Update of the navigation emission estimates in ports both at national and local level
The report contains the results of a project aimed at collecting data on navigation traffic in a few Italian harbors. A model has been used to calculate ...
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Walking through the environment
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Luxury Publications
Webinar on pollution and Covid-19
The Air Pollution and COVID19 webinar aims to provide information operators of the National Health System (NHS) and the National System for Environmental ...
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Year 2020
Wood biomass and the mitigation of the climate crisis : opportunity or problem ?
Woody biomass currently are the most important source of renewable energy in the EU and in Italy and represents an indispensable resource to achieve the ...
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Year 2021
XI Edition of the Study Days “Research and Application of Ecotoxicological Methodologies”
As usual, every 2 years starting from 2006, ISPRA promotes the Study Days "Research and application of ecotoxicological methodologies" with the collaboration ...
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Ispra events
XVI National Pollen Day 2023
Environmental monitoring and prevention of pollen allergy risks On 21 March, on the occasion of the XVI edition of the National Pollen Day, the Italian Society ...
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Year 2023