Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


ReMi Project - National Network of Italian Mining Parks and Museums


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ISPRA, custodian of the mineralogical heritage of the Geological Survey of Italy, launched in 2006 a study project to learn about the state of the art of abandoned mining areas in Italy and their possible valorisation and museumisation. The study took into account the numerous initiatives launched (or planned) in Italy, also following the first regulations related to the reconversion and environmental recovery of mines (Law 752/82; Law 221/90; Law 204/1993; Law 388/ 2000 and later), attributable to the following types: mining museums, science and technology museums, ecomuseums, mining parks, thematic itineraries, mining trekking, as well as sites where "not typically museum" activities have been introduced, such as recreational, handicraft, industrial, etc..