Report on the course "Recognizing the main habitat typologies in the Eastern Alps"
From the 31st of August to the 4 th of September 2020 a course on the field about recognizing the main typologies of habitat in the eastern Alps took place in ...
Located in
Year 2020
First scientific conference Life Perdix
The first scientific conference of the LIFE Perdix project will be held on Saturday 26 September in Comacchio. The main topic is the recovery and ...
Located in
Year 2020
Plastic and the Mediterranean sea
In the frame of a series of meetings entitled " Face to face with plastic ", organized by the Natural History Museum of Calci (PI) on the occasion of the ...
Located in
Year 2020
Guidelines for the national monitoring of the wolf
In these days we are starting the first synchronic data collection ever carried out to estimate the distribution and population size of the wolf in Italy, ...
Located in
Year 2020
World migratory day
Next 10 October will be celebrated the World migratory day organized by the Bonn Convention on the migratory species. The topic of this year is the ...
Located in
Year 2020
The landscape as a driving force for the development of a different society twenty years after the European Landscape Convention
The event , after20 years after the European Landscape Convention, aims to analyze the reflections of sector experts. The European Landscape Convention was ...
Located in
Year 2020
PINE AID. Looking into the future of the Planet
The Monumental Pinewood of Fregene is a place of history and nature and its conservation and maintenance is therefore a task of competent specialists. For this ...
Located in
Year 2020
National Geographic Festival of Sciene - Aliens alarms
Fighting invasive species through the involvement of society and the enhancement of local knowledge A wew online appointment with Ispra and National ...
Located in
Year 2020
EICAT, a method to classify the alien species impacts
IUCN Global Standard for classifying the severity and type of impacts caused by alien species, known as the Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa ...
Located in
Year 2020
A resource not to be wasted: towards a common policy for the integrity of the seabed in the Mediterranean Sea
The objectives of the HARMONY Project are the protection of marine biodiversity by assessing seabed integrity and the presence of nonindigenous species (NIS) ...
Located in
Year 2020