Eco - Festival of Sustainable Mobility and Smart Cities
ECO, the Festival of Sustainable Mobility and Intelligent Cities which, after the first edition last year in Padova it will be held in Rome to analyze the ...
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Agriculture, biodiversity and sustainable development: scenarios and virtuous paths
Over time, agricultural activity has determined the modification of natural ecosystems, transforming and reorganizing them into systems in which the balance ...
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The environmental challenge for sustainable finance
Methodologies, information and environmental indicators
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Technical Documents
Mobility and territory: towards more intelligent and sustainable mobility
The event, which will take place on May 23rd at the Tecnopolo in Reggio Emilia, aims to delve deeper into the characteristics, benefits and potential of ...
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CER - Sustainable Communities: opportunities and tools to enhance people and territories
The Conference is an important opportunity for discussion on the topic of Communities and in particular CER - Renewable Energy Communities - an innovative ...
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EU Ecolabel indoor cleaning services in Italy: analysis, strong points and synergies with minimum environmental criteria (CAM)
On 2 May 2018 the Commission Decision 2018/680/EU establishing the criteria for awarding the EU Ecolabel to indoor cleaning services entered into force. Since ...
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The environmental challenge for sustainable finance
Methodologies, information and environmental indicators The event will be an opportunity for an analysis of the characteristics of the new European ...
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Ispra events
Sustainable Development Festival 2024
The Sustainable Development Festival is promoted by the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS) with the aim of raising awareness among citizens, ...
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On-line the new environmental indicators data base ISPRA
An effective tool to understand the state of the environment in Italy Developed with a view to improvement, to face increasingly pressing environmental ...
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Measuring EU Tourism Environmental Impacts: Setting the frame
The Webinar is organized by the group of experts of the Commission for the tourism ecosystem T4T (Together for Tourism), (in which ISPRA participates) ...
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