Nesting of the Kentish plover
The plover Charadrius alexandrinus is a small cosmopolitan wader that prefers the shores of the sea and lakes, estuaries, salt marshes and brackish lagoons for ...
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Alien species in our seas
The biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea is constantly evolving, colonized by range-expanding species that arrive through natural corridors, such as the ...
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Canoe excursion in the Tevere river: where to find molluscs
As part of the City Nature Challenge 2024, the Italian Canoe Association (AICAN) proposes a canoe excursion in the stretch of the Tiber river between ...
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Presentation of the ISPRA documentary "The sand house"
On 13 July in Senigallia there will be the presentation of the documentary made by ISPRA on the Kentish plover, one of the most threatened coastal nesting ...
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MICO-weekend! The hidden world of fungi
The MICO-weekend event will be held on Saturday 31 August and Sunday 1 September 2024! The hidden world of mushrooms organized by the Science Museum of Trento. ...
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Ispra events
Final conference project LIFE WolfAlps EU
The three-day event dedicated to the activities carried out in recent years by the staff of the LIFE WolfAlps Project and future prospects will be held in ...
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XIII Italian Congress of Theriology
The Congress is an important opportunity for the exchange of experiences and knowledge on the biology, ecology and conservation of mammals in Italy, between ...
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Contribution to the knowledge of historical mycological diversity in Italy. Alphabetic collection of fact sheets of the Herbarium mycologicum of the Natural History Museum in Venice. Da Agaricus bresadolanus Bohus a Bryoscyphus conocephali (Boyd) Spooner.
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Handbooks and guidelines
Monitoring and assessment of the ecological status of coralligenous habitat. The coralligenous cliff
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Handbooks and guidelines
The Ecological Beach: sustainable management of the Posidonia banquette along the Lazio shorelines
Every year seagrass wrack (from Posidonia oceanica) is deposited along the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea. The use of beaches for tourism purposes currently ...
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Handbooks and guidelines