Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Greenhouse gas emissions: due to Covid, significant reduction in 2020 (7.5%)

In 2019, decrease of 2.8% compared to the previous year On the basis of the data available for the first six months of 2020, a substantial reduction in greenhouse gas emissions at national level is expected due to the restrictions on mobility due to COVID-19 throughout the national territory; in 2020, national emissions are expected to be 7.5% lower than in 2019. However, it should be emphasized that this reduction does not contribute to solving the problem of climate change, which instead requires structural, technological and behavioral changes that reduce gas emissions to a minimum greenhouse in the medium and long term.

The Prize CerviaAmbiente awarded to Luca Mercalli

Sep 05, 2020 from 10:30 AM to 01:00 PM Cervia,
Saturday 5 September, from 10.30 to 13.00, the edition 2020 of the CerviaAmbiente Award will be held at the Magazzini del Sale, in the historic center of Cervia. The Prize this year will be awarded to Luca Mercalli, scientific comunicator and President of the Italian Meteorological Society. Founder and director of Nimbus magazine, he is currently head of the Moncalieri Meteorological Observatory, lecturer in various universities and member of the ISPRA Scientific Council.

SIC2SIC tour restart from the Sicily

The Sic2Sic tour in Sicily scheduled for May 2020 and postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic will restart on 9 September to be concluded on 3 October 2020. After Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Umbria, Lazio, Sardegna, Piemonte and Puglia, the Sic2Sic next step will face the Sicilian tour, Trapani - Mazara del Vallo.

An extraordinary commitment to involve citizens and Institutions to mitigate alien species invasive impacts

Concluded the Life ASAP project, coordinated by ISPRA and co-financed by the European Union 30 thousand people involved in 224 thematic events and 445 training and awareness days, over 2 million people reached through the press and social media: these are in short the most significant numbers of the LIFE ASAP project - Alien Species Awareness Program, which ended on July 31 last and which was discussed in the five closing online events, broadcast from 23 to 25 June on the ISPRA YouTube channel.  

Seven new Bonelli Eagles in the skies of Sardegna

Yesterday opened the aviary that guested the eagles in the Tepilora Park The aviary that hosted Bonelli's eagles that arrived in Sardegna last 4 Augustwas opened at dawn. The operations were carried out by ISPRA experts together with Forestas. The exit from the aviary took place spontaneously from the first light of dawn, monitored on sight by the operators. Arroyto and Arcantzeru took off first, around 6.40. About an hour later Sadonna and Minnena left the aviary and after more than three hours from the first outings, Mantzena and Dure, the two adult males, came out safely from the aviary one after the other. Almost at noon, the last, Zoseppe, now alone at the aviary, took off in the valley.

Final result LIFE M.I.R. CO-Wolf Webinar

Sep 09, 2020 from 05:00 PM to 08:30 PM Webinar,
The LIFE MIRCo-lupo project, co-financed with the contribution of the European Union, started in 2015 will be concluded the next 9 September, with a final event in a webinar online, during which the actions of the project will be reviewed and results and the topic of future prospects will be illustrated by also Ispra experts.

ESOF2020 - Declaration of human duties of Trieste - An ethical code of shared responsibilities

Sep 05, 2020 from 06:00 PM to 07:30 PM Trieste,
ESOF2020 is an important European scientific forum dedicated to scientific research and innovation that is held in Trieste from 2 to 6 September. As part of the event, Saturday 5 September the meeting "Declaration of human duties of Treste - An ethical code of shared responsibilities" will participate also  President of ISPRA, Stefano Laporta.

Technical policy note for National System for Environmental Protection: Use of software applications for site specific risk assessment of contaminated sites

With the Deliberation n.68/2020 of the SNPA, the document “Technical policy note for National System for Environmental Protection: Use of software applications for site specific risk assessment of contaminated sites” has been published. The technical note is a revision of the software packages evaluation included in the Manual “Methodological Criteria for the application of risk assessment to contaminated sites” Rev 2 of 2008, considering the most updated technical and legislative provisions, the new versions of the already examined software tools and the release of new applications. The product is aimed to support SNPA for the evaluation of site-specific risk assessment documents, and particularly of the software tools, to have a homogeneous and common application

Facing the pollution and climate change in Europe to improve health and and well-being

The European Agency publish the report "Healthy environment, healthy lives: how the environment influences health and well-being in Europe" In 2012, 13 % of all deaths in the EU were attributable to the environment. These deaths are preventable and can be significantly reduced through efforts to improve environmental quality. The COVID-19 pandemic provides a stark example of the inextricable links between human health and ecosystem health. Other factors, such as exposure to air pollution and social status, seem to affect transmission and mortality rates in ways that are not yet fully understood. A significant percentage of the disease burden in Europe continues to be attributed to environmental pollution from human activity. According to the EEA report " Healthy environment, healthy lives: how the environment influences health and well-being in Europe " which draws heavily on World Health Organization data on the causes of death and disease, the quality of the European environment plays a key role in determining our health and well-being

Press conference GRRinPort project

Sep 17, 2020 from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM Livorno,
Next 17 September it will be held a press conference in Livorno to present an initiative towards port users through the delivery to crews of special tanks to contain used vegetable oils which can be delivered ashore to a road container dedicated to the separate collection and storage of used vegetable oils.

National Geographic Festival of the Science - Genetics for wildlife conservation

Sep 16, 2020 from 05:00 PM to 06:00 PM Webinar,
What is the best way to prepare for space challenges? Why will DNA conservation offer to rare species a future? Is there an alternative to the multinational agri-business model? The guests of the next digital events of the National Geographic Festival of the Science , Sciences, planned from 14 to 18 September, are really ready to amaze audiences of all ages, with a series of virtual "journeys" without borders. Come to visit with us the laboratories Ispra in Ozzano dell'Emilia next 16 September and watch the onlie event "Genetics for wildlife conservation". Follow the event

Masks at sea: alarm

Ispra estimates for the whole year 2020 between 160 thousand and 440 thousand tons of anti Covid devices will have to be considered like separated waste. If only 1% of the masks used in a month would be disposed in inappropriate way,  more than 10 million masks per month will be dispersed in the environment.

European Mobility Week

Chose the right means! European Mobility Week 2020       The European Mobility Week , that this year achieves the19th edition, is considered a fundamental appointment for all administrations and citizens who want to commit themselves to the path of sustainability and improving the cities life quality. This year the  theme is ‘Zero-mission mobility for all’. The theme reflects the ambitious targets of a carbon-neutral continent by 2050, as laid out by Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, when presenting the European Green Deal.

Sustainable development and ecosystem: the targets UN 2030

Sep 28, 2020 from 03:30 PM to 05:30 PM Webinar,
The United Nations have established as a a general target to be achieved by 2030 the implementation of more fair policies, that include everyone and with particular attention to the environmental protection, in order to find solutions able to stimulate economy and respect of the rights. The speakers at the conference will face some topics proposed by Agenda 2030 such as the goals nr. 6, 11 and 15 that concern about land consumption, pollution reduction and urban spaces balance. An Ispra expert is participating at the meeting Programme