The geosites of the Marche. A heritage of geodiversity of exceptional value
During the event, the results achieved by the working group engaged in the collection of data on the geological heritage of the Marche will be presented, also ...
Located in
Year 2022
The groundwater and the seawater intrusion in Apulia: from research to the emergency in the safeguard of the water resource
Located in
Technical Periodicals
Memorie Descrittive della Carta geologica d'Italia
The hydrogeological instability. Technical aspects and socio-economic effects
The conference is the first of a cycle of events that will concern the analysis, monitoring and mitigation of hydrogeological instability with a focus on ...
Located in
Year 2021
The Hydrogeological Map of Rome adopted among the geological management documents of the General Zoning Plan of the city
The administration of Roma Capitale has adopted the geological and hydrogeological maps, also produced by ISPRA in cooperation with other Bodies, which update ...
Located in
Year 2020
The Inqua Scale
Located in
Technical Periodicals
Memorie Descrittive della Carta geologica d'Italia
The inventory of Italian Landslide Inventory (IFFI): the national new platform open data and regional experiences
Understand the territory to prevent risks ISPRA presents the new open source and open data platform for consulting and sharing data, maps, reports, ...
Located in
Year 2020
The italian soil and the climate crisis
The report "The Health of Italian soil in the time of the climate crisis" is the first attempt to bring together, in a single publication, the photograph of ...
Located in
Year 2023
The memory of the Territory as a guarantee of the future: The CARG Project
On Monday 14 November 2022 at 09:00 in Rome at the Wedekind Palace, the conference entitled 'The memory of the territory as a guarantee of the future: the CARG ...
Located in
Year 2022
The Ministry of the Environment and Energetic Safety (MASE) for the sustainable use of the soil
Healthy soil for healthy nutrition World soil day The protection of the ecological balance of the soil is the prerequisite for food sovereignty, for ...
Located in
Year 2022
The monitoring of landslides for the management of natural risks
The conference "The monitoring of landslides for the management of natural risks", organized by Arpa Lombardia, in collaboration with the Order of Geologists ...
Located in
Year 2021