Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Events and News

Publisehd the Position Paper on the air quality of the ASVIS
Publisehd the Position Paper on the air quality of the ASVIS
May 13, 2022

The Position Paper on air quality has been published on the website of the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development, produced by the members of the ASVIS Working Group for Goal 11 co-coordinated by ISPRA.
The document highlights some proposals for priority actions to reduce the number of premature deaths following exposure to air pollutants.

Atmospheric emissions and characterization of the national energy system
Atmospheric emissions and characterization of the national energy system
Apr 14, 2022 12:30 PM — Apr 14, 2022 03:00 PM Webinar

On April 14, the webinar dedicated to the presentation of data and information on the emission status will take place with an in-depth study on energy efficiency in Italy.
To evaluate the policies implemented at national level to tackle climate change and compliance with the emission reduction commitments set out in international agreements, it is essential to monitor the evolution of greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants, which will be presented in the course. of the event. This year the second period of the Kyoto Protocol is also concluded and the greenhouse gas data officially communicated to the United Nations Secretariat of the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) are accounted for for the verification of the emission reduction commitments established in the context European. The accounting of the LULUCF activities envisaged by art. 3.3 and 3.4 of the Kyoto Protocol for forestry activities and for the management of agricultural land and meadows and pastures.

During the event, the main decarbonisation and energy efficiency indicators for total energy consumption and in the electricity sector in Italy will be disclosed.


Streaming live on Channel Youtube ISPRA

Italian Greenhouse Gas Emissions at the end of Kyoto Protocol second commitment period: emissions reduction target and energy efficiency

Efficiency and decarbonization indicators in Italian energy and power sector

Italian Emission Inventory 1990-2020. Informative Inventory Report 2022

Italian Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2020. National Inventory Report 2022




Presentation of the EcoAtl@nte
Presentation of the EcoAtl@nte
Mar 01, 2022 11:30 AM — Mar 01, 2022 01:30 PM

Finally a unique single point of access to Italian environmental data, also accompanied by stories, photos and interactive maps: ISPRA presents the EcoAtlante, the journey into the Italian environment that allows you to discover and share the highly topical issues that affect our country today .

An absolute news: the possibility of creating customized national and local maps with data, trends and SNPA percentages from the various themes.

During the presentation, the operation and the different ways of sharing maps and data will be illustrated.

Come and compose your map!




Press release (ita) 

Video EcoAtl@nte

Interview with Michele Munafò

Follow the event on Zoom

ID riunione: 871 1235 3246

Passcode: 850048

The post COP-26 and the role of the university education
The post COP-26 and the role of the university education
Dec 16, 2021 04:00 PM — Dec 16, 2021 07:00 PM Pontificia Università Lateranense

The session "The world of research" will have the participation of the ISPRA President, Stefano Laporta.
It will be possible to follow the seminar in streaming on the official YouTube channel of the Pontifical Lateran University or to participate in person. In compliance with current legislation, it will be mandatory to access the University with the Covid-19 green certification (Green Pass).

Open ecological transition. Where is the Italian environment going?
Open ecological transition. Where is the Italian environment going?
Dec 13, 2021 04:00 PM — Dec 13, 2021 05:30 PM Roma, Sala della Regina Camera dei Deputati/diretta streaming sul portale ISPRA

A country covered almost 40% by forests, more than Germany and Switzerland, and which has seen protected areas of land and sea grow up to 20% of the national territory. Greenhouse gas emissions, which have decreased by 19% in the last 30 years, are reduced, as are the main sources of air pollution. However, ozone, the situation of large urban centers and the Po Valley are worrying. Progress also for the circular economy: the economy uses less and less natural resources, separate waste collection continues to increase and landfill is increasingly reduced. On the other hand, the situation for land consumption is worsening: 60 square kilometers still lost every year or 15 hectares a day.
ISPRA presented the Open Ecological Transition report on 13 December which allows us to interpret the changes that have occurred in recent years in the aspects of the Italian environment.
It is a clear synthesis of the many dynamics that determine the Italian ecological transition, which immediately brings the most important aspects of each problem or phenomenon to the attention of society, highlighting the critical issues but also the results already achieved or achievable.The document is divided into three parts: The Italian environment at a glance, Natural systems, Human systems, for a total of 12 chapters and 66 items.

Press release (ita)

Open ecological transition


Photo gallery

Conference "Gaseous polluting emissions of industrial origin - The management of emissions from industrial plants for restarting"
Conference "Gaseous polluting emissions of industrial origin - The management of emissions from industrial plants for restarting"
Dec 09, 2021 09:45 AM — Dec 17, 2021 01:30 PM Webinar conference

The conference is organized by ISPRA, in collaboration with RSE S.p.A - Research on the Energy System, ACCREDIA, UNI and UNICHIM. The initiative is continuing the positive experience already had in 2020 and which recorded a high participation. The program of this edition takes place over four days (9-10-16-17 December 2021) with morning sessions about 4 hours each other

Greenhouse gas emissions: in 2021 estimated increase of 4.8% compared to 2020. Down compared to 2019 (-4.2%)
Greenhouse gas emissions: in 2021 estimated increase of 4.8% compared to 2020. Down compared to 2019 (-4.2%)
Dec 03, 2021

Based on the data available for 2021, as a consequence of the recovery of economic activities, an increase in greenhouse gas emissions at national level is expected; in fact in 2021 emissions on the national territory increased by 4.8% compared to 2020 against an increase in GDP of 6.1%; compared to 2019, greenhouse gas emissions decreased by 4.2%.

ISPRA participation in Ecomondo 2021
ISPRA participation in Ecomondo 2021
Oct 26, 2021 — Oct 29, 2021 Quartiere Fieristico di Rimini

Ecomondo the reference event in Europe for the ecological transition and the new models of circular and regenerative economy.
During the event, the major international experts in the sector come together to share ideas and experiences, present news and international best practices.
Four days of great interest for the entire sector that make Ecomondo the international hub of reference in the world of the green and circular economy

One Health: environment, health and society
One Health: environment, health and society
Jun 04, 2021 12:00 PM — Jun 04, 2021 03:00 PM Online event

On the occasion of World Environment Day,  ISPRA and the Interuniversity Center for the Environment (CIPLA) will present the seminar One Health: environment, health and society (protection of the atmosphere and protection of life).
The day, organized in collaboration with the University of Perugia, the University of Urbino, Carlo Bo, and the Free International University of Social Studies Guido Carli, LUISS, aims to raise public awareness on the issues of air quality and health protection through the integration of different disciplines according to the One Health approach.

Breath festival
Breath festival
May 21, 2021 12:00 PM — May 21, 2021 02:30 PM Online event

Promoting the health culture and improve the sustainable tourism

The national project  Borghi del Respiro aims intends to enhance the vitality and livability of small municipalities in hilly or mountainous sparsely populated areas in which the regulatory standards defined by Legislative Decree 155/2010 are respected for the main pollutants, for the protection of human health and vegetation, in the principles of Sustainable Development defined by AGENDA 2030, with particular regard to the protection of respiratory health.

Trend of atmospheric emissions and scenarios in Italy. Focus on road transport
Trend of atmospheric emissions and scenarios in Italy. Focus on road transport
Apr 15, 2021 — Apr 16, 2021 Online event

ISPRA is inviting the public to follow in the 15 and 16 April the streaming dedicated to the data and information related to the emissions situation in Italy. It will be illustrated the trend from 1990 to 2019 of the greenhouse gases and other pollutants plus the scenarios until 2050. A global frame and in deep of the Italian situation, with also a focus on the second day on road transport.


Programme 15 april

Programme 16 april

Italian Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2019. National Inventory Report 2021

Italian Emission Inventory 1990-2019. Informative Inventory Report 2021

Pollen and climate change: scenarios and prespectives
Pollen and climate change: scenarios and prespectives
Apr 09, 2021 11:00 AM — Apr 09, 2021 06:00 PM Online event

The seminar aims to promote and support the research in Italy, according to SNPA lines, of all the scientific communities that work on aerobiology,  to share new updating and analyze future scenarios.

Train, plane, road or boat - which is greenest?
Train, plane, road or boat - which is greenest?
Mar 24, 2021

Traveling by plane, train or automobile: the most environmentally sound choice may not always be clear. The latest annual Transport and Environment Report 2020 (TERM) addresses the issue assessing the value of travel by train and plane, amid efforts to put in place the European Union’s green deal.

Cleanair@School project: online event with the European Environment Agency (EEA)
Cleanair@School project: online event with the European Environment Agency (EEA)
Mar 16, 2021 04:30 PM — Mar 16, 2021 05:30 PM Online event

The European Environment Agency with the support of EPA (Irish environmental agency) and ISPRA have organized on 16 March a Facebook live to talk about the CleanAir@School project. In Italy the citizen science and environmental education project on the air quality is coordinated by ISPRA, which also includes the participation of fifteen regional environmental agencies. In Europe 8 Countries and more than 100 schools have joined the project (In Italy 69 schools and 30 Municipalities).

Presentation of the ISPRA report. Status and trend of the main allergenic pollens in Italy (2003-2019)
Presentation of the ISPRA report. Status and trend of the main allergenic pollens in Italy (2003-2019)
Feb 26, 2021 11:30 AM — Feb 26, 2021 02:00 PM Online event

On February 26, 2021, ISPRA will present the first national report on allergenic pollens in Italy. In fact, the Institute carries out monitoring, analysis and evaluation of allergenic pollens in Italy and coordinates the POLLnet network which collect the main experts in the sector of the regional agencies and autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano for environmental protection.

The report describes the state and trend of the main allergenic taxa present in Italy  from 2003 to 2019. During the event will be illustrated the knowledge on the main allergenic species present in Italy and the relationship between pollen and health.


Status and trend of the main allergenic pollens in Italy (2003-2019)

Video of the meeting

Progettazione agronomica del verde e allergie (Renato Ferretti)


Wood biomass and the mitigation of the climate crisis : opportunity or problem ?
Wood biomass and the mitigation of the climate crisis : opportunity or problem ?
Feb 25, 2021 05:00 PM — Feb 25, 2021 07:30 PM Online event

Woody biomass currently are the most important source of renewable energy in the EU and in Italy and represents an indispensable resource to achieve the European targets for "energy and climate change" which plan to rise from the current 18% of energy from renewable sources to 32% in 2030.

Greenhouse gas emissions: in 2020 estimated reduction of 9.8% compared to 2019
Greenhouse gas emissions: in 2020 estimated reduction of 9.8% compared to 2019
Feb 23, 2021

Based on the data available for 2020, a substantial reduction in greenhouse gas emissions at the national level is estimated, mainly due to the COVID-19 restrictions. Although the information necessary for a definitive estimate are still partial, in the past year emissions in Italy were 9.8% lower than in 2019, compared to an expected reduction in GDP of 8.9%.

Exposition of the Italian population to the air pollution and relation with Covid-19
Exposition of the Italian population to the air pollution and relation with Covid-19
Jan 12, 2021

Air pollution is one of the main causes of dead around the World, with negative effects linked with exposition in the short and long term. Recently some studies have searched connections also with the pandemic Covid-19. In order to analyze this potential association at Italian level, it is needed to investigate the whole Country, included urban and not urban areas.

Presentation of the SNPA Report "Air quality in Italy - first edition 2020"
Presentation of the SNPA Report "Air quality in Italy - first edition 2020"
Dec 01, 2020 10:00 AM — Dec 01, 2020 06:00 PM

On December 1 it will be presented the national report on air quality, in its first edition, in live streaming.

The volume, carried out as part of the activities of the National System for Environmental Protection (SNPA), describes the state and trend of atmospheric pollution in Italy in the decade 2010-2019 and contains a series of in-depth monographs useful to understand the phenomena and trends in progress.
One chapter is dedicated to air quality in Italy during the lockdown.

Clear improvement in air quality in Europe over the last decade: fewer deaths related to pollution
Clear improvement in air quality in Europe over the last decade: fewer deaths related to pollution
Nov 27, 2020

Thanks to better air quality, around 60,000 fewer people died prematurely due to fine particulate matter pollution in 2018, compared with 2009. However, the European Environment Agency's (EEA) latest official data show that almost all Europeans still suffer from air pollution, leading to about 400,000 premature deaths across the continent. 

Greenhouse gas emissions of industrial origin
Greenhouse gas emissions of industrial origin
Nov 27, 2020

2-4-9-11 december 2020

RSE (Energy System Research) and ISPRA aims to promote thematic interventions to involve Agencies of the National Network System for Environmental Protection (SNPA) affected by the topics covered. Over the four days the issues of diffuse emissions will be addressed through interventions by the institutions involved and operators in the industrial sector.

The climate has already changed
The climate has already changed
Nov 25, 2020 11:00 AM — Nov 25, 2020 01:00 PM Online event

Impact, risks and policies for the adaptation
The 25 november in streaming live on Facebook page of Legambiente will be presented the report 2020 of the Observatory of Legambiente Climate City and the ten years of impacts monitoring on the Italian territory.

The chemical characterization of particulate matter
The chemical characterization of particulate matter
Nov 19, 2020 — Nov 20, 2020

On November 19 and 20, will be held the interagencies study days, promoted by Assoarpa in collaboration with Arpa Marche and Arpa Friuli Venezia Giulia. This is the third national edition of this event that  started with the aim to continue the discussion within the SNPA on the topic of the chemical characterization of particulate matter, due to the positive results of the previous meetings held in ARPA Friuli Venezia Giulia, Tuscany and Sicily.

Pollution and contagion from Covid-19: the Italian Senate has approved the resolution of Ecomafie commission
Pollution and contagion from Covid-19: the Italian Senate has approved the resolution of Ecomafie commission
Aug 07, 2020

The Senate approved on 5 August the resolution on the report of the Inquiry Commission on the waste cycle on Covid-19 (Ecomafie Commission), within which - following the hearings of Ispra and Iss - are also reported potential connection between air pollution and contagion between Sars-Cov-2 coronavirus. Concerning the possible relationship between atmospheric pollution and contagion, ISPRA is developing a complex and articulated scientific project in cooperation with ISS, ENEA and all the Regional Agencies for Environmental Protection.

Pact for the breath: together for nature wellbeing and human health
Pact for the breath: together for nature wellbeing and human health
Aug 01, 2020 11:30 AM — Aug 01, 2020 03:00 PM Webstreaming

Small or medium-sized inhabited centers, in contexts with good and excellent air quality, the Borghi of the Breath are presented on first August in a seminar live on web.

Covid-19 and air quality
Covid-19 and air quality
Jul 07, 2020 08:00 PM — Jul 07, 2020 09:30 PM

Tuesday 7 July starting at 6.00 pm, the General Director of Ispra, Alessandro Bratti, will participate in the meeting "Covid-19 and air quality". The impacts of the lockdown on air quality and the alleged correlations between pollution and spread/impact of the virus will be discussed.

Webinar on pollution and Covid-19
Webinar on pollution and Covid-19
Jun 23, 2020 04:30 PM — Jun 23, 2020 06:30 PM Webinar

The Air Pollution and COVID19 webinar aims to provide information operators of the National Health System (NHS) and the National System for Environmental Protection (SNPA) on the issues of the relationship between environmental exposures and health  the relationship between environment and health in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic with particular reference to air pollution. It is organized in cooperation with the Italian Association of Epidemiology and with the journal Epidemiology & Prevention, and is part of the RIAS program (CCM 2018 of the Ministry of Health).

Ispra expert is participating at the event.

Presentation of the SOER 2020, Environmental Data Yearbook and System Reports
Presentation of the SOER 2020, Environmental Data Yearbook and System Reports
Jun 03, 2020 12:00 PM — Jun 03, 2020 03:00 PM Streaming live

The next 3 June, in video streaming with the Italian PM Giuseppe Conte, and David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament, will be presented the three reports dedicated to the environmental situation in Europe and in Italy: the SOER 2020 (State of the Environment Report), the Environmental Data Yearbook 2019 which shows the state of the environment in Italy and the System Report which presents regional experiences.

Watch streaming live:

ISPRA TV (double channel in English and Italian) 

Facebook page Ispra (speaker' native language)

 Youtube Ispra (only in italian)

The emission in atmosphere in Italy
The emission in atmosphere in Italy
Apr 21, 2020 12:00 PM — Apr 21, 2020 02:00 PM Videoconference

Videoconference, 21 april

The trend of national greenhouse gas emissions. Focus on emissions from agriculture and livestock. The contribution of indirect effect gases and particulates matter.

Next 21 April, ISPRA will presents a videoconference that describe the emission trend in Italy: a global and detailed picture of the Italian situation on the trend of greenhouse gases from 1990 to 2018, a preliminary estimate for 2019 and some considerations on the first quarter of 2020 An in-depth analysis on the main emissive activities of the agriculture sector and to the  mitigation systems will follow. The day includes also final analysis of the other gases that have an effect on the climate but also on air pollution in the strict sense, up to the particulate matter, also considering in this case the historical series from 1990 to 2018 and focusing the main drivers that influenced the trends analyzed.