Change the climate. Change the sea
The Sea Essence International Festival is held on the Island of Elba from 30 June to 2 July, the first international festival dedicated to the protection and ...
Located in
Year 2023
Climate change in the coastal and transition areas: scenarios and impacts on the Po Delta
The Veneto region is organizing a meeting in the frame of the CHANGE WE CARE european project, in order to assess the climate change in the coastal areas. ...
Located in
Year 2021
Climate change, energy transition and digitalisation: models of adaptation, management and development of the Mediterranean coastal areas
The event is aimed at institutions, administrations, researchers and professionals working on issues related to the impacts of climate change, with particular ...
Located in
Year 2023
Climate change: new transoceanic route for marine fish
For over 150 years, Indo-Pacific fish species have colonized the Mediterranean entering the Suez Canal. Research coordinated by Cnr-Irbim indicates the ...
Located in
Year 2022
Closure event of the West MOPoCo (Marine Pollution Cooperation in the Western Mediterranean)
The videoconference will take place on Wednesday 14 April 2021, from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. The project aims to strengthen cooperation in the western ...
Located in
Year 2021
Coastal strip monitoring: presentation of the Italian Coast Line 2020
A fundamental element for the planning and management of the coasts is the knowledge of the long-term coastal evolution, due to the action of the sea, ...
Located in
Year 2022
Coasts in movement
1st National Conference of Coastal Landscapes At what stage are the transformation processes of coastal areas? And how are climate change and coastal ...
Located in
Year 2021
Comics "Twenty thousand nets under the sea"
The sea is progressively becoming a deposit of marine waste. The cartoon "Twenty thousand networks under the seas" deals with the issue of marine litter, ...
Located in
Year 2023
Computing ship strikes and near miss events of fin whales along the main ferry routes in the Pelagos Sanctuary and adjacent west area, in summer
In the Mediterranean, collisions with large ships are considered among the main threats to the fin whale, a species considered vulnerable by the IUCN red lists ...
Located in
Year 2022
Conclusion of the monitoring campaign on microplastics
ISPRA is pleased to announce the conclusion of the monitoring campaign on microplastics, financed by the Ministry of the Environment and conducted by the ...
Located in
Year 2023