Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Climate Change and Land. 50th session IPCC in Geneva

The Special Report of the IPCC dedicated to the relationships between climate change, desertification, degradation and sustainable management of land and soil, food security and greenhouse gas flows in terrestrial ecosystems was presented on August 8th. ISPRA is strongly committed to the study, analysis and evaluation of all related phenomena, also providing technical support to the MATTM on these issues. The Institute participates in international negotiations on climate, desertification and biodiversity and contributes to the preparation of reports on these issues produced by national and international institutions, including the IPCC. In this scenario, ISPRA carries out relevant activities on the subject of consumption and land degradation, on desertification, on mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

European Environment Strategy 2021-2030: Bratti in the Advisory Committee

The DG of Ispra was appointed as a member of the committee that will define the next European ten-year plan of the European Environment Agency (EEA). As Vice President of the EEA, Bratti will also have the task to define the next ten-year plan of the Agency and the European institutions within the newly established Strategic Committee. In the committee are included also the irish president of the Management Board of the Agency, Laura Burke, and the European representatives of the environmental agencies of France, Germany, Austria, Sweden, Estonia, Finland, Switzerland, together with the heads of the Environment and Climate Directorates of the European Commission