Plastic, bioplastic, riplastic or Noplastic
The webinar aims to share and discuss the different possibilities of sustainable and innovative solutions that involve the use of plastics and towards ...
Located in
Year 2021
How are the species that live in the Mediterranean?
In the Mediterranean Sea live about 10% of all marine species while accounting for just 0.7% of the global marine surface. In order to protect the ecosystems ...
Located in
Year 2021
Implementation of an innovative system for monitoring the sea state in climate change scenarios
In the last decades, as a results of the climate change, extreme weather and marine events have also intensified in the Sicily Channel, increasingly the need ...
Located in
Year 2021
4th Conference of the Italian Marine Geologists
The 4th Conference of Italian Marine Geologists will take place on 25 and 26 February under the aegis of the Italian Geological Society, CNR, INGV, OGS, ...
Located in
Year 2021
ISPRA and the LIFE project Lagoon Refresh for the World Wetlands day
Every year on the 2 February is celebrated the World Wetlands day to increase the awareness on the important role that these areas have for the people and our ...
Located in
Year 2021
Quantification of carbon deposits and rate of change in relation to the degradation drivers identified for habitat 1120 *: the case study of the Life SeaForest Project
On Tuesday 16 February, CNR IGAG will organize the webinar "Quantification of carbon deposits and rate of change in relation to the degradation drivers ...
Located in
Year 2021
Improvements in European bathing water quality but there are still opened challenges
Last EEA data show that the number of bathing sites monitored under the Bathing Water Directive has increased from about 7,500 in 1990 to more than 22,000 in ...
Located in
Year 2021
World Seagrass Day
Underwater seagrass are important ecosystems for oceans. They produce huge quantities of oxygen and capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, provide food ...
Located in
Year 2021
The centrality of the Marine Strategy in the sea conservation and sustainable development policy at EU level: the new tool to understand and protect the Mediterranean
Soon an event dedicated to the monitoring of European marine programs connected to the Sea Eu Directive.
Located in
Year 2021
Nauticinblu is an educational path, organized by Marevivo, which involves about 1500 students every year, coming from nautical institutes of Italy, in order to ...
Located in
Year 2021