Geological walks with ISPRA - Tor Caldara
Visit to the Tor Caldara Regional Nature Reserve, accompanied by ISPRA researchers, in an area where sulfur was extracted already in Roman times A walk in the ...
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Days of Geology and History IIº cycle
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Technical Periodicals
Memorie Descrittive della Carta geologica d'Italia
Geological map of the Nord Rupes (North Polar Cap, Mars)
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Technical Periodicals
Geological Field Trips and Maps
Geological survey and CARG cartography - Summer School 2024
ISPRA, in collaboration and with the support of the Italian Geological Society, the Municipality of Erto and Casso, the Friulian Dolomites Natural Park and the ...
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SICON 2024 Contaminated Sites Workshop - Experiences in remediation interventions
SiCon is an opportunity for discussion between operators in the sector and aims to provide participants with a broad overview of what has been achieved to date ...
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The new frontiers for the geologist of the future
The workshop is organized by SIGEA-APS, in collaboration with the University of Basilicata and the Order of Geologists of Basilicata. At the end there will be ...
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Dancalia: the contribution of Italian geologists in the exploration of the Afar
The conference entitled "Dancalia: the contribution of Italian geologists in the exploration of the Afar" will be held in Rome on 7 June. During the day there ...
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Ispra events
Local climate zones & open data cube (LCZ-ODC)
Satellite images to support planning and monitoring of the territory The conference aims to be a training opportunity to learn about the “Local Climate Zones ...
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LGM glacial and glaciofluvial environments in a tectonically active area (southeastern Alps)
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Technical Periodicals
Geological Field Trips and Maps
The national IdroGeo platform on hydrogeological instability: data and services for the PA and companies
ISPRA meets decision makers and stakeholders The conference "The IdroGEO national platform on hydrogeological instability: data and services for the PA and ...
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Ispra events