Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Walking through the environment

“Walking through the environment” is an ISPRA publication aimed at an audience of young students and non-experts. The Ministry of education recognizes it as a contribution to the “RiGenerazione Scuola” National Plan. The virtual walk stretches through six environmental paths: Crossing the city; Trip to the countryside; Towards the sea; Going up the river; Back home, it comes full circle; Education, a sustainability agenda.

Environmental geology at the service of the Country

Oct 10, 2022 to Oct 11, 2022 Rome,
Celebration of the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the Italian Society of Environmental Geology (SIGEA) - Aps ISPRA is sponsoring and participating in the conference "Environmental geology at the service of the Country" promoted by SIGEA Asp, the association founded in 1992 by a group of academics, professionals, public officials for the promotion of the role of Earth Sciences with the target of protecting the health and safety of the territory

ISPRA's dissemination and didactic activities for the knowledge of Earth Sciences

ISPRA carries out educational and educational activities to promote knowledge of Earth Sciences at schools. The Institute's researchers and technologists go to primary and secondary schools in Rome and Lazio or welcome students to the Institute's Rome office. It is also possible to carry out seminars remotely through the web platforms. The students will be involved in numerous activities and debates in order to convey to them the passion for Earth Sciences.

Sea Robot - The challenges of marine exploration

Wire-guided robots, drones, artificial intelligence. The documentary describes the technological progress of the last decades applied to marine research. New technologies have made it possible to reveal the splendor and richness of deep ecosystems, allowing researchers to acquire valuable data and information for the study of these fascinating environments. The images also show signs of human activity: mysterious wrecks, archaeological finds and, unfortunately, waste and abandoned fishing gear. The documentary was shot in 2021 largely in Sicily, where ISPRA's research ship Astrea was moored in the port of Syracuse.

Pollinator path - Exhibition "Tracing the experiences"

A path to contrast the decline of pollinators in Italy The pollinators path consists of a series of participatory actions that involve citizens and farmers in the protection of pollinators. It is developed within the STING Project, a research of the Joint Research Center of the European Commission, ISPRA headquarters.