Citizen Science and National Biodiversity Network: Life BIOREPEM project
Less pollution, more sustainable cities What can municipal administrators and each of us do individually to reduce the use of biocides? We will talk about it ...
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VeBS - The good use of green and blue spaces for the promotion of well-being and health
The presentation event of the PNRR-PNC project "The good use of Green and Blue spaces for the promotion of well-being and health" financed by the Ministry of ...
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Ispra events
Kick-off meeting of the Aces project
The kick-off meeting of the Aces project - Water, climate and health: from the environmental protection of resources, to access to water, to safe use, with the ...
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VeBS - The good use of Green and Blue spaces for the promotion of health and well-being
The third presentation event of the PNRR-PNC project "The good use of Green and Blue spaces for the promotion of well-being and health" financed by the ...
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Ispra events
VeBS - The good use of Green and Blue spaces for the promotion of health and well-being
The second presentation event of the PNRR-PNC project "The good use of Green and Blue spaces for the promotion of well-being and health" financed by the ...
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Ispra events
New EEA-ECHA Report: safer and more sustainable chemicals? There is still much to do
Chemical substances are present in every aspect of our lives but they can represent sources of important problems both for human health and for the planet. ...
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Health, environment and climate change. Perspective 2030
The 1st national congress “Health, environment and climate change. Perspective 2030" is configured as an event of national importance - focused on the ...
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Green and blue infrastructure: opportunities and challenges for city planning
The theme of green and blue infrastructures has fully entered the political agendas of central and local administrations, as they are strategic resources for ...
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Ispra events
VeBS - The good use of Green and Blue spaces for the promotion of health and well-being
The first presentation event of the PNRR-PNC project "The good use of green and blue spaces for the promotion of well-being and health" financed by the ...
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Ispra events
XI Edition of the Study Days “Research and Application of Ecotoxicological Methodologies”
As usual, every 2 years starting from 2006, ISPRA promotes the Study Days "Research and application of ecotoxicological methodologies" with the collaboration ...
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Ispra events