Mining activities: sustainable experiences and perspectives
The mining industry has always been a key sector for the social and economic development of civilizations. Today, more than ever, the extractive sector needs ...
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Year 2022
Mitigation interventions for flood and hydrogeological instability
The technical seminar is organized by the Order of Engineers of the province of Ferrara and by the Order of Geologists of Emilia-Romagna. In the light of ...
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Year 2023
Models of flow and transport of contaminants in groundwater
The implementation of numerical models of flow and transport of contaminants in groundwater is becoming increasingly important, either in the context of ...
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Handbooks and guidelines
Monitoring project of the aquifer system in the low Friuli plain (Udine district)
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Technical Periodicals
Memorie Descrittive della Carta geologica d'Italia
National atlas of land consumption. Edition 2023
The Land Consumption Atlas is part of the products created by ISPRA and the SNPA on the topics of land consumption, the state of the territory and settlements, ...
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Luxury Publications
National Day for the Prevention and Mitigation of Hydrogeological Risk
Climate change and challenges for land protection The increasingly frequent extreme events present institutions, researchers and technical professionals with ...
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National event on the EU Soil Mission - Towards the establishment of 100 living labs and lighthouses
The national events organized by the Horizon Europe NATI00NS project aim to promote the EU Mission “A Soil Deal for Europe” in national and regional contexts, ...
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Year 2023
National inventory of closed or abandoned type A mining waste storage facilities. Update report to 2022
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National Soil Hub. Comparing experiences for a national soil monitoring network
As part of the activities included by the European Joint Program on Soil (EJP Soil) and the national Soil HUB project, the meeting "National Soil Hub, ...
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Year 2022
Natural sinkhole phenomena in the Italian plain areas
Located in
Technical Periodicals
Memorie Descrittive della Carta geologica d'Italia