Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Events and News

Interview with two ISPRA researchers on the Aquila-a-Life Project
Interview with two ISPRA researchers on the Aquila-a-Life Project
Jan 19, 2021

At the beginning of December, in Sardinia, two specimens of Bonelli's eagle, Battore and Sadonna, died due to the power lines. The two specimens had been released as part of the Aquila a-Life project, of which ISPRA is a partner, which aims to bring this raptor back to Sardinia. Two ISPRA researchers spoke about what happened and about the Project in an interview on Radio Popolare.
ISPRA and CNR for new monitoring methods of the ungulates population
ISPRA and CNR for new monitoring methods of the ungulates population
Jan 18, 2021

Researchers from the CNR and ISPRA have reviewed the methods for monitoring wild boar populations, demonstrating that through the application of Distance Sampling using night thermal goggles in various Italian protected areas, it is possibile estimate the wild boar populations in a precise and accurate way.

The wolf in Italy: current knowledge and future prespectives
The wolf in Italy: current knowledge and future prespectives
Jan 16, 2021 03:30 PM — Jan 16, 2021 08:00 PM Online event

The online conference "The wolf in Italy: current knowledge and future perspectives" will be held on Saturday 16 January at 2.30 pm, with the participation of internationally renowned scholars, researchers and representatives of various Italian institutions.
ISPRA since last October is coordinating the guidelines for the national monitoring of the wolf, at the meeting an expert of the Istitute will illustrate the targets and results.

Published the Technical Guide "Allocated Zones for Aquaculture (AZA)"
Published the Technical Guide "Allocated Zones for Aquaculture (AZA)"
Dec 30, 2020

This Technical Guide, drafted by ISPRA for the General direction of fisheries and aquaculture of the Ministry of Agriculture, is a practical tool to facilitate the understanding of the processes for the identification and allocation of marine areas to aquaculture as well as to facilitate the identification and selection of new sites taking into account existing constraints, multiple pressures, maritime uses, the state of the marine environment and the carrying capacity of marine ecosystems. It provides advanced knowledge and tools to Regions and coastal municipalities to support the decision-making process for planning new zones for aquaculture development and to integrate Allocated Zones for Aquaculture (AZAs) in the Maritime Spatial Plans, according to the principles of the FAO Ecosystem Approach  to Aquaculture (EAA)

Published the Report "The experimental assessment of the effectiveness of the measures provided for by the National Action Plan for the sustainable use of plant protection products (NAP)"
Published the Report "The experimental assessment of the effectiveness of the measures provided for by the National Action Plan for the sustainable use of plant protection products (NAP)"
Dec 30, 2020

The report highlights the results of an experimental assessment of the effectiveness of the measures provided for by the National Action Plan for the sustainable use of plant protection products (NAP - defined according to EU Directive2009/128/CE) aimed at protecting biodiversity.
The project, funded by the MATTM and coordinated by ISPRA, was carried out between 2015 and 2020 in collaboration with ARPA Piemonte, ARPA Lazio, University of Turin, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. This research was implemented by analyzing differences between conventional and organic crops in rice fields and vineyards (in Piedmont), arable land and hazelnut groves (in Lazio), starting from the assumption that organic method is more compatible with the conservation of biodiversity, as indicated in Measure 13 of the NAP Guidelines (referred to in Ministerial Decree 10/3/2015)

Life SEPOSSO project: educational kit
Life SEPOSSO project: educational kit
Dec 22, 2020

The project LIFE SEPOSSO has collected all the materials and experiences produced during 2 years of meeting, lessons and games with more than 1.500 young people to make them available for all the public.

Scientific meeting on pollinating insects, food safety, health and art
Scientific meeting on pollinating insects, food safety, health and art
Dec 18, 2020 05:30 PM — Dec 18, 2020 07:00 PM

With the patronage of the Argentine Embassy in Italy and the technical assistance of Casa Argentina, the Biological Sciences and Health Commission of the Network of Argentine Researchers in Italy (RCAI) is organizing a meeting dedicated to pollinators, currently threatened by numerous dangers.

Presentation Report Stop Pesticides 2020
Presentation Report Stop Pesticides 2020
Dec 17, 2020 11:00 AM — Dec 17, 2020 01:30 PM Online event

On 17 December Legambiente will presents the Report 2020 on the presence of pesticides in food and provide agricultural good practices.

Testing the effectiveness of the NAP measures for the biodiversity protection
Testing the effectiveness of the NAP measures for the biodiversity protection
Dec 16, 2020 — Dec 17, 2020

The results of the project funded by the MATTM and carried out in cooperation with ARPA Lazio (year 2015-2016), ARPA Piemonte (year 2015, 2018-2020), University of Rome Tor Vergata will be presented during a conference on 16 and 17 December 2020. (DIBIOS Department), University of Turin (DBIOS and DISAFA Departments).
The project aims to test the measures of the National Action Plan for the sustainable use of plant protection products (PAN) intended for the protection of biodiversity, to be implemented, especially in protected areas, Natura 2000 sites and Ramsar areas.

Streaming Live

Interreg Alpine SpaceEco-AlpsWater Workshop
Interreg Alpine SpaceEco-AlpsWater Workshop
Dec 09, 2020 — Dec 10, 2020 Online event

The workshop on EcoAlpsWater will be held on line the next 9 and 10 December 2020, opened to all colleagues interested in research topics on environmental DNA and metagenomics techniques.

The event  will consist of several seminars in English that will cope with the description and logic of the activities in progress in the project, results and perspectives. Overall, it will be a knowledge transfer event, in line with one of the main objectives of the project itself.

National Geographic Festival of Sciences - Plants and animals travelling with human being
National Geographic Festival of Sciences - Plants and animals travelling with human being
Nov 29, 2020 03:45 PM — Nov 29, 2020 04:45 PM Online event

As part of the fifteenth edition of the National Geographic Festival of Sciences, the online event "The sea roads" will be held 25  November.
A history of humanity told by the organisms that man has brought with him: the history of the movements of plants, animals and other organisms, telling how human life has been linked to the organisms that traveled with him, and of as well as our culture has been influenced by it.

ISPRA and the Italian marine protected areas
ISPRA and the Italian marine protected areas
Nov 27, 2020

Marine protected areas are an effective tool to protect marine biodiversity and ensure the sustainable use of resources. ISPRA has made a short video to present the its work of the "Marine Protected Areas" section and the technical-scientific activities to support the Italian Ministry of the Environment. The study activities carried out by ISPRA include investigations of an environmental nature and provide for the involvement of local communities, to acquire the necessary information on environmental values ​​and socio-economic components.


LIFE Sic2Sic “Biodiversity and green economy" - Final Conference
LIFE Sic2Sic “Biodiversity and green economy" - Final Conference
Nov 27, 2020 11:30 AM — Nov 27, 2020 02:00 PM

The report on the results of the LIFE SIC2SIC project becomes an opportunity to face some of the fundamental challenges for the future. The new strategy for biodiversity at national and European level will be the reference framework to the issue of sustainable mobility and the economic and employment value of a territorial development with a strong environmental content.

Renewable plastics, biodegradable and compostable
Renewable plastics, biodegradable and compostable
Nov 24, 2020 — Nov 26, 2020 Online event

The European project BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE aims to research sustainable strategies and solutions for bio-based products to support the EU Plastics Strategy and a Circular Economy. In this frame will organize an opportunity to share reflections with the stakeholders

General States of Urban Green - VI edition
General States of Urban Green - VI edition
Nov 23, 2020 — Nov 24, 2020 Online event

General states of urban green is an event promoted by the Committee for the development of public green set up at the Italian Minister of Environment, Land and Sea under the law 10/2013. Now in its sixth edition, the General States is an opportunity to analyze with the protagonists of politics, science, economics, arts, law, and other social sciences the role of green in the cities.

The central event will take place on 23 November on a day divided into four sessions organized by the Committee for the development of public green spaces, which will be attended by representatives of public institutions and the private world. The ISPRA President Stefano Laporta is participating in the first sesssion.


Streaming first session Facebook ISPRA

The overview of biodiversity in Emilia-Romagna
The overview of biodiversity in Emilia-Romagna
Nov 20, 2020 12:00 PM — Nov 20, 2020 02:30 PM Webinar

Update of the Habitat Map. Monitoring of flora of community interest

The webinar "The overview of biodiversity in Emilia-Romagna" will be held on November 20 and ISPRA expert is attending with a speech on "Habitats of community interest in Italy: monitoring and conservation status".

National forum: the bioeconomy of the forests
National forum: the bioeconomy of the forests
Nov 19, 2020 — Nov 19, 2020 Online event

The event aims to analyze to the bioeconomy and forest ecosystems, biodiversity conservation, global challenges and the role that forests can have in the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and to achieve the objectives of the EU Strategy for biodiversity. An important opportunity to debate on good practices, tools and policies to relaunch the country

Harmony Project - "Laboratory of Co-design for proposals and measures for the PAF Nature 200"
Harmony Project - "Laboratory of Co-design for proposals and measures for the PAF Nature 200"
Nov 17, 2020 12:00 PM — Nov 17, 2020 02:00 PM

The initiative is implemented as part of the "Harmony" project, funded by the P.O. Italy-Malta 2014-2020, whose objective is to define coordinated and shared intervention strategies for the assessment of the integrity of the seabed and the presence of invasive non-indigenous species in the Italian-Maltese area, through the promotion of inclusive decision-making processes participatory.


Eagle day: a day dedicated to the "Bonelli"
Eagle day: a day dedicated to the "Bonelli"
Nov 11, 2020

“Benénnidu Abilastru” : a comic tells the story of the extinct rapacious in Sardegna
The Bonelli eagle in Sicily it is saved from extinction, in Sardegna it has been reintroduced after its disappearance in the 1990s. The result is that in four years an increasing number of specimens of Bonelli fly in the skies of the two Italian islands: thanks to the European projects Life ConRaSi of WWF Italy and Aquila a-Life (coordinated by the Spanish fauna association Grefa and for the Sardegna da Ispra) today one of the most important rapacious for Italy continues to be present in the habitats.


Towards shared proposals and measures for the PAF - Priority Action Plan for Natura 2000
Towards shared proposals and measures for the PAF - Priority Action Plan for Natura 2000
Nov 06, 2020 11:00 AM — Nov 06, 2020 02:00 PM online event

The initiatives is carried out in the whole of the Harmony project funded by P.O Italy-Malta 2014, which the objectives is he protection of marine biodiversity by assessing seabed integrity and the presence of nonindigenous species (NIS) in the Italo-Maltese cross-border area, promoting the development of coordinated strategies and shared decision making processes.

Scienza Insieme and the NET Project: starts the "Researchers story"
Scienza Insieme and the NET Project: starts the "Researchers story"
Nov 04, 2020

The initiatives includes 10 videos that will tell the life experiences of ten researchers of the NET project, their dreams and hopes since they were childhood. The stories, told directly by the researchers' voices, will try to answer to the many questions that often they received,  by email or in the conferences, to understand what kind of study are necessary to become a scientist. Aimed above all at an audience, the 10 episodes are stories of young people who have decided to undertake a fascinating and challenging profession.

National Plan for the management of the pond slider
National Plan for the management of the pond slider
Nov 04, 2020

Ispra and the Ministry of Environment have published the National Plan for the management of the pond slider.
Given the wide spread of the species on the national territory, the general objective of this Plan is to develop a management strategy of Trachemys scriptache that minimizes the negative impacts of biodiversity itself, on eco-esteem, on public health, on the agro-zootechnical heritage or on the economy (Article 22 of Legislative Decree 230/17), through diversified control measures depending on the environmental context and the degree of diffusion of the species.



#Cirimettiamolepinne #SUB4FAN #ART4FAN
#Cirimettiamolepinne #SUB4FAN #ART4FAN
Oct 30, 2020 11:00 AM — Oct 30, 2020 02:00 PM

Workshop of updating on the ecological status of the  Pinna nobilis 
From 27 October to 1 November in Trieste there will be an exhibition on the largest mollusk in the Mediterranean, now at risk of extinction also in the Gulf of Trieste. In addition to the exhibition, a scientific workshop on 30 October in which scientists and scholars from the main bodies that are working on Pinna nobilis at local and national level will participate.


Presentation of the IPBES report: links between biodiversity and pandemics
Presentation of the IPBES report: links between biodiversity and pandemics
Oct 29, 2020

The new report that focus on biodiversity and pandemics of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) has been presented in streaming from Bonn. The report is the result of a seminar, organized in July where prestigious scientists convened from every part of the world. The report is a fundamental scientific contribution to help to better understand the new pandemics and to contrast them in the future.

Ispra, for behalf of the Italian Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea, with three experts as a National Focal Point of IPBES, have edited the peer-reviewed the report.

A resource not to be wasted: towards a common policy for the integrity of the seabed in the Mediterranean Sea
A resource not to be wasted: towards a common policy for the integrity of the seabed in the Mediterranean Sea
Oct 28, 2020 11:00 AM — Oct 28, 2020 02:00 PM online event

The objectives of the HARMONY Project are the protection of marine biodiversity by assessing seabed integrity and the presence of nonindigenous species (NIS) in the Italo-Maltese cross-border area, promoting the development of coordinated strategies and shared decision making processes.

PINE AID. Looking into the future of the Planet
PINE AID. Looking into the future of the Planet
Oct 23, 2020 08:00 PM — Oct 23, 2020 10:30 PM Streaming live

The Monumental Pinewood of Fregene is a place of history and nature and its conservation and maintenance is therefore a task of competent specialists.
For this reason, the Pro Loco of Fregene and Maccarese will organize a scientific conference involving leading experts in botany, natural and forestry sciences, conservation of naturalistic heritage, in order to prepare a document to update the guidelines aimed at maintenance and conservation of the Monumental Pinewood of Fregene.

EICAT, a method to classify the alien species impacts
EICAT, a method to classify the alien species impacts
Oct 22, 2020

IUCN Global Standard for classifying the severity and type of impacts caused by alien species, known as the Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (EICAT).

National Geographic Festival of Sciene - Aliens alarms
National Geographic Festival of Sciene - Aliens alarms
Oct 21, 2020 08:00 PM — Oct 21, 2020 10:00 PM online event

Fighting invasive species through the involvement of society and the enhancement of local knowledge 
A wew online appointment with Ispra and National Geographic Festival of Sciences. A two-way dialogue with the Institute's experts to understand how much and why it is fundamental to fight the phenomenon of invasive alien species, both terrestrial and marine, through conscious and responsible behavior. The video produced by Ispra will be broadcast on the Festival website and Facebook page.

Plastic and the Mediterranean sea
Plastic and the Mediterranean sea
Oct 21, 2020 07:00 PM — Oct 21, 2020 08:00 PM online event

In the frame of a series of meetings entitled "Face to face with plastic", organized by the Natural History Museum of Calci (PI) on the occasion of the exhibition "Plastic and us", dedicated to the topic ff plastic pollution in the sea, the online event "Plastics and the Mediterranean Sea" will be held on 21 October, with Ispra experts taking part

The landscape as a driving force for the development of a different society twenty years after the European Landscape Convention
The landscape as a driving force for the development of a different society twenty years after the European Landscape Convention
Oct 20, 2020 11:30 AM — Oct 20, 2020 08:30 PM Streaming online

The event , after20 years after the European Landscape Convention, aims to analyze the reflections of sector experts. The European Landscape Convention was adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg in July 2000 and was opened for signature by the member states in Florence on 20 October 2000. The Convention aims to promote the  protection, management and planning of landscapes and strengthen European cooperation