Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



GNM 2023. Sensitive landscapes: beaches, dunes, cliffs, mines and local museums. Cultural deposits for geotourism

May 18, 2023 to May 20, 2023 Cagliari,
The conference will be an opportunity to analyze the role of Geosites, of abandoned mining sites in protected areas and inland ones, to address the issue of local museums and geo-cultural itineraries as a resource for sustainable tourism. It will also be an opportunity to exchange experiences and proposals relating to the evolution of geoscience dissemination and communication techniques

2nd International Conference of Mining and Underground Museums (ICMUM2023)

May 22, 2023 to May 23, 2023 Wieliczka Salt Mine,
The ReMi network will be present at the 2nd International Conference of Mining and Underground Museums (ICMUM2023) - Cracow Saltworks Museum in Wieliczka represented by Tommaso Beltrami (Darzo mines) and Dario Milani (Piani Resinelli & Cortabbio Prima Luna mines), both ReMi members and Italian delegation.

Towards the Allumiere Monti della Tolfa Geomining Archaeological Park

May 23, 2023 to May 28, 2023 Archaeological Naturalistic Mining Museum “A. Klitsche de La Grange”,
On the occasion of the XV National Mining Day, the Municipality of Allumiere and the A. Klitsche de la Grange Archaeological Naturalistic Mining Museum, in collaboration with the National Network of Italian Mining Parks and Museums – Re.Mi. of ISPRA and the Geodiversity and Natural Monuments Area of ​​the Lazio Region Environment Directorate, organize 3 study days on the Geo-mining Park.

Conference Mining Landscapes of the Alps

May 10, 2023 to May 12, 2023 Trento,
A three-day conference to talk about landscapes transformed by mining activities. The Argentario Ecomuseum, a member of the ReMi network, is organising, from 10 to 12 May, three study days dedicated to the "Mining landscapes of the Alps. History, society and the environment".

ERIH ITALIA Meeting - 21 April 2023

Apr 21, 2023 Prato,
This year's ERIH Italia Meeting will take place on 21 April in Prato at the Museum. The decision to hold the annual meeting in Prato was taken in conjunction with an important conference, scheduled by the Municipality of Prato in collaboration with the Tuscany Region, on "Industrial tourism in Tuscany".

XV Meeting of the ReMi Network

Dec 16, 2022 from 10:00 AM Saline di Volterra,
On Friday 16 December 2022, the members of the National Network of Mining Parks and Museums will meet at the Saline di Volterra for the six-monthly meeting to discuss the activities of the Network. After the presentation of the new members, the progress of the projects in progress and the new activities that will start in the coming months will be discussed.