Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



ISPRA and ISTAT signed today memorandum of understanding

ISTAT and ISPRA together with their statistical data cover about 80% of the official environmental information, contributing, with about 50 statistical projects (surveys, elaborations, design studies) to the National Statistical Program 2017-2019. ISPRA and ISTAT, in fact, with different roles and purposes, both the Institutes carry out an activity of data production, statistical research and study in the environmental field to support decisions for the launch of national and international public policies. The three-year Memorandum of Understanding, which the President of ISTAT, Giorgio Alleva, and the President of ISPRA, Stefano Laporta, signed today further strengthens the collaboration of the two institutions in the SISTAN (National Statistical System) area.

Report on the landslides and floods in Italy

Today was presented at the Deputy Chamber the Report on the landslided and floods in Italy - 2018 edition. The Report provides the updated reference framework on the danger concerning landslides and floods throughout the country and the risk indicators related to population, families, buildings , businesses and cultural heritage. The data contained in the Report represent a useful tool to support risk mitigation policies, to identify intervention priorities, allocate funds and plan land protection measures.

Social mixing event

Yesterday was held at the FAO, as part of the International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation, the Social mixing event organized by ISPRA and CREA. The President of ISPRA, Stefano Laporta, presented the results of the studies conducted by the Institute and the field activities in the sector of organic farming and food waste.