection of biodiversity and the territory. Protected natural areas are at the forefront for the protection of biodiversity but also offer an important contribution in the fight against climate change.

IV Conference "Cities and climate change"

May 26, 2023 from 09:30 AM to 01:00 PM Bari, Fiera di Levante,
As part of the cycle of seminars "Cities, territories and landscapes in transformation. Urban planning between integration of knowledge and regulatory innovation" the meeting Cities and climate change will be held in Bari on 26 May. Issues relating to the effects that climate change has on cities and territories will be addressed and how, conversely, the choices made in the context of urban policies have effects on the environment and communities.

Event to present the results of a project on marine litter collection operations by fishermen

May 20, 2023 from 11:00 AM Municipality of Portopalo di Capo Passero,
Last Saturday 20 May 2023, the event to present the results of the project «Collection interventions by fishermen of waste from the sea on the surface and on the seabed including the removal of lost fishing tool from the sea" funded under the EMFF 2014-2020 - Project Measure 4.63 "Implementation of participatory-type local development strategies" - under which ISPRA of Palermo provided support scientific for the removal of lost fishing tool.

Festival Green&Blue

Jun 08, 2023 Roma/Milano,
The   Festival  will open on 5 June in Rome on the occasion of World Environment Day and will continue on 6-7-8 June in Milan with sectoral insights. The meetings of the Festival will give scientific information and the final panel will be dedicated to biodiversity, with particular attention to the theme of water and the oceans. Other topics faced about the European 30/30 strategy, conflicts between human activities and wildlife, enhancement of the natural heritage from both an economic and cultural point of view and conservation projects.

World Biodiversity Day 2023

May 22, 2023
May 22 is World Biodiversity Day, announced by the United Nations to celebrate Biodiversity, the richness of life – at the level of ecosystems, species and genes – on our Planet. "From agreement to action: rebuilding biodiversity" is the theme chosen in 2023 to celebrate this day. The aim is to stimulate in particular practical reflection on possible future scenarios by leveraging the concept of "reconstruction". It is not enough to protect the natural heritage of ecosystems, we must also engage in the regeneration of damaged or threatened environments. With the aim to celebrate the World biodiversity Day 2023 the   Convention on Biological Diversity  has planned  22 Actions for the Biodiversity

Geological, seismic and regulatory aspects of complex infrastructural works in the Strait of Messina area

May 25, 2023 to May 26, 2023 Reggio Calabria/Messina,
The conference will bring together technicians, scientists and politicians to discuss the geological, seismic and regulatory aspects related to infrastructural works in the Strait area. The scientific community, through continuous studies and research, has provided data and knowledge that will be shared during the conference, in order to support the government, public opinion and those who are interested in the topic.

Flood in Emilia Romagna, the ISPRA headquarters in Ozzano counts the damage

Although not directly involved in the floods, the ISPRA headquarters in Ozzano dell'Emilia was also affected by the flood events of the last few days. In particular due to water infiltration from the roof, the volumes of the library, which constitute an important heritage in the history of Italian wildlife management, will have to be subjected to damage analysis by specialists in the sector.