Bees, pollinators, pollen and biodiversity
The well-being of many species besides ours is connected to bees, but also to other pollinating insects: they fly from flower to flower, mix pollen, fertilize ...
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Citizen Science and National Biodiversity Network: Life BIOREPEM project
Less pollution, more sustainable cities What can municipal administrators and each of us do individually to reduce the use of biocides? We will talk about it ...
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Citizen Science and National Biodiversity Network: RIVE project - field and laboratory activities
Together with the participants, we will go to the bank of the Tevere where the importance of riparian vegetation will be addressed. We will illustrate how this ...
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Citizen Science and National Biodiversity Network: how to actively participate
Through the video link, participants will be able to explore data and information on biodiversity contained in the platform of the National Biodiversity ...
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Citizen science and riparian vegetation of the Aniene Valley Nature Reserve
As part of the 2024 edition of Urban Nature, the initiative promoted by the WWF to spread the value and care of nature in the city, the National Biodiversity ...
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Lead and hunting ammunition. Two paths destined to separate
Nationally renowned speakers will present data, research and scientific evidence that explain all the problems of lead poisoning which, every year in Europe ...
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MICO-weekend! The hidden world of fungi
The MICO-weekend event will be held on Saturday 31 August and Sunday 1 September 2024! The hidden world of mushrooms organized by the Science Museum of Trento. ...
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Ispra events
Reticula n.35/2024
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Technical Periodicals
Marine alien species - CapSenHAR project
The biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea is constantly evolving, colonized by expanding species that arrive through natural corridors, such as the Strait of ...
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Ideal habitat for the plover
The plover Charadrius alexandrinus is a small cosmopolitan wader that prefers the shores of the sea and lakes, estuaries, salt marshes and brackish lagoons for ...
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