Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Green Symposium 2021

Sep 15, 2021 to Sep 17, 2021 Portici (NA),
The Green Symposium was created to create the first Community that puts on the network the skills useful for the restart of the South. Europe has given a great opportunity by financing ideas and encouraging investments. For this reason it is necessary to streamline industrial processes and at the same time promote their acceptance by the territories.

"The sea you don't expect", "What happens over there?"

Last 19 July started the   ISPRA's dissemination campaign  to tell about thespecific activities developed by its researchers, in compliance with the shared programs in Europe, both through observation and monitoring of marine environments, and in the field of laboratory research. The fourteenth is dedicated to the  impact of fishing on the marine ecosystem. The seas and oceans around the world, which cover 70 percent of the earth's surface and provide half the oxygen we breathe every day, face a threat that threatens to undermine their survival more quickly and even more invasively. of global warming. In fact, fishing is causing the depletion of fish stocks, the destruction of habitats and the impoverishment of coastal communities. According to the requirements of the Marine Strategy, all commercial stocks must be exploited in a sustainable way.  

Not only urban waste. Special waste the management that need the Country system

Sep 10, 2021 from 05:00 PM to 06:30 PM Milano,
The meeting: "Not only urban waste. Special waste  the management that need the Country system" is included in the program  " Il Verde e il Blu Festival. Buone idee per il futuro del pianeta", the most important national exhibition on the cliamte  change, circular economy, digital revolution, food and megatrend for the future.

Mediterranean Journalists Festival 2021

Sep 01, 2021 to Sep 04, 2021 Otranto,
From 1 to 4 September 2021 Otranto will host the XIII edition of the Journalists of the Mediterranean Festival. Four days of international debates on the major issues of the Mediterranean, a place of commercial, cultural and social exchanges between East and West. The DG of ISPRA, Alessandro Bratti, will participate on 3 September in the debate "Telling the truth between justice and legality". On 1 September ISPRA researchers will participate in the meeting "Mediterranean and Europe, the sea and plastic: what is the Marine Strategy".

"The sea you don't expect", "What happens over there?"

The impact of fishing on shark populations in the Mediterranean Last 19 July started the   ISPRA's dissemination campaign  to tell about thespecific activities developed by its researchers, in compliance with the shared programs in Europe, both through observation and monitoring of marine environments, and in the field of laboratory research. The fourteenth issue is dedicated to the impact of fishing on shark populations in the Mediterranean . As part of the research activities related to the Marine Strategy, ISPRA monitors and characterizes the impacts of fishing on shark populations in the Mediterranean and provides for the establishment of a database necessary for the assessment of a minimum landing size for commercial shark species.

Geology from the Divine Comedy to modern times

Sep 10, 2021 from 09:30 AM to 01:00 PM Online event,
To commemorate the 700th anniversary of the death of the Italian poet Dante Alighieri, the National Council of Geologists and the Italian Society of Environmental Geology-APS, with the patronage of the Tuscany Region, organize the webinar "Geology from the Divine Comedy to modern times".

"The sea you don't expect", "What happens over there?"

Alien species, most dangerous in the Mediterranean Last 19 July started the   ISPRA's dissemination campaign  to tell about thespecific activities developed by its researchers, in compliance with the shared programs in Europe, both through observation and monitoring of marine environments, and in the field of laboratory research. The fifteenth initiatives is dedicated to the most dangerous alien species in the Mediterranean. The presence and possible introduction of new alien species can be more dangerous in the Mediterranean, which is home to about 7.5% of the world's animal species (about 17,000, a specific wealth 10 times higher than the average). Moreover, given the particular morphology of the Mediterranean and by virtue of the connections with the adjacent basins, the increase was significantly higher than in other basins such as the Black Sea, the Baltic Sea or the Atlantic Ocean. This invasion is an involuntary consequence of the human being.    

Nobel Prize in Physics Michel Mayor for NET SCIENZAINSIEME

Sep 08, 2021 to Sep 09, 2021 Rome, Universitu,
Lectio magistralis and round-table Michel Mayor, Nobel Prize in Physics in 2019, discovered the first exoplanet: planet 51 Pegasi B, in the constellation of Pegasus. Mayor is a guest of the NET project in a program of events on 8 and 9 September at Sapienza University of Rome. Protagonist of a Lectio magistralis "Other worlds in the Universe? The search for planets similar to our Earth and ... of life! " and a Round Table with other scientists “The Earth is no longer alone. And Us? The discovery of exoplanets and the search for extraterrestrial life "

ISPRA participation in Ecomondo 2021

Oct 26, 2021 to Oct 29, 2021 Quartiere Fieristico di Rimini,
Ecomondo  the reference event in Europe for the ecological transition and the new models of circular and regenerative economy. During the event, the major international experts in the sector come together to share ideas and experiences, present news and international best practices. Four days of great interest for the entire sector that make Ecomondo the international hub of reference in the world of the green and circular economy

Press conference to present the XV edition of RemTech Expo 2021

Sep 10, 2021 from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM Ferrara,
On Friday 10 September will be held the press conference for the presentation of the "XV Edition of RemTech Expo 2021", permanent international technological hub on the themes of rehabilitation, regeneration and sustainable development of the territories (blended edition), organized on 20 and 21 in digital form and from 22 to 24 September at the Ferrara Fiere headquarters.

Emilia-Romagna: the new plan for waste management and remediation

Sep 13, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM Bologna, Villa Guastavillani,
The new regional plan for waste and remediation; the Emilia-Romagna strategy for the circular economy and ecological transition; the integrated cycle of waste management are some of the topics that will be discussed during the conference "Emilia-Romagna Circular. The new plan for waste management and remediation" to be held in Bologna on Monday 13 September.

The best practice green

Sep 24, 2021 to Sep 25, 2021 Pojana Maggiore (VI),
The third edition of the event "The best practice green" will take place on 24 and 25 September 2021, where Italian and foreign entrepreneurs and institutional representatives meet. The focus of the event, dedicated to "trees and landscape", emphasizes the issues of economic development from the point of view of green and environmental operators. The 2021 edition also sees the involvement of the students of the II level Master of the University of Perugia "Management of the works of environmental protection of the green".

Copernicus and public health

Sep 15, 2021 to Sep 16, 2021 Online event,
The conference is organized by the European Commission, DG DEFIS. On 16 September an ISPRA expert will speak in the session on "Airpollution and Health", for SNPA activities in the context of the National Mirror Copernicus - Space Economy.

European Researchers' Night 2021 - NET project

Sep 24, 2021 to Sep 25, 2021
On 24 September, the European Researchers' Night returns, the European Commission's initiative to bring citizens closer to the world of research. The NET Project offers many events both online and in person: take part in the European science festival and become part of the NET network!

RemTech Expo 2021

Sep 20, 2021 to Sep 24, 2021
RemTech Expo is the only international event specializing in the protection and sustainable development of territories - rehabilitation (reclamation, circular economy), natural risks (coasts, instability, climate, seismic), regeneration (ports, cities, cultural heritage, industry). This year the RemTech Week will be held in Ferrara Fiere from 20 to 24 September in blended Edition (20 and 21 in digital form, 22-24 in presence and digitally).

European Mobility Week 2021: Move sustainable, safe and healthy - The safety of the urban cyclist

In the whole of the Mobility Actions, ISPRA has published, in cooperation with FIAB and Ciclomobilisti e with the patronage of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, the Guide : " La sicurezza del ciclista urbano: una responsabilità condivisa. Suggerimenti per la sicurezza attiva, norme e leggi. " ("The safety of the urban cyclist: a shared responsibility. Active safety tips, rules and laws").

Barcolana Sea Summit

Oct 06, 2021 to Oct 09, 2021 Trieste,
Barcolana Sea Summit, scheduled in Trieste from 6 to 9 October 2021, is a multilateral event on the sustainability of aquatic ecosystems, for greater environmental awareness and a regenerative socio-economic model. The aim of the event is to create awareness of the need to establish a new relationship between man and sea, involving scientists, policy makers, businesses and civil society.