Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Geology, Soil and Territory

  • Geological and geotematics map 
    Geological maps are the cartographic representation of the information acquired through the work on the ground.The geological survey aimed at geological and geothematic cartography at different scales has characterized the Geological Survey of Italy since its establishment in 1867 and since 1960 as one of the five cartographic bodies of the state (Law 68/1960). In particular, the CARG project aims to create geological and geothematic cartography at a scale of 1: 50,000, ranging from geomorphology, structural geology and marine geology, also through 3D geological modeling.

  • Geognostic and geophysical data
    The data collected derives from the application of geophysical methodologies such as gravimetry, magnetometry, seismic, geoelectric, georadar, microtremors, multibeam, sidescansonar and geodesics such as GPS monitoring networks. This category includes the geophysical data available at various scales, both on land and at sea, including from external sources, and information relating to studies or surveys in the national subsoil, for water research purposes or for civil engineering works (pursuant to of the Law of 4 August 1984 n. 464.

  • The Geological heritage
    The geological heritage is made up of sites of geological interest and sites of mining interest. In these databases we find the places of geological, landscape, naturalistic and sometimes archaeological interest, basic elements of the geological heritage and the disused national mining heritage. The information, collected by ISPRA, can be freely consulted 

  • Geological and natural risks
    The Italian territory is geodynamically active and predisposed to frequent natural phenomena such as earthquakes, volcanoes, subsidence, which determine widespread situations of natural danger or accentuated by anthropogenic activity. This section presents the geological aspects that determine such hazards including capable faults (ITHACA - ITaly HAzard from CApable faults), the geological effects of earthquakes (EEE Catalog), landslides (IFFI) and sinkholes (Sinkhole). There is also the monitoring data of the interventions for risk mitigation (ReNDiS - National Directory of interventions for soil defense) and the National alert system for tsunami risk - SIAM

  • Contaminated sites
    This section contains data on the Sites of Regional and National Interest and provides information on the progress of the procedures for characterization and remediation of contaminated sites deriving from industrial activities

  • Land use and consumption
    Soil is an indispensable, non-renewable resource, strongly threatened by intense territorial transformations, also of anthropogenic origin, which are rapidly reducing the surface of natural soil. In this section, you can consult the data on land use and cover and on the monitoring of land consumption at national level