Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


GeolIT3D three dimensional modelling and visualization of geological data



The Italian Geological Survey has expanded its institutional activities of data collection and dissemination promoting a project of 3D geological modelling and visualization.
Several 3D models have been built in different geological domains, ranging from the Apenninic fold and thrust belt to the alluvial plains of the Tevere River, to test the full applicability of the CARG database and other geological database. The three-dimensional modeling techniques have been applied to a variety of geological areas, at various scales, to achieve different purposes.


3D Models Geological domain Area
Data surface Data subsurface Purpose
Fossombrone Northern Apennines 600 3500 Field data (1:10,000)
Attitude data

Well stratigraphies
Seismis profiles

3D representation geologica sheet
Firenze Alluvial plain 25 100   Cross-section
Well stratigraphies
Dedrock isobaths map
Analysis of rock volumes
Polino Central Apennines 18 400 Field data(1:10,000) Cross-sections Paleogeographic reconstruction
Cimini Volcanic area 250 3000 Field data(1:10,000) Well stratigraphies
Bedrock isobath map
Hydrogeological complexes
Vette Feltrine Southern Alps 300 2500 Field data(1:10.000)
Attitude data
Cross sections Structural restoration
Plio-pleistocenic clays Adriatic foredeep 50,450 4,100 - Deep well stratigraphies Analysis of rock volumes
Fiumicino Deltaic area 80 100 Field data (1:10,000) Deep well stratigraphies 3D representation subsoil geological sheet

Visualizza l'immagine ingranditaAt he moment the construction of the 3d model of the geological sheet Fiumicino is in progress.
The final objective of this work is to share 3D data and models with end-users via the Internet (D'Ambrogi et alii, 2010).




3D spatial data number
Deep wells 1,394

Deep Sea Drilling Project/Ocean Drilling wells
  [number] (km)
CROP Project - interpreted sections [4] (776)
CSI-earthquake hypocentres 38,529
  max depth/equidistance value
Base of Pliocene isobaths map 9 km/500 m
Moho isobath maps 56 km/2 km
Lithosphere thickness map 130 km/20 km
  cell size (degree)
Lithosphere-astenosphere system 1°x1°
other spatial data [number] (length km)
CROP Project - seisemic lines on-shore TWT [17] (1,254)
CROP Project - seisemic lines off-shore TWT [46] (8,740)
  number of measurement points
Heat flow 2,700
Gravity anomalies 277,863 on-shore
80,288 off-shore