Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Final conference LIFE SAM4CP european project

Jun 26, 2018 from 09:00 AM to 06:30 PM
Next 26 there will be held the final conference of the European Project  LIFE SAM4CP - Soil Administration Model for Community Profit - aimed at making land management more sensitive to the reduction of land consumption and the enhancement of ecosystem services

Report on Non-Municipal Waste - edition 2018

Jun 14, 2018 from 09:00 AM to 01:00 PM Roma, Piazza Montecitorio, 1 - Sala della Regina,
The Report on Non-Municipal Waste, now in its seventeenth edition, is the result of a complex activity of collection, analysis and processing of data by the National Centre for Waste cycle of ISPRA, with the contribution of regional and provincial Environmental Protection Agencies,  that implements a specific task required by article 189, d.lgs. n. 152 of 3th April 2006. Through an effective and comprehensive system of knowledge on waste, it will provide an objective, accurate and up to date framework of information, in support of the legislator to guide appropriate policies and to monitor their effectiveness, introducing, if necessary, corrective measures. Municipal Waste 2018 provides data related to year 2016, about generation and management of non-hazardous and hazardous waste, at national and regional level, and about management also at provincial level; the Report contains information on the transboundary shipment of waste.