Sea robot - The challenges of marine exploration
The documentary in English "Sea robot - The challenges of marine exploration" is now also available on the website of EuroGOOS , an association of national ...
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Sea Robot. The challenges of marine exploration
On 11 April, on the occasion of the National Day of the Sea, ISPRA will present a new documentary to tell which state-of-the-art technologies are used to study ...
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Year 2022
Sea turtle nests, 2023 is the record year
There are currently 293 loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) nests found and secured along Italian beaches: it is the all-time record and a number destined ...
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Year 2023
Sea urchins more sensitive to metal toxicity as a consequence of the past two decades
The ISPRA research group based in Livorno, in collaboration with a researcher from the University of Nottingham, has published the results of a twenty-year ...
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Year 2023
Second conference on climate impacts
The second edition of the Euro-Mediterranean Conference “Mare Climaticum Nostrum” is the event during which the updated map of current and expected climate ...
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Year 2023
Seen from the North. A historical-cultural and environmental vision of the Mediterranean seen from Venice
Since May of this year, the Mediterranea boat has sailed in the sea of Sicily and along the Ionian coast of Calabria and Puglia to then go up the entire ...
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Year 2022
Seminar for the 30th anniversary of the Natura 2000 Network and the LIFE Program
2022 is a special year as we are celebrating the 30th anniversary of both the European Natura 2000 Network and the LIFE programme, born on the same day, the ...
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Year 2022
Ships of May
The spring programming of events included in Italian Port Days and coordinated by the Port System Authority of the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea in collaboration ...
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Year 2023
Signed agreement between the Italian Navy and ISPRA for the protection and monitoring of the seas
The signing of the implementing agreement between the Navy and ISPRA was held today in the morning. The agreement was signed by the Chief of Staff of the Navy, ...
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Year 2023
Signed the agreement for the joint Sino-Italian laboratory of Functional Biology of Marine Biota between Zhejiang Ocean University and ISPRA
The laboratories were set up at the respective locations of the Zhejiang Ocean University (ZJOU) Haida South Road campus, Lincheng Changzhi Island, Zhoushan, ...
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Year 2023