Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Events and News

IV Conference "Cities and climate change"
IV Conference "Cities and climate change"
May 26, 2023 09:30 AM — May 26, 2023 01:00 PM Bari, Fiera di Levante

As part of the cycle of seminars "Cities, territories and landscapes in transformation. Urban planning between integration of knowledge and regulatory innovation" the meeting Cities and climate change will be held in Bari on 26 May. Issues relating to the effects that climate change has on cities and territories will be addressed and how, conversely, the choices made in the context of urban policies have effects on the environment and communities.

Contaminated megasites: the governance and management of complex areas. Experiences from Europe and other continents
Contaminated megasites: the governance and management of complex areas. Experiences from Europe and other continents
May 25, 2023 02:00 PM — May 25, 2023 06:00 PM Taranto

The conference will be held on May 25 at the Taranto Ecoforum (TEF) as a pre-event of Remtech Europe and is organized in collaboration with the Puglia Region, the Province and the Municipality of Taranto, with the contribution of the Port Authority.
The event, in English, will be an opportunity to bring together large companies, start-ups and stakeholders of the public administration, to share innovation experiences and encourage the creation of new partnerships.

Geological, seismic and regulatory aspects of complex infrastructural works in the Strait of Messina area
Geological, seismic and regulatory aspects of complex infrastructural works in the Strait of Messina area
May 25, 2023 — May 26, 2023 Reggio Calabria/Messina

The conference will bring together technicians, scientists and politicians to discuss the geological, seismic and regulatory aspects related to infrastructural works in the Strait area.
The scientific community, through continuous studies and research, has provided data and knowledge that will be shared during the conference, in order to support the government, public opinion and those who are interested in the topic.

Towards the Allumiere Monti della Tolfa Geomining Archaeological Park
Towards the Allumiere Monti della Tolfa Geomining Archaeological Park
May 23, 2023 — May 23, 2023 Archaeological Naturalistic Mining Museum “A. Klitsche de La Grange”

On the occasion of the XV National Mining Day, the Municipality of Allumiere and the A. Klitsche de la Grange Archaeological Naturalistic Mining Museum, in collaboration with the National Network of Italian Mining Parks and Museums – Re.Mi. of ISPRA and the Geodiversity and Natural Monuments Area of ​​the Lazio Region Environment Directorate, organize from 23 to 28 May 2023 in Allumiere, the study and meeting days "Towards the Archaeological Geomining Park | Allumiere Monti della Tolfa”.

Sensitive landscapes: beaches, dunes, cliffs, mines and local museums. Cultural deposits for geotourism
Sensitive landscapes: beaches, dunes, cliffs, mines and local museums. Cultural deposits for geotourism
May 18, 2023 — May 20, 2023 Cagliari

The conference will be an opportunity to analyze the role of Geosites, of abandoned mining sites in protected and inland areas, to address the issue of local museums and geo-cultural itineraries as a resource for sustainable tourism. It will also be an opportunity to exchange experiences and proposals relating to the evolution of geoscience dissemination and communication techniques.

The new edition of "Duezerocinquezero" (2050)
The new edition of "Duezerocinquezero" (2050)
May 16, 2023 — May 18, 2023 Auditorium San Gaetano - Padova

The new edition of "Duezerocinquezero" will be held from 16 to 18 May, three days in which to trace together our path towards 2050, the ultimate horizon of the energy transition. We know the coordinates, but in order to reach the zero-emissions goal in time, we must find a new balance: between energy needs and protection of the planet, between economic indicators and scientific progress, between business and ethics.

Mid-term conference of the European project PanAfGeo-2
Mid-term conference of the European project PanAfGeo-2
May 15, 2023 — May 15, 2023

ISPRA participated, together with the project partners, in the mid-term conference of the European project PanAfGeo-2, organized in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo. The results of the project activities, especially training courses on geosciences for young African geologists, were illustrated to representatives of the European Union, Organization of African Geological Surveys (OAGS), UNESCO and other organizations involved. The opening and closing ceremonies of the conference were attended by the Hon. Pierre Oba, Minister of State and Minister of Mines, Industry and Geology who underlined the importance and positive impact of PanAfGeo-2 on scientific cooperation and the exchange of knowledge between Africa and Europe.

The natural monument La Frasca: the evolution of the environment from the Pleistocene to today
The natural monument La Frasca: the evolution of the environment from the Pleistocene to today
May 13, 2023 10:00 AM — May 13, 2023 05:00 PM Civitavecchia e Tarquinia (VT), Monumento Naturale La Frasca, Via Sparterro Melchiorri - Strada della Torre Valdaliga

As part of the side events organized for the European Researchers' Night 2023 which this year will take place on 29 September, ISPRA, on Saturday 13 May, will organize the following excursion: "The natural monument La Frasca: the evolution of the environment from the Pleistocene to today".

The experimental field of the landslide of Poggio Baldi (FC)
The experimental field of the landslide of Poggio Baldi (FC)
May 12, 2023 10:30 AM — May 12, 2023 05:30 PM Municipalities of Santa Sofia (FC)

The event is sponsored by the research projects PNRR-Infrastructures "GeosciencesIR" and the Extended Partnership "RETURN", respectively coordinated by ISPRA and the University of Naples Federico II.
During the day the monitoring approaches and the sensors implemented in the study site will be discussed, analyzing the contribution of natural experimental laboratories in the study of instability processes. In the afternoon, the photomonitoring techniques dedicated to the study of landslide processes will also be illustrated by experimenting with the application of software dedicated to the analysis of images acquired from real cases.

The San Felice Cemetery in Rome: ISPRA's hypothesis on the funerary complex that disappeared in 1500
The San Felice Cemetery in Rome: ISPRA's hypothesis on the funerary complex that disappeared in 1500
May 09, 2023

During a new study on the underground cavities of the Portuense district of Rome, ISPRA researchers have achieved access to an underground quarry that could be connected with the underground cemetery dedicated to the antipope San Felice II. The Cemetery, which was located on top of a hill, was an important pilgrimage destination until the end of the Middle Ages, to then disappear around 1500. The hypothesis is that it was subjected to landslides and sinking and that part of it is still found under the urban fabric of Rome.

ISPRA experts in Turkey to study the effects of last February's earthquake on the environment
ISPRA experts in Turkey to study the effects of last February's earthquake on the environment
May 09, 2023

ISPRA participated from 24 to 26 April in the mission to Ankara, organized by the Civil Protection Department in collaboration with the Italian Embassy in Turkey, aimed at meeting the main Turkish institutions involved in the emergency and post-emergency phases of the seismic sequence of 6 and 7 February that hit Turkey and Syria. The meetings were preparatory to the new mission underway from 7 to 13 May, agreed with AFAD (Turkish Civil Protection), on the places affected by the earthquakes.

Presentation "Atlas of Environmental Data "
Presentation "Atlas of Environmental Data "
May 03, 2023 04:00 PM — May 03, 2023 05:00 PM Napoli, Stazione marittima

As part of the Green Med Symposium, ISPRA presents a new publication which, thanks to maps, graphs and tables, will allow you to visualize the geographical distribution of the main environmental information.

Five thematic sections - geosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, atmosphere and anthroposphere - to raise awareness of future challenges and contribute to the achievement of sustainable development goals, thanks to accurate and up-to-date scientific information.

The aim is to provide scientific information on soil, water, biodiversity, air, climate, waste, energy and the environmental impacts of human activities and, at the same time, to help raise awareness of environmental challenges.
The Atlas of environmental data integrates the EcoAtlante, the portal developed by ISPRA which offers a series of interactive cartographic paths useful for exploring the environmental data collected and cataloged in the National Environmental Information System, in line with the database of the Yearbook of environmental data, Yearbook of environmental data, which in line with the main national and international inter-thematic core sets, makes available over 300 statistical indicators on the state of the environment in Italy.

Further information

Atlas of environmental data

The countryside of the Agro
The countryside of the Agro
May 03, 2023 10:00 AM — May 03, 2023 06:00 PM Rome, Museo Macro Testaccio - Padiglione 9b

In the occasion of the "Roma Periurbana" exhibition curated by RomaAgricola at the Mattatoio di Roma (22 March - 21 May 2023), whose main topic is "Rome as a city with zero soil consumption",  will be organized the conference "The countryside of the Agro", with the participation of an ISPRA expert which will talk about soil consumption in Rome

ISPRA participates at the Green Med Symposium
ISPRA participates at the Green Med Symposium
May 03, 2023 — May 05, 2023 Napoli, Stazione marittima

From 3 to 5 may, in the Stazione marittima of Napoli, it will be held the Green Med Symposium, 3 days to talk about circular economy, emissions, drought and instability, soil regeneration and protection, sustainable agriculture. During the event, for the year consecutively, ISPRA will propose training courses addressed to expert, officials of Public Administrations and companies.

A district will be set up in which the experts will meet the schools and transfer to the youngest all they need to know to live in harmony with the environment.

The Drizzagno and the dead bight of Spinaceto along the Tiber, geological features and river ecosystems compared
The Drizzagno and the dead bight of Spinaceto along the Tiber, geological features and river ecosystems compared
Apr 23, 2023 10:30 AM

The geological walks of ISPRA
During the excursion, the geological and geomorphological characteristics of the territory and the changes both to the environment and to the ecosystem produced by human activities will be described. From the observation point of the monumental bridge of Mezzocammino, on the GRA, it is possible to see the work of cutting the Spinaceto bight of the Tiber, the so-called Drizzagno.

ISPRA joins the European Geosciences Union Congress
ISPRA joins the European Geosciences Union Congress
Apr 23, 2023 — Apr 28, 2023 Vienna

ISPRA has participated at the Congress of the European Geosciences Union in Vienna, a European meeting of researchers on earth sciences, in which the progress of two ongoing projects on soil was presented. 

General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union 2023
General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union 2023
Apr 23, 2023 — Apr 28, 2023

The EGU General Assembly 2023 will bring together geoscientists from around the world for a meeting on topics from the disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences. The EGU aims to create a forum where scientists can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience.

In this international context, ISPRA will present some statistics on the use of naturalistic engineering in projects aimed at mitigating hydro-geological risk in Italy. In particular, the following will be analysed: the types of works most used, the proportion between naturalistic and "traditional" engineering and the geographical location of the interventions with respect to the protected areas of the Natura 2000 network. The aforementioned study was carried out through the analysis and processing of the data available in the ReNDiS database, the ISPRA tool for monitoring interventions for hydro- geological instability.

Tor Caldara: an itinerary through geology, environment and history
Tor Caldara: an itinerary through geology, environment and history
Apr 22, 2023 10:30 AM Ingresso della Riserva Naturale Regionale di Tor Caldara, Litoranea Ostia Anzio (SP 601) km 34,400, 00042 Anzio (RM)

Geological walks with ISPRA
The Tor Caldara Nature Reserve is located south of Rome, between Anzio and Lavinio, and represents a geological-environmental "diamond" of unique value. The area is a rare testimony of the ancient coastal forests along the coast of southern Lazio and until recently it was exploited for the mining of sulfur, the presence of which is linked to the secondary activity of the Lazio volcanic district.

The excursion will lead visitors to discover the geological and environmental characteristics of the Reserve, which is particularly suitable for educational purposes due to the spectacular secondary volcanic phenomena still active and the naturalistic importance of the habitats present

1st Workshop International RootS23 - "Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Interaction: mechanisms, processes and geotechnical engineering implications"
1st Workshop International RootS23 - "Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Interaction: mechanisms, processes and geotechnical engineering implications"
Apr 20, 2023 — Apr 21, 2023 Perugia

The Workshop  will focus on the current state of knowledge and research concerning the topic of soil-vegetation-atmosphere interaction. This is a very broad and multidisciplinary research theme, spanning several scientific fields, each contributing to the investigation and modeling of specific aspects of the soil and plant behavior, under variable climatic conditions. The Workshop is mainly addressed to researchers in geotechnical engineering, but the participation of researchers working in other fields (e.g., foresters, agronomists, soil physicians, ecologists, ….) is very welcome and considered fruitful for a constructive contamination of knowledge.

Land degradation and Healthy soils: towards a glossary and monitoring system
Land degradation and Healthy soils: towards a glossary and monitoring system
Apr 18, 2023 09:30 AM — Apr 18, 2023 01:00 PM

ISPRA, in cooperation with CREA and with Teagasc, in the context of the EJP SOIL Program and in particular of the WP8 dedicated to the interface between Science and Politics, will organize a webinar to discuss the topic of Land degradation. The event will be an opportunity to analyze how Europe is moving on this important challenge, which since the adoption of the 2030 Agenda, in line with the implementation of SDG 15, and following the recommendations of the Court of Auditors European, the European Commission has included in the EU Soil Strategy for 2030.

ISPRA and SNPA at the Rome Science Festival
ISPRA and SNPA at the Rome Science Festival
Apr 18, 2023 — Apr 23, 2023 Rome, Auditorium Parco della Musica

The 18th edition of the Rome Science Festival will be held from 18 to 23 April 2023 at the Auditorium Parco della Musica "Ennio Morricone".

IMMAGINARI is the theme of this edition dedicated to the imagination, one of the most powerful tools that allows us to conceive works of art, new technologies and allows us to find solutions to everyday problems.

ISPRA is scientific partner of the event and this year organizes the SNPA conference entitled "Communicate the environment" within the event: a morning of discussion (Wednesday 19 April 9.30-14) with some protagonists of the world information and environmental divulgation to analyze how we are reporting the environment through the media and how we will be called to do in the future.

Together with this appointment, ISPRA promotes a series of initiatives during the week of the Festival.

Signed Framework Agreement of the Italian Network of Geological Services
Signed Framework Agreement of the Italian Network of Geological Services
Apr 06, 2023

The Italian Network of Geological Services (RISG) is a coordination network between Ispra and the Regions, Autonomous Provinces and ARPA having competence in the geological field at regional level.

The RISG was born in 2018 starting from the reorganization of the Geological Coordination Committee between the State and the Regions, established in 2000 (Law 365/2000); the reorganization envisaged a Network structure divided into two levels: a strategic level represented by the Board of Directors and a technical level represented by the Thematic Tables, both supported by a Technical Secretariat.

Presented today the Rome Science Festival 2023
Presented today the Rome Science Festival 2023
Apr 04, 2023 — Apr 04, 2023

From 18 to 23 April 2023, the Rome Science Festival returns to the "Ennio Morricone" Auditorium Parco della Musica with its 18th edition.
Over 100 meetings, over 100 educational activities, over 10 weekend activities for families, 4 exhibits, 16 scientific and cultural partners.
IMMAGINARI is the theme of this edition dedicated to the imagination, one of the most powerful tools that allows us to conceive works of art, new technologies and allows us to find solutions to everyday problems

Contrasting soil consumption
Contrasting soil consumption
Mar 24, 2023 08:30 AM — Mar 24, 2023 02:30 PM

Agri-environmental measures for the mitigation and adaptation to climate change

When we talk about adaptation to climate change, we talk about how to reduce the negative effects by taking appropriate actions to prevent or minimize the damage they can cause. In this context it is important to enhance the role that agricultural and forestry activities can play in soil protection.
As part of Aida2.0, the agricultural dissemination and information project, created for the Tuscany Region with the aim of giving a new response to the increasingly specialized needs of the agricultural and forestry world, there will be a seminar on land consumption.

HydroQuakes: pre-seismic hydrogeochemical anomalies
HydroQuakes: pre-seismic hydrogeochemical anomalies
Mar 23, 2023 09:30 AM — Mar 23, 2023 06:00 PM Online event

On 23 March, at the Rome office of INGV, the workshop on the relationship between earthquakes and fluids will be held, with particular regard to pre-seismic hydrogeochemical, hydrogeophysical and seismohydrological signals.

Lakes, mirror of climate change
Lakes, mirror of climate change
Mar 22, 2023 09:00 AM — Mar 22, 2023 05:30 PM Parco Regionale dei Castelli Romani - Via Cesare Battisti 5, Rocca di Papa (RM)

Emerging phenomena, dynamics, potential and tools for the management and care of the Castelli Romani Park

The anthropic impact, emerging pollutants, senseless use put a strain on the quantity and quality of water almost everywhere on the planet, the safety of the territory and the health of citizens risk being endangered.

Innovation and circular economy: new opportunities for sustainable cereal production
Innovation and circular economy: new opportunities for sustainable cereal production
Mar 21, 2023 09:00 AM — Mar 21, 2023 01:00 PM Brescia - Università degli Studi di Brescia, Aula Consiliare di Ingegneria

The conference is organized as part of the activities of the "RICREA - Cereal waste for bioremediation" project, co-financed by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, Directorate General for the Circular Economy. The aim of the RICREA project is to develop a technological solution that allows both the recycling of waste generated by the transformation of cereals and the recovery of waste generated by the remediation of contaminated land.

Geological cartography at the service of the landscape
Geological cartography at the service of the landscape
Mar 16, 2023 09:00 AM — Mar 16, 2023 05:30 PM Rome, Società Geografica Italiana/Online

The Conference will be an opportunity for experts in the sector and institutional representatives to discuss the critical issues of the territory, highlighting that modern geological cartography and that derived from it are to be considered indispensable tools for understanding and managing the same territory.
The conference is organized by the National Council of Geologists (CNG) and the CNG Study Center Foundation, in collaboration with ISPRA.

National event on the EU Soil Mission - Towards the establishment of 100 living labs and lighthouses
National event on the EU Soil Mission - Towards the establishment of 100 living labs and lighthouses
Mar 10, 2023 09:30 AM — Mar 10, 2023 01:30 PM Milano, Politecnico di Milano, Aula Rogers, Edificio 11

The national events organized by the Horizon Europe NATI00NS project aim to promote the EU Mission “A Soil Deal for Europe” in national and regional contexts, providing access to quality materials and information, stimulating discussions on the best configurations of Living Labs (LL ) to address specific soil needs in various local contexts. Ultimately, the aim is to support regional and national bodies and organizations to apply for calls from the European Commission on the theme "Living Labs for soil health".

The participation of an ISPRA expert is expected.

Hydrogeological instability
Hydrogeological instability
Feb 23, 2023 03:00 PM — Feb 23, 2023 05:00 PM

On February 23, the Ezio Tarantelli Foundation Study Research and Training Center is organizing the webinar "Hydrogeological instability" with the participation of the ISPRA president, Stefano Laporta.