Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



In this section of the website you can consult the publications produced by the Institute.

Users can find the volumes of interest by browsing the menu on the right sorted by Editorial Series, or using the "Search Publications" box, from which you can find any publication starting with the full title or by typing few words, searching by editorial series, year or keywords.

After finding the volume of interest, you can download it. In this regard, a summary is provided for larger volumes, from which you can more easily download the individual chapters.

In case you need to find the paper form, you can pick up the volumes free, excluding cartographic products of the Geological Survey of Italy , at ISPRA the headquarters in Via V. Brancati 48 - Rome, observing the following procedures :

  • a personal delivery;
  • delivery to prepaid carrier by applicant.

In this section of the website you can consult the publications produced by the Institute.

Users can find the volumes of interest by browsing the menu on the right sorted by Editorial Series, or using the "Search Publications" box, from which you can find any publication starting with the full title or by typing few words, searching by editorial series, year or keywords.

After finding the volume of interest, you can download it. In this regard, a summary is provided for larger volumes, from which you can more easily download the individual chapters.


In case you need to find the paper form, you can pick up the volumes free, excluding cartographic products of the Geological Survey of Italy , at ISPRA the headquarters in Via V. Brancati 48 - Rome, observing the following procedures :

  • a personal delivery;
  • delivery to prepaid carrier by applicant.