Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Events and News

Alien alert
Alien alert
Nov 21, 2022 — Nov 27, 2022 Rome, Auditorium Parco della Musica

When we talk about alien species we mean animals and plants (and not only ...) that man has transported and introduced outside their area of ​​origin. A real threat to biodiversity, health and the human economy. In the laboratory conducted by ISPRA in collaboration with the Lazio Region, created by the Life-ASAP project, it will be explored through the game and the story of how many ways these species can be moved and what each of us can do, in our daily life, not to spread … the alien!

ISPRA participates at the Science Festival of Rome
ISPRA participates at the Science Festival of Rome
Nov 21, 2022 — Nov 27, 2022

Pandemics, climate change and environmental crises demonstrate how much we need new outlooks on the present and new visions for the future. And, therefore, how much we need to explore, starting from what we know and opening up to what we don't know.

The Rome Science Festival is the ideal context to analyze the various themes, meet different people and disciplines, because it offers a rich variety of events.

In the seventeenth edition of the Festival we will talk about exploration in all areas of science, including new frontiers of art, photography, literature, with a curious look on all aspects of contemporaneity.

Monitoring and biodiversity in the city. Let's explore the Natura 2000 network in Villa Borghese with Citizen Science Trekking and cycle tour - 19 November 2022
Monitoring and biodiversity in the city. Let's explore the Natura 2000 network in Villa Borghese with Citizen Science Trekking and cycle tour - 19 November 2022
Nov 19, 2022 11:00 AM — Nov 19, 2022 01:30 PM Rome, Fontana del Mosè salvato dalle acque, Villa Borghese

ISPRA's National Biodiversity Network is a partner of the 2022 Urban Nature edition, the initiative promoted by the WWF that intends to involve the best existing energies at national and local level committed to promoting and managing urban biodiversity. Several events scheduled from 8 to 9 October 2022 organized in various Italian cities by the partners participating in the initiative - the "Friends of Urban Nature" - including ISPRA.

When a large mammal enters the city ... it's never good news!
When a large mammal enters the city ... it's never good news!
Nov 05, 2022 06:00 PM — Nov 05, 2022 08:00 PM Grosseto, Museo di Storia Naturale della Maremma

The guest of the evening will be an ISPRA researcher who, starting from the stories of large urban mammals around the world, will illustrate the many reasons why it is not always appropriate to pursue coexistence between man and wildlife. Like all things concerning the interaction between man and nature, there are no special recipes that are good for all occasions, but complex solutions, often with great margins of uncertainty.

COP14 on the conservation of wetlands
COP14 on the conservation of wetlands
Nov 05, 2022 — Nov 13, 2022

The 14th Meeting of the Conference of Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (COP14) is held November 5-13 in Wuhan, China, and Geneva, Switzerland.
The theme of the COP is Wetlands Action for People and Nature.
The Convention has as its objective the international protection of wetlands through their identification and delimitation, the study of the characteristic aspects, in particular of the avifauna, and the implementation of programs that allow the conservation of their habitats, flora and fauna. Currently 172 countries have signed up to the Convention, including all EU member states, and 2,455 Ramsar sites have been designated for a total area of ​​255,897,678 hectares.

Agrifood systems based on circular economy
Agrifood systems based on circular economy
Oct 19, 2022 11:30 AM — Oct 19, 2022 03:30 PM Rome/Online

As part of the FAO Science and Innovation Forum which will take place from 17 to 21 October 2022, CREA is organizing a Special Event entitled "Agrifood systems based on circular economy" to stimulate, with a multi-stakeholder approach, a fruitful debate on innovations scientific and technological technologies necessary to achieve the objectives of the UN 2030 Agenda, focusing, in particular, on Sustainable Development Goal 12: Guaranteeing sustainable consumption and production models.

ISPRA is participating in the VII European Conference on sea turtles with a photographic exhibition and comics of the INDICIT Project
ISPRA is participating in the VII European Conference on sea turtles with a photographic exhibition and comics of the INDICIT Project
Oct 18, 2022 — Oct 21, 2022 Tetouan, Morocco

The 7th edition of the European Sea Turtle Conference in Tetouan, Morocco, opened on 18 October.
ISPRA is participating by presenting the exhibition and the volume "Marine litter looking for a new world" created as part of the INDICIT I and II projects.

Second meeting of the seventh Global Environment Outlook
Second meeting of the seventh Global Environment Outlook
Oct 17, 2022 — Oct 20, 2022 Nairobi

The second meeting of the seventh Global Environment Outlook (GEO) is underway in Nairobi which in 3 years will have to produce a report on the state and prospects of the global environment. Four themes will be worked on for the report that will see the light in 2025: loss of biodiversity, climate change, pollution, land degradation.

Living Planet Report 2022
Living Planet Report 2022
Oct 13, 2022 11:30 AM — Oct 13, 2022 03:00 PM Roma, Villa Lubin, sede del CNEL

Thursday 13 October will host the launch event of the Living Planet Report 2022, the WWF's global report on the health of the planet. The Report provides a clear picture of the health status of vertebrate species populations around the world, which can be used to measure the overall health of the ecosystem. Nature has been showing this for years: we live in the full "Anthropocene", the era in which unsustainable human activities are pushing the natural systems that sustain life on Earth, including ours, to the limit. The 2022 edition focuses on the close relationship between nature loss and the climate crisis, identifying the system changes necessary for a nature-positive future.

Half-Earth Day 2022
Half-Earth Day 2022
Oct 13, 2022 — Oct 13, 2022 Lorica (CS)

The forests of the National Park and UNESCO MaB Sila Area between conservation and sustainable management

Half-Earth Day is an international project created to protect the planet, a real awareness campaign that is driven by the need to conserve "half the earth and the sea" to safeguard as much biodiversity as possible.

Pesticides: reduce the use of synthetic chemicals in agriculture by 2030, how and why
Pesticides: reduce the use of synthetic chemicals in agriculture by 2030, how and why
Oct 12, 2022 11:45 AM — Oct 12, 2022 07:00 PM Rome, Sala Spazio Europa

The conference "Pesticides: reducing the use of synthetic chemicals in agriculture by 2030, how and why" will be held on 12 October in Rome. Two ISPRA researchers will participate in the meeting with interventions on the impact of pesticides on species and habitats and pesticides in surface and groundwater.

Pollinators Path
Pollinators Path
Oct 12, 2022 — Oct 20, 2022 Pescara

The exhibition "Pollinators Path" which in the summer from 19 to 30 July was presented at the "Museum of Ecology of Cesena" is now continuing, expanded and revised by the Maiella and Aurum park in Pescara. The exhibition, which is part of the JRC-EU STING project, has ISPRA researchers among its curators.

Climate change mitigation: the contribution of agriculture and forests
Climate change mitigation: the contribution of agriculture and forests
Oct 06, 2022 — Oct 07, 2022 Rome and GoToWebinar platform

Agriculture, including animal husbandry, is often indicated as an important source of greenhouse gas emissions, even if the data made available by international (IPCC, FAO) and national (ISPRA) organizations indicate a less significant contribution than that of other human activities. However, it remains a priority to act in compliance with EU and national policies to mitigate the contribution of the primary sector (agricultural production, land use and land use change) to the greenhouse effect and climate change.

About 2,000 nautical miles in seven days to monitor cetaceans and sea turtles along fixed transepts in the southern Tyrrhenian and in the canals of Sardinia and Sicily
About 2,000 nautical miles in seven days to monitor cetaceans and sea turtles along fixed transepts in the southern Tyrrhenian and in the canals of Sardinia and Sicily
Oct 03, 2022

Multidisciplinary monitoring will start this week, within the LIFE  Conceptu maris project, coordinated by ISPRA, which sees the joint presence of entities such as the Anton Dohrn Zoological Station, the University of Palermo and the University of Milan Biccoca.

Ecosystem monitoring: a new generation of biodiversity indicators
Ecosystem monitoring: a new generation of biodiversity indicators
Oct 03, 2022 12:00 PM — Oct 03, 2022 04:00 PM Matera

On 3 October the seminar "Monitoring ecosystems: a new generation of indicators for biodiversity" will be held in Matera, at the ARPA Basilicata headquarters.
The meeting was attended by operators in the protection of habitats and species to share experiences, procedures and projects for monitoring biodiversity and evaluating terrestrial ecosystems. During the seminar ARPA Basilicata and ISPRA will present some activities on the monitoring of biodiversity in Val d'Agri and the methodologies used for the assessment of ecosystems. In addition, some tools developed by ISPRA and ARPAB for the standardization of the acquisition, archiving and processing of data on ecosystems will be shared.

Sea and lagoon: say, do and… monitor!
Sea and lagoon: say, do and… monitor!
Sep 30, 2022 08:00 PM — Oct 01, 2022 01:00 AM Chioggia (VE), Cortile di Palazzo Grassi

ISPRA researchers are available to adults and children in the
Marine Biology headquarters of the University of Padua for an evening of knowledge and exchange. The monitoring, conservation and restoration of the lagoon and marine environment carried out by the Institute on the territory will be illustrated

European Researchers' Night 2022
European Researchers' Night 2022
Sep 30, 2022 — Oct 01, 2022

Also this year ISPRA will participate in the European Night of Researchers together with 10 other public research bodies and universities.
The initiative, which will be held throughout Europe on Friday 30 September, is an opportunity to bring citizens closer to the world of scientific research and to discover the activities and results of public research on the most topical issues.

With talks, shows, games, experiments, our researchers will talk to us about circular economy, climate change, biodiversity, soil and sea protection and much more ....

Further information

Indicators, indices and scenarios for the analysis of the main environmental trends
Indicators, indices and scenarios for the analysis of the main environmental trends
Sep 28, 2022 05:00 PM — Sep 28, 2022 07:00 PM Webinar

On 28 September ISPRA is presenting the methodological document "Indicators, index and scenarios for the analysis of the main environmental trends". The publication analyzes the main emerging environmental issues (natural capital, climate change, circular economy and environment and health) through three different approaches whose common thread is the use of the indicators present in the Environmental indicators database.

The first relates the trends of the environmental indicators and the regulatory changes of reference, the second proposes a description of the trends of the main environmental issues using composite index, finally, the third describes the process of construction of environmental scenarios.


Indicators, indices, and future studies for the analysis of the main environmental trends

Green city: the color of the urban sustainability - Scientific aperitif
Green city: the color of the urban sustainability - Scientific aperitif
Sep 27, 2022 09:00 PM — Sep 27, 2022 10:30 PM Roma Testaccio – Città dell’Altra Economia

Creating environmental and social conditions to develop sustainable cities and communities is one of the challenges we are called to respond to in the near future. Nature-based solutions, inspired by the functioning of natural ecosystems, can be an active tool for sustainable management of urban areas, to address in an integrated way the environmental and social problems caused by global and climate change

Kick off meeting progetto PNRR "Tech4You"
Kick off meeting progetto PNRR "Tech4You"
Sep 27, 2022 11:30 AM — Sep 27, 2022 06:30 PM Rende

The Kick off meeting of the PNRR "Tech4You" project will be held on 27 September at the University of Calabria. As part of the project, ISPRA participates as an affiliated partner in Spoke 2 - Goal 2.3 "Protection and enhancement of biodiversity". The project aims to study and protect the marine environment.

Final conference Aquila a-Life project
Final conference Aquila a-Life project
Sep 21, 2022 11:00 AM — Sep 22, 2022 07:00 PM

The final conference of Aquila a-LIFE will be held on 21 and 22 September 2022, during which the results obtained in the 5 years of the project (2017-2022) will be presented. The AQUILA a-LIFE Project (LIFE16 NAT / ES / 000235), funded by the European Union, aims at the recovery of Bonelli's Eagle in various areas of the western Mediterranean. For this reason, more than 120 specimens of this species have been released in Spain and Italy and the main current threats to the raptor have been addressed, with particular reference to the danger of electrocution. ISPRA followed the release activities in Sardegna.

Summer School of Geomorphology, Ecology and Biology in the marine and insular environment - III edtion
Summer School of Geomorphology, Ecology and Biology in the marine and insular environment - III edtion
Sep 20, 2022 — Sep 23, 2022 Ponza

The summer school of Geomorphology, Ecology and Biology in the marine and insular environment is aimed at training students, doctoral students, researchers, technicians engaged in the environmental field on multidisciplinary approaches and new technologies that can be used in the study of marine-coastal environments

ISPRA and the RAMOGE 2022 Oceanographic Campaign - First important results in the study of biodiversity and anthropogenic pressures on canyons and submerged rocky outcrops of the Ligurian Sea
ISPRA and the RAMOGE 2022 Oceanographic Campaign - First important results in the study of biodiversity and anthropogenic pressures on canyons and submerged rocky outcrops of the Ligurian Sea
Sep 13, 2022

On Wednesday 7 September, the ISPRA research vessel "Astrea" started the RAMOGE 2022 oceanographic campaign from the port of Savona, for the study of the deep environments of France, the Principality of Monaco and Italy, the countries that have signed the RAMOGE Agreement. This new initiative follows the experiences of the two previous RAMOGE campaigns, conducted respectively in 2015, with "Astrea", and in 2018, on board the French research ship "L’Atalante" of IFREMER.

Scientific Trekking "Naturalistic walk in the wood of Palo Laziale: an open-air laboratory"
Scientific Trekking "Naturalistic walk in the wood of Palo Laziale: an open-air laboratory"
Sep 10, 2022 11:30 AM — Sep 10, 2022 02:30 PM Palo Laziale, Piazzale close railway station

Before the next European Night of Researchers and Female Researchers 2022, ISPRA is promoting together with the La Sapienza University and the CNR, a scientific trekking in a forest, called "selva", which in recent years has had to deal with climate change and incorrect management, but which manages to resist. Thanks also to the work of the researchers of the University of Rome La Sapienza who will accompany us to discover the historical and naturalistic beauties of this area and the dangers that threaten this green heart of the Lazio coast.

Book presentation: "Walking in the environment"
Book presentation: "Walking in the environment"
Sep 10, 2022 — Sep 11, 2022 Trevignano Romano

As part of the Naturarte festival, the presentation of the Volume "Walking in the enviromnet" will be held on Sunday 11 September, a publication produced by ISPRA aimed at an audience of young students, teachers and non-experts, to find out about the state of health of environment in which we live and promote its protection.

The Monk seal has returned to Capraia
The Monk seal has returned to Capraia
Sep 09, 2022

Since the specimen was sighted, monitoring of the cave of the island of Capraia has begun, chosen as a home by a monk seal. The control and monitoring activity involved the Tuscan Archipelago National Park, ISPRA, the Municipality of Capraia and the Port Authority.
The monk seal had been missing from the waters of the central Tyrrhenian Sea since the 1960s and its return is of enormous value in terms of protecting marine biodiversity. Until now, there were images of the monk seal of only a few seconds taken with occasional shots at the water's edge. For the first time it is possible to see the animal inside its "den" in the resting phase.

State of the art of observation systems to assess environmental threats to the Mediterranean ecosystem
State of the art of observation systems to assess environmental threats to the Mediterranean ecosystem
Sep 08, 2022 12:00 PM — Sep 08, 2022 06:30 PM Rome

On Thursday 8 September the national event of the ShareMED project group will be held in Rome at the National Research Council, the main objective of which is to increase the capacity of the authorities (trans-national, national and local) of the Mediterranean to jointly evaluate and address the risks related to pollution and the co-existing environmental threats of our seas.

In the program Futuro24 some activities of ISPRA
In the program Futuro24 some activities of ISPRA
Aug 10, 2022

Futuro24, Rai News24's in-depth column, enters the ISPRA laboratories to talk about projects dedicated to the protection of animal species and the territory.

In the episode: the national monitoring of the wolf, land consumption and the creation of the geological cartography of Italy.

National wolf monitoring coordinated by ISPRA in the Superquark television program
National wolf monitoring coordinated by ISPRA in the Superquark television program
Aug 04, 2022

On the 3rd August episode of Superquark, the service on the first national wolf monitoring was broadcast, coordinated by ISPRA on a mandate from the Ministry for Ecological Transition - MiTE.

The monitoring tried to answer the questions: how many wolves are there in Italy? Where am I? The work was carried out between 2018 and 2022, with a data collection carried out between October 2020 - April 2021 which made it possible to estimate the abundance (understood as number of individuals, N) and distribution (minimum area occupied in the Alpine region and the estimated area in the peninsular zone) of the species.

Drones with thermal imaging cameras to detect wildlife
Drones with thermal imaging cameras to detect wildlife
Aug 02, 2022

An experiment in the Castelporziano forest
The video tells of the experimentation conducted by ISPRA to evaluate the ability of different types of drones, infrared video technology masts, to identify the presence of even small mammals in the vegetation of pastures. These innovative tools can be useful for researchers to identify animals even in conditions of poor or absent visibility. The activity was possible thanks to the availability of a different drone model offered by the Castelporziano Presidential Estate Service.