Waste from e-commerce, presentation of the results of the program agreement between Mase, Amazon and consortia
The first results of the program agreement between the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, Amazon Services Europe Sarl and the Erp Italia, Erion ...
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Year 2023
Waste from Economic Activities: in 2022 production fell by 2.1%
The new edition of the ISPRA Report is online In 2022, the conflict in Ukraine and the energy crisis negatively affected the Italian economy, causing a ...
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Waste from economic activities: comparison on ISPRA data
The increase of waste from economic activities and their management will be discussed on the new episode of Sostenibilitalia, next 28 July live from 11:00 on ...
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Year 2023
Waste management, circular economy and PNRR: the new challenges and the impact for Municipalities
The event aims to stimulate the comparison between the different waste management models both with respect to innovation and efficiency and with respect to the ...
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Year 2023
Waste, new reforms
Objective: growth and cohesion Two important regulatory instruments have been formally operational in our country since 30 June: the national waste management ...
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Year 2022
XI Edition of the Study Days “Research and Application of Ecotoxicological Methodologies”
As usual, every 2 years starting from 2006, ISPRA promotes the Study Days "Research and application of ecotoxicological methodologies" with the collaboration ...
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Ispra events
XXXII edition of Festambiente
The national event of Festambiente , organized by Legambiente will held in Ripescia (GR) from 19 to 23 August.
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Year 2020