Online the first number 2021 of "Innovations for the environmental sustainability"
The magazine online " InnovAzioni per la sostenibilità ambientale "aims to spread the good practices collected in the GELSO data base, in order to share them ...
Located in
Year 2021
Wetlands and agroecosystems: species and habitats of community interest in Lombardy
The webinar is part of the activitiers of the project: "Agroecosystems and Conservation in Lombardia of Rare Vegetal Species of Habitat Directive ( CLOVER ...
Located in
Year 2021
Launched the project Natural Intelligence for Robotic Monitoring of Habitats (NI)
The Natural Intelligence H2020 project aims to serve the European Green Deal with robots able to accomplish monitoring of natural habitats. As part of the NI ...
Located in
Year 2021
Signed the operative agreement 2021-2023 for the Marine Strategy second cycle
The Italian Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea, together with ISPRA, signed last week an operative agreement for the period 2021-2023 related to the ...
Located in
Year 2021
Which green for which city
Next 6 February will be held the webinar: "Which green for which city" organized by Legambiente and Italia Nostra Messina to debate the management of the green ...
Located in
Year 2021
ISPRA and the LIFE project Lagoon Refresh for the World Wetlands day
Every year on the 2 February is celebrated the World Wetlands day to increase the awareness on the important role that these areas have for the people and our ...
Located in
Year 2021
Dangerous bears, at least one case a year. That is why killing or captivity are the only ways
The report of ISPRA and Muse on the issue related the presence of bears in the province of Trento analyzes prevention and possible measures. For experts, the ...
Located in
Year 2021
Animals and pandemics. Let's review our connections with animals and Nature
After a 4-week mission to Wuhan, the experts sent by the WHO reiterated that the origin of the virus is animal, although they were unable to clarify how the ...
Located in
Year 2021
The roles of female researchers in ornithology
On 23 February a new meeting is foreseen concerning the surveys carried out by the female researchers in the field of ornithology, organized by Italian Centre ...
Located in
Year 2021
Informal session of the scientific body of the United Nations Convention on Biodiversity
The second part of a meeting session of the subsidiary body for scientific, technical and technological advice (SBSTTA) of the UN Convention for Biological ...
Located in
Year 2021