Water National Conference
Italian water. National conference. How much resource we have, how much we use, how much of it we waste, how much we will have, as we protect, what to do to ...
Located in
Year 2017
Geology and Seismology in Rieti
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Year 2017
Geodata and geoportal to support experts, citizens and local administrations
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Year 2017
The Geological Map of the CARG Project for the implementation of Sustainability and ESG principles and the prevention of Climate Change risks
The geological map has always been the basic tool for geological knowledge of the territory. The new Geological and Geothematic Cartography of Italy at the ...
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RaStEM: a tool to support planning and design of hydrogeological risk mitigation measures
The monitoring of hydrogeological risk mitigation measures, that ISPRA has been carrying out for more than twenty-five years on behalf of the Ministry of the ...
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Handbooks and guidelines
The Frontiers of Ecotoxicology
Organized by the Department of Pharmacy of the Federico University, the meeting is aimed at highlighting the role of ecotoxicology in the assessment of ...
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Quaternary deformations, palaeosols and strata across the Northern Apennines
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Technical Periodicals
Geological Field Trips and Maps
CARG project: geological cartography towards the future
As part of the cycle of in-depth online seminars "Caffè di Geologica" on Friday 24 May at 4.00 pm an ISPRA researcher will talk about the "CARG Project: ...
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Environment in Italy: an overview. Environmental Data Yearbook 2022
Environment in Italy: an overview. Environmental Data Yearbook 2022 is a statistical report produced by ISPRA with the aim of providing policy makers, public ...
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State of the Environment
On-line the new environmental indicators data base ISPRA
An effective tool to understand the state of the environment in Italy Developed with a view to improvement, to face increasingly pressing environmental ...
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